BitBucket change announcement: "Pull requests are now immutable" - what does this mean? - bitbucket

The Atlassian Change Blog provides details about new and pending changes being rolled out to customers of their products.
The BitBucket Cloud section of this week's blog (Jan 16 to Jan 23, 2023) linked above contains this cryptic new entry:
Text version:
Pull requests are now immutable
Bitbucket Cloud pull requests are now immutable. Note: You might come across pull requests that were merged before this change was implemented, so you may see some changes that are not relevant anymore.
Can anyone explain what this entry means and what functionality was actually changed?
I've played around with several test pull requests, but so far have not noticed any difference in capabilities or features.
I've searched the BitBucket documentation, forums, BCLOUD JIRA, and Google but turned up no source with further details (presumably because the change is so new).

As far as I know there's been no official clarification from Atlassian so far, this answer contains educated guesses based on community discussion.
After further experimentation, I now believe the change blog intended to say:
Bitbucket Cloud pull requests are now immutable after merge.
In particular it appears that certain properties of pull requests (PRs) can no longer be changed after merge. This includes at least:
PR title
PR description
PR reviewer list and approvals
PR task list, task descriptions and task completion status
PR code diff (ignores subsequent changes to the source branch)
These properties are now fixed at merge time and cannot be changed after merge (at least using the Bitbucket Cloud web UI). At least some of these appear to represent a recent behavioral change roughly corresponding to the Jan 2023 time window in question.
As of 2023-01-23, comments on merged PRs can still be added, edited and deleted after merge. Deleting a comment with an attached task (in either state) also deletes the task, but this may have been unintentional.


Jenkins to deploy on Gitlab merge into development, but ignore updates

I have Jenkins set up, connected with Gitlab, to do some deployment stuff whenever a merge request gets accepted into the development branch. It pulls the code, runs some incantations, increments the version number, and commits+pushes that new version number in. The only issue, that I just discovered, is that updating old, already merged MRs, even in trivial ways such as updating the milestone or title, will trigger the build. Because of this, when I just updated multiple old merge requests to have the milestone for this release, the version number got incremented ten times or so- not ideal.
My Gitlab triggers inside Jenkins are quite closed down (please note I'm not on EE):
My Gitlab integrations settings only fire on MR events (and I'm aware there's no way to say only on merging in, rather than editing):
I also have some custom build scripts that do bits and bobs, but the main part that bumps the version number checks that if [ "$GIT_COMMIT" != "$GIT_PREVIOUS_SUCCESSFUL_COMMIT" ]; then. However, even though this seemed logical at the time, it became apparent recently that old, stale merge requests will still be true for this when compared to the development HEAD.
There are many different aspects to this that could be the cause of the trouble, and it may be a very easy solution, but I'm not sure what that would be quite yet. Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated.

Database issue (orphaned migrations) when using git flow branches

Have a git flow question if anyone can help. I'm not really comfortable with using the git flow approach to things so this may be a very stupid question, but here goes:
The way my company handles things is by naming each feature after a specific issue code that relates to the GitHub "issues" page. So, for example, I finished feature/issue-3118 a short time ago. In that branch, I had to remove 2 columns from the user table and clear out (or change) anything that was trying to access it. This was completed, all tests passed etc so I pushed the branch. I then did a git checkout develop and started a new feature branch for the next task assigned to me (called feature/issue-3201).
The problem I have now is that the current branch is failing a bunch of tests that were fixed in the last branch. Running rake db:migrate:status shows my 2 previous migrations as now being orphaned so methods etc. trying to access them are failing tests.
The issue-3118 branch is still in review so I can not just update my master and be on my way. Rather than going through all the database changes again manually (or waiting for the master to be updated), is there an easy way to get over this issue? If I merge the branches, won't this cause conflict issues when I push the current branch?
(If this does indeed sound like a really stupid question, I am about as junior as junior devs get - started my first web development job on August 1st!)
One option, which is likely the way that I would do it, is to start the new feature branch from your feature/issue-3118 branch, rather than from the head of develop. This is not the standard approach, but it sounds as though your new feature is dependent on the completion of feature/issue-3118.
That way, the new feature, will already have those changes in it, and you can continue work there.
Then, once feature/issue-3118 is merged into develop, you can rebase your new feature branch on develop, and continue work.
This maintains the segregation of the work that needs to happen, but allows you to continue while issue-3118 is being reviewed.
Likely, you should get sign off from other people in your team prior to going down this route.

JIRA implementation for process control and scrum

I am reviewing JIRA for possible use within several development teams at the company I work for. We use Scrum as a base for our project management. We have good, self-organizing teams, almost no assigned work, etc. JIRA seems great for some of these items, but something we are struggling with is handling the management of process vs technical tasks and something we call "issue bundling".
Process control. Currently we will create a story, say "The graph on the Profit and Loss report has issues with overlapping legend text". Okay, good enough. We will then create a technical sub-task, for simplicity let's say it's "Research and correct the issue". Next we have a set of process sub-tasks that we create. Peer Review, Make Build, QA Testing, Merge, Track. Each of these can then be independently assigned to users and placed into the Pending bin on our scrum board (BTW, we use a Pending, Awaiting Action, In Progress, Done, Merged model rather than a todo, in progress, done model). Pending basically means, I'm waiting if I'm next in priority. During development the programmers will grab the technical task, set themselves as assignee and move to in progress. When they are done they will move it to the Done bin and then update the Peer Review process sub task to "Awaiting Action", and set the assignee to their code partner. Emails are sent, peer review is done. When that is completed the peer review partner will move Peer Review to the Done bin and set the Make Build sub task to the build manager and move it to Awaiting Action. Build manager sees this, makes build, moves it to done and updates the QA Testing ticket to a Awaiting Action status, you get the point.
It's working, but are their any suggestions on alternatives, best practices, etc. Is creating technical and process sub-tasks not the way to go? One thing I notice is that we have to filter the issue list to hide the sub tasks and the scrum board can get pretty overwhelming for the stakeholder who just wants to see the status of the parent story. Since the parent story does not move until the sub-tasks move they don't see anything that is of interest to them, not even if the story is "in progress" while the sub-tasks are moving. Ugh.
Issue bundling. We often have a set of issues that are related perhaps tightly, but typically more general. For example, all issues that are related to reports in our software. At the present there are say 15 known issues. These issues may be on different reports in the system, with specific steps to reproduce, etc. When we are gearing up for a sprint we will select bundles of these related issues. The reason is that QA can more efficiently test a bunch of small fixes that are generally related in one pass rather than testing each report as a separate process.
Currently we move each issue to a subtask of a bundle. The bundle for example might be simply called "Report Fixes 1", and it will have, for example, 5 sub-tasks that are technical, each being a different report bug to be fixed. We can then add the process control items from above to the overall bundle. We also know that we won't merge until all items in the bundle are done, so they all get the same version.
However, as stated above, visibility is reduced as you cannot see the status easily of the subtasks now that they are in the bundle.
Again, best practice? Ideas? How are others handling this?
Have you considered combining your process sub-tasks (Peer Review, Make Build) and your Scrum board "bins" (Pending, Awaiting Action)? Subtasks are the usual way to provide parallel tasks in JIRA, but the way you describe the whole process it sounded more linear. If each story really gets bounced from one assignee to another, just change the assignee and the status.
"Issue bundling" sounds like Epics in GreenHopper to me. You can also do a similar thing using a Labels field (standard or custom) to group issues.
Here is how we are handling this -
The process sub-tasks you mentioned are statuses in our implementation. So, I'll have the story broken into Technical tasks that the dev finishes and then moves the story to "Pending Review" status, from where it goes to Make Build and QA Testing and so on. This is pretty much what Matt said as well. This workflow gives the stakeholders the sense of the progress that is being made on the sprint and thus is very helpful.
As such there is nothing like best practice in JIRA, it is very flexible and one can use it the way one wants/needs.
I agree with you on Epics not being a complete solution. We overcome this by adding labels and creating filters and swimlanes based on these filters.

How to cherry pick after having merged several changesets into one

We are using TFS 2010 with the Basic Branch Plan outlined in the Branching Guide on codeplex
for an internal web application. We have just the 3 basic branches = Dev, Main (QA/Testing), and Release (Production).
Because the app is an internal web application, we only support the single production release.
We basically develop locally and once we complete a task (a bug fix or enhancement), we commit it to Dev. We also generally do a Get Latest from Dev every day when we start work to pull down anything checked in by the other developers. After some period of time (usually a week or two), we'll decide we have enough changes to justify updating the QA site and do a Merge All from Dev to Main and then deploy the merged Main branch to a QA server for testing.
QA will then start testing the site, and after they're satisfied, we'll do a Merge All from Main to Release and deploy the merged Release branch to our production server. Sometimes we even wind up doing multiple Dev-to-Main merges before actually merging everything on up to Release.
Anyway, we've been using this strategy for a couple of months now and until recently everything was looking great. We were able to hotfix Release if we ran into some critical problem in production and then just merge it backwards. All was looking good.
Then we ran into something we didn't know how to deal with. We were given the directive of merging ONLY a single code fix on up from Main to Release (without merging everything else in Main). Now since we didn't know this was coming, when the original changeset was merged from Dev to Main, it was merged along with several other changesets. So when I went to merge from Main to Release, the only option I had was for the entire merged changset. I couldn't "drill-down" into the merged changeset and pick just the one original changeset from Dev that I really wanted.
I wound up manually applying the change like a hotfix in Release just to get it out there. But now I'm trying to understand how you prevent a situation like this.
I've read several articles on merging strategy and everything seems to recommend NOT cherry-picking changesets when you go to merge - to simple merge everything available... which makes sense.. but if you always merge multiple changesets (and they become one changeset in the destination branch), then how do you potentially merge only one of the original changesets on up to production if the need arises?
For example, if merging Dev (C1, C2, C3) to Main (becomes C4) - then how to merge only C1 from 'within' C4 on up to Release?
It makes me think we'd be better off merging every single changeset individually from Dev to Main instead of doing several at once. At least then we could easily just take one on up from Main to Release if the need arises.
Any recommendations/life lessons/etc. on handling branching/merging for this specific scenario would be greatly appreciated.
In your scenario you could have done the following:
Rollback C4 in Main (becomes C5, because rollbacks are changesets themselves, which apply inverse changes)
Merge from Dev to Main again, but this time select only C1 (becomes C6 in Main).
Now rollback changesets C5 and C6 again, so you have all changes in Main like before. (becomes C7 in Main).
After this you have the same code base in Main as before and you can now merge C6 (which has only the changes from C1) from Main to Release.
However, to prevent such trouble in future you should really consider merging every single changeset from dev to main separately.
I would not recommend merging every single change-set from dev to main; That would be a bad idea with much additional risk!
but if you always merge multiple changesets (and they become one
changeset in the destination branch), then how do you potentially
merge only one of the original changesets on up to production if the
need arises?
You don't and should not let the need arise.
This is probably not the easy answer that you are looking for, but there really is no easy answer. Merging every single change-set is creating a massive amount of effort to prepare for something that should not be happening anyway. Indeed the process of merging individual change-sets introduces yet more complexity that will, in the end, bit you in the ass when you can't figure out why your software is not working... "dam, I missed change-set 43 out of 50"...
If the result of a bug:
In your scenario it may have been better if you manually re-applied the "fix" to either a "hotfix" branch off of Release or directly to the Release line.
That is just the cost of having bugs slip through to production and I would spend a little time figuring out why this problem got passed QA and how to prevent it in the future.
If the result of an enhancement:
Did your financial (CFO) guys authorise the reduction in quality in production that is a direct result of shipping untested code? I hope that they did as they effectively own the balance statements upon which that software is listed as an organisational asset!
It is not viable to ship only one feature, built and tested with other features, to production without completing your entire regression cycle again.
I would not recommend merging every single change-set or feature from dev to main; That would be a bad idea with much additional risk that should be hi-lighted to the appropriate people!

How to automatically create and assign ticket in trac to responsible developer if build failes

I'm searching for a possibility to automatically create a new ticket in trac in case of a build failure. The problem is, that the ticket has to be assigned to the person who broke the build.
I tried the TicketToTracScript to create a ticket, but I don't know how to get the responsible person for the ticket.
What do you mean by "the responsible person for the ticket"?
If you mean the account responsible for filing the ticket, then I recommend creating a separate Trac user account for your auto-build system. This account would only be used by scripts that auto-file tickets. This is typically a much easier route to take than trying to re-use someone's developer account.
If you mean the person to whom the ticket should be assigned, then I'm afraid that there's no easy answer. Determining who is responsible for breaking a build is usually very difficult to automate based solely on the build results.
If your build output gives you a line number for the offense that caused the failure, you can use a feature like svn blame (if your version control system has something similar) to see who was the last person to change that line. That may not actually be the person who broke the build, however, but it does give you a start. I have seen some systems that list everyone who modified the offending file since the last build on the ticket in the "CC" field, and list the last person to change that line as the owner. That will at least cause the issue to be investigated, and the ticket can be re-assigned if needed.
The only true way to know who broke the build is to attempt to build intermediate revisions until you discover the commit that caused the problem. Tools like git bisect are useful for this, if your revision control system provides something analagous. This is of course completely dependent on the length of time it takes to do a full build. If you have a large code base that takes 45 minutes to build, then this would probably take far too much time to be practical. If your project is, say, broken up into individual components that can be built separately, then you can test-build only the component that failed and quickly identify the offending commit.
