How to calculate Jenkins Job increase in build time through Prometheus query - jenkins

I extract statistics from Jenkins with the Prometheus Metrics plugin.
I have created a query in PromQL to check if a Jenkins job build time has increased by 50% from the average successful build time:
default_jenkins_builds_last_build_duration_milliseconds > 1.5 * (avg_over_time(default_jenkins_builds_last_build_duration_milliseconds[180d]) and default_jenkins_builds_last_build_result_ordinal == 0)
However there is a problem with this query. The result is getting diluted over time because the query keeps adding each value from the time-series to the total average result. There may be values that haven't changed but they keep adding.
I expected to create a query that calculates the 'delta' from the current successful build time against the previous one, but there doesn't seem to be a metric that represents the previous build (or I can't find it), so I ended up using the average_over_time.
I have also tried to calculate the delta with the offset modifier by one minute (because the Prometheus scrapes the Jenkins exporter every 1 minute), but the problem there is that some times the time-series returns Nan results and it cant calculate the time delta from each build. I was expecting that in a graph i would see a line with some ups and downs if the build time increased or decreased but NaN values break this graph.
How can this query be refactored in order to yield the expected result ???


How to send non aggregated metric to Influx from Springboot application?

I have a SpringBoot application that is under moderate load. I want to collect metric data for a few of the operations of my app. I am majorly interested in Counters and Timers.
I want to count the number of times a method was invoked (# of invocation over a window, for example, #invocation over last 1 day, 1 week, or 1 month)
If the method produces any unexpected result increase failure count and publish a few tags with that metric
I want to time a couple of expensive methods, i.e. I want to see how much time did that method took, and also I want to publish a few tags with metrics to get more context
I have tried StatsD-SignalFx and Micrometer-InfluxDB, but both these solutions have some issues I could not solve
StatsD aggregates the data over flush window and due to aggregation metric tags get messed up. For example, if I send 10 events in a flush window with different tag values, and the StatsD agent aggregates those events and publishes only one event with counter = 10, then I am not sure what tag values it's sending with aggregated data
Micrometer-InfluxDB setup has its own problems, one of them being micrometer sending 0 values for counters if no new metric is produced and in that fake ( 0 value counter) it uses same tag values from last valid (non zero counter)
I am not sure how, but Micrometer also does some sort of aggregation at the client-side in MeterRegistry I believe, because I was getting a few counters with a value of 0.5 in InfluxDB
Next, I am planning to explore Micrometer/StatsD + Telegraf + Influx + Grafana to see if it suits my use case.
How to avoid metric aggregation till it reaches the data store (InfluxDB). I can do the required aggregation in Grafana
Is there any standard solution to the problem that I am trying to solve?
Any other suggestion or direction for my use case?

Influxdb speed up query over long time periods with group by

i write sensor data every second to an influxdb database. Displaying weekly, monthly or yearly summaries in grafana is quite slow since it needs to query many thousand values.
To speed things up, i was thinking about using a cron job to run a queries like
select mean(sensor1) into data_avg_1h from data where time > start and time <= end group by time(1h)
select mean(sensor1) into data_avg_1d from data where time > start and time <= end group by time(1d)
select mean(sensor1) into data_avg_1w from data where time > start and time <= end group by time(1w)
This would mean i need more storage, but queries run much faster.
Is this a bodge job or acceptable and is there a more clever way to do something like that?
Yes. It is perfectly ok and it is also recommended to downsample the data like you have mentioned in the question.
However, instead of using a cronjob it will be better to use Continuous query feature of InfluxDB to achieve the same result.
Downsampling & Contious Query Documentation.
Please be aware that when storing the average value for short period, if you want to calculate the average for a longer period from this downsampled data you will have to calculate the weighted average. Otherwise, you will calculating the average of average which, may not be equal to the average value calculated from the Original data.
This is because, each downsampled average value might be having different number of datapoints.
So while calculating the mean on regular interval store the number of data points received in that interval. This way you will be able to calculate the weighted average.

InfluxDB Continuous Query running on entire time series data

If my interpretation is correct, according to the documentation provided here:InfluxDB Downsampling when we down-sample data using a Continuous Query running every 30 minutes, it runs only for the previous 30 minutes data.
Relevant part of the document:
Use the CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY statement to generate a CQ:
SELECT mean("website") AS "mean_website",mean("phone") AS "mean_phone"
INTO "a_year"."downsampled_orders"
FROM "orders"
GROUP BY time(30m)
That query creates a CQ called cq_30m in the database food_data.
cq_30m tells InfluxDB to calculate the 30-minute average of the two
fields website and phone in the measurement orders and in the DEFAULT
RP two_hours. It also tells InfluxDB to write those results to the
measurement downsampled_orders in the retention policy a_year with the
field keys mean_website and mean_phone. InfluxDB will run this query
every 30 minutes for the previous 30 minutes.
When I create a Continuous Query it actually runs on the entire dataset, and not on the previous 30 minutes. My question is, does this happen only the first time after which it runs on the previous 30 minutes of data instead of the entire dataset?
I understand that the query itself uses GROUP BY time(30m) which means it'll return all data grouped together but does this also hold true for the Continuous Query? If so, should I then include a filter to only process the last 30 minutes of data in the Continuous Query?
What you have described is expected functionality.
Schedule and coverage
Continuous queries operate on real-time data. They use the local server’s timestamp, the GROUP BY time() interval, and InfluxDB database’s preset time boundaries to determine when to execute and what time range to cover in the query.
CQs execute at the same interval as the cq_query’s GROUP BY time() interval, and they run at the start of the InfluxDB database’s preset time boundaries. If the GROUP BY time() interval is one hour, the CQ executes at the start of every hour.
When the CQ executes, it runs a single query for the time range between now() and now() minus the GROUP BY time() interval. If the GROUP BY time() interval is one hour and the current time is 17:00, the query’s time range is between 16:00 and 16:59.999999999.
So it should only process the last 30 minutes.
Its a good point about the first run.
I did manage to find a snippet from an old document
Backfilling Data
In the event that the source time series already has data in it when you create a new downsampled continuous query, InfluxDB will go back in time and calculate the values for all intervals up to the present. The continuous query will then continue running in the background for all current and future intervals.
Which would explain the behaviour you have found

Offsetting a graph by the first value of the shown time span

I have a graph of an energy meter in Grafana which shows the value of the consumed active energy over the selected time span.
This is a relatively new meter, a few months old, so the highest value it is currently showing is around 1570.3 kWh.
The interval shown in the image above is over the course of 24h, so it starts at 1568.1 kWh.
I want to offset the entire graph by 1568.1 kWh, so that the beginning of the graph is at 0 kWh and the end at 2200 Wh (~ 91 Wh per hour in average over 24 h).
It should always adjust when I change the selected time span, so that I can get a good overview of the daily, weekly or monthly consumption.
How do I archive this?
I read that using something like SELECT integral(derivative(max("in-value"))) ... would do the job, but I didn't get it to work. Also, I believe that just adding a SELECT max("in-value") - first_value_of_timespan("in-value") ... would be more precise and efficient, but such a method first_value_of_timespan does not exist.
The solution is to take the difference between the current interval and the next one (there are many small intervals in the shown time span), and then to do a cumulative_sum over all the differences of the time range.
In the specific case shown in the question the solution would be
SELECT cumulative_sum(difference(max("in-total"))) FROM "ähler.hausstrom-solar" WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(previous)

InfluxDB performance

For my case, I need to capture 15 performance metrics for devices and save it to InfluxDB. Each device has a unique device id.
Metrics are written into InfluxDB in the following way. Here I only show one as an example
new Serie.Builder("perfmetric1")
.columns("time", "value", "id", "type")
.values(getTime(), getPerf1(), getId(), getType())
Writing data is fast and easy. But I saw bad performance when I run query. I'm trying to get all 15 metric values for the last one hour.
select value from perfmetric1, perfmetric2, ..., permetric15
where id='testdeviceid' and time > now() - 1h
For an hour, each metric has 120 data points, in total it's 1800 data points. The query takes about 5 seconds on a c4.4xlarge EC2 instance when it's idle.
I believe InfluxDB can do better. Is this a problem of my schema design, or is it something else? Would splitting the query into 15 parallel calls go faster?
As #valentin answer says, you need to build an index for the id column for InfluxDB to perform these queries efficiently.
In 0.8 stable you can do this "indexing" using continuous fanout queries. For example, the following continuous query will expand your perfmetric1 series into multiple series of the form
select * from perfmetric1 into perfmetric1.[id];
Later you would do:
select value from perfmetric1.testdeviceid, perfmetric2.testdeviceid, ..., permetric15.testdeviceid where time > now() - 1h
This query will take much less time to complete since InfluxDB won't have to perform a full scan of the timeseries to get the points for each testdeviceid.
Build an index on id column. Seems that he engine uses full scan on table to retrieve data. By splitting your query in 15 threads, the engine will use 15 full scans and the performance will be much worse.
