mlr3 standard deviation for k-fold cross-validation resampling - standard-deviation

Anybody know how to extract the standard deviation for a ResampleResult/BenchmarkResult in mlr3?
The implemented metrics seems to be returning only the average value.
measures <- list(
mlr3::msr("classif.fbeta", predict_sets = "train", id = "fbeta_train"),
mlr3::msr("classif.fbeta", id = "fbeta_test")

Calculating standard errors from Resampling Results is not as straight-forward, as e.g. the folds of a cross-validation are not independent.
We are currently working on integrating some methods to calculate standard errors and confidence intervals, as well as providing new resampling techniques that allow for proper inference of the generalization error.


When do I use scoring vs metrics to evaluate ML performance

hi what is the basic difference between 'scoring' and 'metrics'. these are used to measure performance but how do they differ?
if you see the example
in the below the cross val is using 'neg_mean_squared_error' for scoring
X = array[:, 0:13]
Y = array[:, 13]
seed = 7
kfold = model_selection.KFold(n_splits=10, random_state=seed)
model = LinearRegression()
scoring = 'neg_mean_squared_error'
results = model_selection.cross_val_score(model, X, Y, cv=kfold, scoring=scoring)
print("MSE: %.3f (%.3f)") % (results.mean(), results.std())
but in the below xgboost example I am using metrics = 'rmse'
cmatrix = xgb.DMatrix(data=X, label=y)
params = {'objective': 'reg:linear', 'max_depth': 3}
cv_results =, params=params, nfold=3, num_boost_round=5, metrics='rmse', as_pandas=True, seed=123)
how do they differ?
They don't; these are actually just different terms, to declare the same thing.
To be very precise, scoring is the process in which one measures the model performance, according to some metric (or score). The scikit-learn term choice for the argument scoring (as in your first snippet) is rather unfortunate (it actually implies a scoring function), as the MSE (and its variants, as negative MSE and RMSE) are metrics or scores. But practically speaking, as shown in your example snippets, these two terms are used as synonyms and are frequently used interchangeably.
The real distinction of interest here is not between "score" and "metric", but between loss (often referred to as cost) and metrics such as the accuracy (for classification problems); this is often a source of confusion among new users. You may find my answers in the following threads useful (ignore the Keras mentions in some titles, the answers are generally applicable):
Loss & accuracy - Are these reasonable learning curves?
How does Keras evaluate the accuracy?
Optimizing for accuracy instead of loss in Keras model

Parameter tuning/model selection using resampling

I have been trying to get into more details of resampling methods and implemented them on a small data set of 1000 rows. The data was split into 800 training set and 200 validation set. I used K-fold cross validation and repeated K-fold cross validation to train the KNN using the training set. Based on my understanding I have done some interpretations of the results - however, I have certain doubts about them (see questions below):
Results :
10 Fold Cv
Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold)
Summary of sample sizes: 720, 720, 720, 720, 720, 720, ...
Resampling results across tuning parameters:
k Accuracy Kappa
5 0.6600 0.07010791
7 0.6775 0.09432414
9 0.6800 0.07054371
Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
The final value used for the model was k = 9.
Repeated 10 fold with 10 repeats
Resampling results across tuning parameters:
k Accuracy Kappa
5 0.670250 0.10436607
7 0.676875 0.09288219
9 0.683125 0.08062622
Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
The final value used for the model was k = 9.
10 fold, 1000 repeats
k Accuracy Kappa
5 0.6680438 0.09473128
7 0.6753375 0.08810406
9 0.6831800 0.07907891
Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
The final value used for the model was k = 9.
10 fold with 2000 repeats
k Accuracy Kappa
5 0.6677981 0.09467347
7 0.6750369 0.08713170
9 0.6826894 0.07772184
While selecting the parameter, K=9 is the optimal value for highest accuracy. However, I don't understand how to take Kappa into consideration while finally choosing parameter value?
Repeat number has to be increased until we get stabilised result, the accuracy changes when the repeats are increased from 10 to 1000. However,the results are similar for 1000 repeats and 2000 repeats. Will it be right to consider the results of 1000/2000 repeats to be stabilised performance estimate?
Any thumb rule for the repeat number?
Finally,should I train the model on my complete training data (800 rows) now test the accuracy on the validation set ?
Accuracy and Kappa are just different classification performance metrics. In a nutshell, their difference is that Accuracy does not take possible class imbalance into account when calculating the metrics, while Kappa does. Therefore, with imbalanced classes, you might be better off using Kappa. With R caret you can do so via the train::metric parameter.
You could see a similar effect of slightly different performance results when running e.g. the 10CV with 10 repeats multiple times - you will just get slightly different results for those as well. Something you should look out for is the variance of classification performance over your partitions and repeats. In case you obtain a small variance you can derive that you by training on all your data, you likely obtain a model that will give you similar (hence stable) results on new data. But, in case you obtain a huge variance, you can derive that just by chance (being lucky or unlucky) you might instead obtain a model that either gives you rather good or rather bad performance on new data. BTW: the prediction performance variance is something e.g. R caret::train will give you automatically, hence I'd advice on using it.
See above: look at the variance and increase the repeats until you can e.g. repeat the whole process and obtain a similar average performance and variance of performance.
Yes, CV and resampling methods exist to give you information about how well your model will perform on new data. So, after performing CV and resampling and obtaining this information, you will usually use all your data to train a final model that you use in your e.g. application scenario (this includes both train and test partition!).

Spark K-fold Cross Validation

I’m having some trouble understanding Spark’s cross validation. Any example I have seen uses it for parameter tuning, but I assumed that it would just do regular K-fold cross validation as well?
What I want to do is to perform k-fold cross validation, where k=5. I want to get the accuracy for each result and then get the average accuracy.
In scikit learn this is how it would be done, where scores would give you the result for each fold, and then you can use scores.mean()
scores = cross_val_score(classifier, y, x, cv=5, scoring='accuracy')
This is how I am doing it in Spark, paramGridBuilder is empty as I don’t want to enter any parameters.
val paramGrid = new ParamGridBuilder().build()
val evaluator = new MulticlassClassificationEvaluator()
val crossval = new CrossValidator()
val modelCV =
val chk = modelCV.avgMetrics
Is this doing the same thing as the scikit learn implementation? Why do the examples use training/testing data when doing cross validation?
How to cross validate RandomForest model?
What you're doing looks ok.
Basically, yes, it works the same as sklearn's grid search CV.
For each EstimatorParamMaps (a set of params), the algorithm is tested with CV so avgMetrics is average cross-validation accuracy metric/s on all folds.
In case one is using empty ParamGridBuilder (no params search), it's like having "regular" cross validation" and we that will result one cross-validated training accuracy.
Each CV iteration includes K-1 training folds and 1 test fold, so why most examples separate the data to training/testing data before doing cross validation?
because the test folds inside the CV are used for params grid search.
That means additional validation dataset is needed for model selection.
So what is called "test dataset" is needed to evaluate the final model. Read more here

Scaling the data in a decision tree changed my results?

I know that a decision tree doesn't get affected by scaling the data but when I scale the data within my decision tree it gives me a bad performance (bad recall, precision and accuracy)
But when I don't scale all the performance metrics the decision tree gives me an amazing result. How can this be?
Note: I use GridSearchCV but I don't think that the cross validation is the reason for my problem. Here is my code:
scaled = MinMaxScaler()
pca = PCA()
bestK = SelectKBest()
combined_transformers = FeatureUnion([ ("scale",scaled),("best", bestK),
("pca", pca)])
clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(class_weight= "balanced")
pipeline = Pipeline([("features", combined_transformers), ("tree", clf)])
param_grid = dict(features__pca__n_components=[1, 2,3],
features__best__k=[1, 2,3],
tree__max_depth= [4,5],
grid_search = GridSearchCV(pipeline, param_grid=param_grid,scoring='f1'),labels)
With the scale function MinMaxScaler() my performance is:
f1 = 0.837209302326
recall = 1.0
precision = 0.72
accuracy = 0.948148148148
But without scaling:
f1 = 0.918918918919
recall = 0.944444444444
precision = 0.894736842105
accuracy = 0.977777777778
I am not familiar with scikit-learn, so excuse me if I misunderstand something.
First of all, does PCA standardize features? If it does not, it will give different results for scaled and non-scaled input.
Second, due to the randomness in splitting the samples, CV may give different results on each run. This will affect the results especially for small sample size. In addition, in case you have small sample size, the results may not be that different after all.
I have the following suggestions:
Scaling can be treated as an additional hyperparameter, which can be optimized by CV.
Perform an extra CV (called nested CV) or hold-out to estimate performance. This is done by keeping a test set, selecting your model using CV on the training data and then evaluate its performance on the test set (in case of nested CV you do this repeatedly for all folds and average the performance estimates). Of course, your final model should be trained on the whole dataset. In general, you should not use the performance estimate of the CV used for model selection, as it will be overly optimistic.

Parameter selection and k-fold cross-validation

I have one dataset, and need to do cross-validation, for example, a 10-fold cross-validation, on the entire dataset. I would like to use radial basis function (RBF) kernel with parameter selection (there are two parameters for an RBF kernel: C and gamma). Usually, people select the hyperparameters of SVM using a dev set, and then use the best hyperparameters based on the dev set and apply it to the test set for evaluations. However, in my case, the original dataset is partitioned into 10 subsets. Sequentially one subset is tested using the classifier trained on the remaining 9 subsets. It is obviously that we do not have fixed training and test data. How should I do hyper-parameter selection in this case?
Is your data partitioned into exactly those 10 partitions for a specific reason? If not you could concatenate/shuffle them together again, then do regular (repeated) cross validation to perform a parameter grid search. For example, with using 10 partitions and 10 repeats gives a total of 100 training and evaluation sets. Those are now used to train and evaluate all parameter sets, hence you will get 100 results per parameter set you tried. The average performance per parameter set can be computed from those 100 results per set then.
This process is built-in in most ML tools already, like with this short example in R, using the caret library:
model <- train(x = iris[,1:4],
y = iris[,5],
method = 'svmRadial',
preProcess = c('center', 'scale'),
tuneGrid = expand.grid(C=3**(-3:3), sigma=3**(-3:3)), # all permutations of these parameters get evaluated
trControl = trainControl(method = 'repeatedcv',
number = 10,
repeats = 10,
returnResamp = 'all', # store results of all parameter sets on all partitions and repeats
allowParallel = T))
# performance of different parameter set (e.g. average and standard deviation of performance)
# visualization of the above
levelplot(x = Accuracy~C*sigma, data = model$results, col.regions=gray(100:0/100), scales=list(log=3))
# results of all parameter sets over all partitions and repeats. From this the metrics above get calculated
Once you have evaluated a grid of hyperparameters you can chose a reasonable parameter set ("model selection", e.g. by choosing a well performing while still reasonable incomplex model).
BTW: I would recommend repeated cross validation over cross validation if possible (eventually using more than 10 repeats, but details depend on your problem); and as #christian-cerri already recommended, having an additional, unseen test set that is used to estimate the performance of your final model on new data is a good idea.
