how i can filter the special character "ñ" in data set from delphi 7? - delphi

I have an application in delphi 7 that use a database query and bring information to client dataset. Then i need use the filter that provide the dataset to filter the info when the user press the keys. I have an issue with the character special "ñ" (aplication in spanish). The database connection is with PostgreSQL and works correctly.
SELECT * FROM public.users WHERE lastname ILIKE '%ñ%'
The function to filter the data is the following (simplified for this case):
procedure TfmForm.gdPersonalKeyPress(Sender: TObject;
var Key: Char);
ClientDataSetUsers.Filtered := False;
ClientDataSetUsers.Filter := ' UPPER(lastname) LIKE ' + #39 + '%' + UpperCase(lbSearch.Caption) + '%' + #39;
ClientDataSetUsers.Filtered := True;
This functionality also works well but not when I insert the character "Ñ" (it does not bring anything). Is there a way to filter the dataset using this character?

was the answer that solved the problem


How Can I Create Insert and Update SQL's by pure code

I'm currently using AdoQuery's and append post commands. But for data security I want to change my code with insert into and update table name...
But I have a lot of forms and tables...
Because of that I think maybe someone has already developed code for generating insert statements.
Actually I have found a way but I'm stuck.
I have query1. it contains the fieldlist.
I'm creating a parameter list in another query from this fieldlist.
I'm updating the parameters field by field.
This is not very convenient
Can someone give me a easy ways to do this.
Note: I prefer coding this job with only standard components. I don't want to install additional components.
Maybe not the reply you want. I think you need to raise the abstraction level. You need to skip SQL. An ORM framework can do this for you. It maybe feels like a big step for you but I promise it is also a relief to just use code like: := 'Bob';
Invoice.customer.address.street := 'Abbey road';
Edit1.text :=;
To actually update database you need to call an update method that differ depending on framework. For a list of frameworks see here. I am also aware of TMS Aurelius. I use Bold on daily use. Bold also have features like OCL, derived attributes and links in the model, some boldaware components (it updates whenever db changes). But it has one big disadvantage. It is only available for D2006/D2007. I am working for a solution on this because I think it is the best and most mature ORM framework for Delphi. See also my blog on Bold for Delphi. Ask if you have questions!
You take the fieldlist from your query.
Create a new query with parameters.
And fill in the values.
Something like this:
TableNameEscapeStart = '['; //SQL server, use '`' for MySQL
TableNameEscapeEnd = ']'; //SQL server, use '`' for MySQL
FieldNameEscapeStart = '[';
FieldNameEscapeEnd = ']';
function CreateInsertStatementFromTable1ToTable2(Table1, Table2: TTable): String;
i: integer;
comma: string;
i:= 0;
Result:= 'INSERT INTO '+TableNameEscapeStart + Table2.TableName + TableNameEscapeEnd + ' (';
comma:= ' , '
while i < Table1.FieldCount do begin
if (i = Table1.FieldCount -1) then begin comma:= ' '; end;
Result:= Result + FieldNameEscapeStart + Table1.Fields.Field[i].Name + FieldNameEscapeEnd + comma;
Result:= Result +' ) VALUES ( ';
i:= 0;
comma:= ' , '
while i < Table1.FieldCount do begin
if (i = Table1.FieldCount -1) then begin comma:= ' '; end;
Result:= Result +':' + IntToStr(i+1) + comma;
end; {while}
Result:= Result + ' ); ';
There are three avenues for SQL injection here.
1. The field values
2. The table name
3. The field names
The first is covered by the use of parameters.
The second and third are covered, because you're using the table and field names of the table directly.
If you don't have a trusted source of table and fields names, then you need to compare these against the table and fieldnames obtained directly from the table.
See: Delphi - prevent against SQL injection
You insert the data using ParamByName (slowly) or more efficiently using Param[i] where i starts at 0.
In MySQL it's even easier:
If table1 and table2 have the same fields, the following SQL will insert all data in table2 into table1:
INSERT INTO table1 SELECT * FROM table2;

TAdoquery date format

I am Java developer. I have some old program in Delphi. In old version they work with mdb. I fixed it for connection with SQL Server. All SQL queries are implemented with TAdoQuery.
qryTemp.SQL.Text:='select sum(iif(ComeSumm>0,comesumm,0)),sum(iif(lostSumm>0,lostsumm,0)) from cash '+
'where (IdCashClause is null or idcashclause<>8) '+
' and cashNum='+IntToStr(i)+
' and CashType=0'+
' and format(PayDate,"dd/mm/yyyy")=format('''+DateToStr(Date)+''',"dd/mm/yyyy") ';
The program throws an exception:
Invalid column name 'dd/mm/yyyy'.
I have fixed other query for comparison:
qryTemp.SQL.Text:=' select top 1 iif(ComeSumm>0,comesumm,0) from cash '
+' where idCashReason=1 and idCashClause=8 and cashNum='+IntToStr(i)
+' and PayDate<:D'
+' order by payDate desc';
Can I quickly fix all queries for work with SQL Server without rewriting the whole project?
Assuming PayDate is defined as date/datetime in MSSQL you could use parameters as follow:
qryTemp.SQL.Text:=' select top 1 iif(ComeSumm>0,comesumm,0) from cash '
+' where idCashReason=1 and idCashClause=8 and cashNum='+IntToStr(i)
+' and PayDate<:D'
+' order by payDate desc';
qryTemp.Parameters.ParamByName('D').Value := Date;
qryTemp.Parameters.ParamByName('D').DataType := ftDateTime;
I'd also change cashNum to parameter i.e.:
+' where idCashReason=1 and idCashClause=8 and cashNum=:cashNum'+
qryTemp.Parameters.ParamByName('cashNum').Value := i;
Always prefer to use compatible data types with your parameters, rather than formatting and using strings. SQL does not need to guess your data types if you can explicitly define them.
Note: IIF was introduced in SQL Server 2012. for older version use CASE expression.
In older Non-Unicode Delphi versions, Parameters have issue with Unicode.
So, If you don't use Parameters you could use the following:
function DateTimeToSqlDateTime(const DT: TDateTime): WideString;
Result := FormatDateTime('yyyy-MM-dd', DT) + ' ' + FormatDateTime('hh:mm:ss', DT);
function SqlDateTimeStr(const DT: TDateTime; const Is_MSSQL: Boolean): WideString;
S: WideString;
S := DateTimeToSqlDateTime(DT);
if Is_MSSQL then
Result := Format('CONVERT(DATETIME, ''%s'', 102)', [S])
Result := Format('#%s#', [S]); // MS-ACCESS
And your query will look as follow:
+' and PayDate<' + SqlDateTimeStr(Date, True)
It´s very likely that the PayDate column is declared as DATE in the cash table. Considering that, your parameter should be a TDateTime and not a string, like this:
qryTemp.SQL.Text:=' select top 1 iif(ComeSumm>0,comesumm,0) from cash '
+' where idCashReason=:cashReason and idCashClause=8 and cashNum='+IntToStr(i)
+' and PayDate<:D'
+' order by payDate desc';
qryTemp.Parameters.ParamByName('D').Value := Date;
I replaced only one of the parameters, but you should consider replacing all of them, since this will improve the server performance by enabling its sentence cache.
Getting back to your original question, I guess the only way to refactor all the application would be to have a refactoring program that could parse your code, find those situations and follow a pattern to replace one piece of code by another.
I do not know any tool that can do that nowaways.
Maybe using find/replace that supports regular expressions can help you, but it certainly wont´t fix the cases in one single pass. You would have to run a series of replace phases in order to transform your code from what it is to what you want it to be.
DateToStr uses localization information contained in global variables to format the date string. Maybe this is the problem.
You can try FormatDateTime:
qryTemp.SQL.Text:='select sum(iif(ComeSumm>0,comesumm,0)),sum(iif(lostSumm>0,lostsumm,0)) from cash '+
'where (IdCashClause is null or idcashclause<>8) '+
' and cashNum='+IntToStr(i)+
' and CashType=0'+
' and format(PayDate,"dd/MM/yyyy")='''+FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy',Date)+'''';

Inserting dates using "A Simple Delphi Wrapper for SQLite3"

I am using delphi 2010, and Tim Anderson's SQLite3 wrapper - - but I am having trouble inserting dates
Here is my database creation
DB.ExecSql('CREATE TABLE Tags (No Integer NOT NULL, Title VarChar(25) NOT NULL, Creator VarChar(25) NULL, Born Date NULL, Charter Boolean Default False NULL, Owned Boolean Default False NULL, Image Blob NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_No PRIMARY KEY (No));');
Which builds and works fine. I tested it with SQLite administrator -
I am even able to manually enter dates using adminstrator
here is my insert
DB.ExecSql('Insert into Tags (No, Title, Creator, Born, Charter, Owned) ' +
'values (' + quotedStr(frmTag.edtTagNo.Text) + ',' + quotedStr(frmTag.edtTitle.Text) + ',' +
quotedStr(frmTag.edtCreator.Text) + ',' + quotedStr(frmTag.edtBorn.Text) + ',' +
quotedStr(BoolToStr(frmTag.cbxCharter.Checked)) + ',' + quotedStr(BoolToStr(frmTag.cbxOwned.Checked)) + ');');
The date field is being supplied by the edtBorn control (TRzDateEdit)
I have checked the values of edtBorn.Text amd prior to the insert and the date is always correct.
I have tried inserting the following ways:
I have even tried using a parameters
DB.AddParamText('#ABorn', frmTag.edtBorn.Text);
DB.AddParamFloat('#ABorn', frmTag.edtBorn.Date);
Nothing seems to work! I get no exceptions, yet my field never gets a dat value!
Date and Time Datatype
SQLite are capable of storing dates and times as TEXT, REAL, or INTEGER values:
TEXT as ISO8601 strings ("YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS").
REAL as Julian day numbers, the number of days since noon in Greenwich on November 24, 4714 B.C. according to the proleptic Gregorian calendar.
INTEGER as Unix Time, the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
Showing here for example the REAL and INTEGER part.
modified SQLite3 wrapper Testfile: uTestSqlite
sSQL := sSQL + '[Name] VARCHAR (255),[Number] FLOAT,[Date] INTEGER, [notes] BLOB,
sldb.execsql('CREATE INDEX TestTableName ON [testtable]([Name]);');
//begin a transaction
sSQL := 'INSERT INTO testtable(Name,OtherID,Number,Date) VALUES ("Some Name", 4,
julianday("now"), strftime("%s","now"));';
sSQL := 'INSERT INTO testtable(Name,OtherID,Number,Date,Notes) VALUES ("Another Name",12,
julianday("2013-03-01"),strftime("%s","2013-03-01"), "More notes");';
//end the transaction
//query the data
sltb := slDb.GetTable('SELECT * FROM testtable');
if sltb.Count > 0 then
//display first row
Show the values:
procedure TForm1.updateFields;
Notes: string;
myDate :TDateTime;
ebName.Text := sltb.FieldAsString(sltb.FieldIndex['Name']);
ebID.Text := inttostr(sltb.FieldAsInteger(sltb.FieldIndex['ID']));
if TryJulianDateToDateTime(sltb.FieldAsDouble(sltb.FieldIndex['Number']),myDate)
ebNumber.Text := DateTimeToStr(myDate)
ShowMessage('Not a valid Julian date');
ebDate.Text := DateTimeToStr(myDate);
In your problem with DB.ExecSql('CREATE TABLE Tags (..., Born Date NULL,...);');
replace in DB.ExecSql('Insert into Tags (....) VALUES (...
+ quotedStr(frmTag.edtBorn.Text)
The value of frmTag.edtBorn.Text must be like 1975-10-21
You can get it with:
ebDate.Text := sltb.FieldAsString(sltb.FieldIndex['Born']);
I've made my own 'really light' SQLite3 wrapper, but use Variants to decide whether which sqlite3 internal type to use:
There I've found the 'loose typing' sqlite3 internally works really well, and I found out that Delphi's dates stored in a Variant turn into a floating point value in SQLite3 (which TDateTime actually is by the way). A possible downside is the date values are a bit clumsy to manipulate from SQL. I regret to see you've already tried AddParamFloat (and FieldAsFloat) and this didn't appear to work.
So I suggest you store the date as a string, using one if the sqlite date formats, for example using FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.zzz',d). See more here:
I use both Delphi 2010 and Tim Anderson's SQLite3 wrapper.
Here's what I use to create & use a datetime field. Its fairly straight forward and has been working for me. I trust that you can figure out the concept illustrated below with me having to write you a demo program.
SQL to create field:
sSQL := 'CREATE TABLE [someTable] (' +
' [somefield1] VARCHAR(12),' +
' [somefield2] VARCHAR(12),' +
' [myDateTime] DATETIME );';
SQL to populate field:
sSQL := 'INSERT INTO someTable(somefield1, somefield2, myDateTime)' +
' VALUES ( "baloney1", "baloney2","' + FloatToStr(Now) + '");';
Example of retrieving data from field:
sDBFilePathString: string;
sl3tbl: TSqliteTable;
fsldb : TSQLiteDatabase;
FromdbDTField : TDateTime;
fsldb := TSQLiteDatabase.Create(sDBFilePathString);
sl3tbl := fsldb.GetTable('SELECT * FROM someTable');
FromdbDateTime := StrToFloat(sl3tbl.FieldAsString(sl3tbl.FieldIndex['myDateTime']));
Showmessage('DT: ' + DateTimeToStr(FromdbDTField));
**DT: 10/10/2013 1:09:53 AM**
I leave it to you to make things prettier or more elegant.

Using LIKE and '%' in an ADO dataset filter

I have a problem when trying to apply a filter to a ADO dataset in Delphi XE2 ...
Filter := ' [Name] like ''%john'' ';
It raises an exception:
Project Test.exe raised exception class EOleException with message
'Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range,
or are in conflict with one another'. Process stopped.
but when using:
Filter := ' [Name] like ''john%'' '
it works fine!
The Operator can only be one of the following:
= < > <= >= <> LIKE
If you use the LIKE operator, you can also use the * or % wildcards as the last character in the string or as the first and last character in the string.
You can catch the filter on the event OnFilterRecord:
procedure TForm1.ADODataSet1FilterRecord(DataSet: TDataSet; var Accept: Boolean);
iPos: Integer;
iPos:= pos('john',ADODataSet1name.AsString);
if (iPos>0) and
(iPos = length(ADODataSet1name.AsString)-3) then
Accept:= True;
Accept:= False;
function TForm1.IsLastCriteria(AText: String): Boolean;
iPos: Integer;
iPos:= pos(AText,ADODataSet1name.AsString);
Result:= (iPos>0) and
(iPos = length(ADODataSet1name.AsString)-length(AText)-1);
procedure TForm1.ADODataSet1FilterRecord(DataSet: TDataSet; var Accept: Boolean);
Accept:= IsLastCriteria('john');
AS. I still ask you to read and describe your environment accordingly.
What is database server ?
What version are MDAC/ADO components?
What the query is ?
What is Name column type in SQL ?
You are "upping" the comments, that si nice. But you don't answer the questions. And that is not nice. We are not ESPers, we canot read you mind.
I put you few suggestions in comments above. Did you tried them ? Did they worked ? To quote them:
Maybe you can update ADO/MDAC to 2.8sp1 version. Referenced MSDN KB articles are told to apply to MDAC up to 2.7 version. Maybe 2.8sp1 no more has that limitation.
Maybe you can use some data-server specific tricks like copying last 4 letters of Name into a separate column.
Maybe you can move that condition into SQL SELECT WHERE clause and re-open the query.
Maybe there is event-handler like TBDEDataSet.OnFilterRecord
There are 4 workarounds and you either did not tried them or did not reported the results. Not nice.
Idea #1 is self-explanatory
Idea #3 was detailed by #SertacAkyuz as far as he could do it, giving lack of information about your program.
Idea #4 was detailed by #Ravaut123
Idea #2 is outlined below
Assuming your "ADO database" is backed by Microsoft Access, and according to ...
Or using MS SQL and according to ...
Query.SQL.Text := 'select Right(Name, 4) as name_tail, * from table where ...'
See that extra column added to query! 4 is length for "john" there.
With query like that the following filtering conditions are to be equivalent:
Filter := ' [Name] like ''%john'' ';
Filter := ' [name_tail] = ''john'' ';
However, if on some rows Name column is shorter than 4 letters, i don't know what RIGHT function would do. Maybe it will truncate the result, or maybe throw an error and abort the query. The latter maybe - depending on the real data - maybe can be alleviated by padding with spaces to the 4 length like
LTrim(Right(' ' || Name, 4)) as name_tail
That is for you to test, since only you know the details of your environment.
The simplest answer to this question was mentioned in comments.
If you used asterisk instead of percent symbol, everything would work great
Filter := ' [Name] like ''*john'' ';

Locate in Delphi XE2 TADO exception with single quote in search value

Having trouble with Delphi XE2 (update2) using MS SQL 2008 R2 (sp 2) or with MS SQL 2005 (sp4).
form1.ado_m is via the TADO dataset with no parameter check using native 64 sql
code snippet:
If the value of dd ends in a single quote (it is converted to '' in the debugger) it gives a exception:
Exception class EOleException with message 'Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another'.
What is strange to me is that is a single quote character is the middle of var dd it works fine.
The problem is caused by the number sign (#) AND quote together in the search value.
Locate use the ADO find method: The value in Criteria may be a string, floating-point number, or date. String values are delimited with single quotes or "#" (number sign) marks (for example, "state = 'WA'" or "state = #WA#").
Try to replace the number sign OR quote character by inserting records.
Another option is to use the OnFilterRecord and filtered property:
FSearchValue := 'A1020778014#;]_69BO'''; // private field in TForm1
ado_m.Filtered := true;
okd := not ado_m.IsEmpty;
ado_m.Filtered := false;
procedure TForm1.ado_mFilterRecord(DataSet: TDataSet;
var Accept: Boolean);
Accept := SameText(DataSet.FieldByName('abcrow').AsString, FSearchValue);
