Twilio: List Numbers from Incoming Group Text MMS - twilio

I understand that responding in a group chat from a Twilio client is not supported as of May 2022. However, all I need to do for my application is retrieve the numbers involved in an incoming webhook request.
For example, a user starts a group message including:
+1 234 555 1234
+1 234 222 5566
+1 234 555 8888
+1 234 333 1111
<My Twilio number>
Is there a way to get access to those first phone numbers from the webhook request?
Do I have to use Twilio Conversations for this? If so, how do I manage this with conversations?


How can I query from one report Tab to another tab the number of calls handled by employees ignoring calls <2min?

I have a call report with two different tabs
TAB 1) "RAWDATA" - Range:A:AB -
a log of two employees´ handled outbound and inbound calls and more columns that are not relevant now.
Type of call). for us INBOUND would be "RVL_US_Scheduling_PC" and OUTBOUND would be either "RVL_US_Scheduling_OB_PC" or "RVL_US_SchedulingExpress_OB_PC
The corresponding column with the employees name in our system
Te report will inform how long each call lasted which leaves us with the need to only extract only calls greater than 2 MIN
For OUTBOUND column "V" can also be considered.
TAB 2) "CALLS BY AGENT" - Range: A:E -
This is the tab where I would like to "query" to:
NUMBER OF CALLS HANDLED BY AGENT AND BY TYPE (INBOUND AND OUTBOUND) separately on columns: Kevin: C3 and C4, and Sandra: D3 and D4.
So far I've partially come up with one formula for "inbound":
=QUERY(RAWDATA!A2:W, "select COUNT(D) where I='Aldana, Kevin, Mejia' AND D='RVL_US_Scheduling_PC'")
Unfortunately, when I try to use another "AND" function as follows:
AND W>2:00:00
to limit the query to retrieve only calls longer than 2 min, it´s marking Value Error!
I have tried everything even transforming the "duration" (handle time) column to all "formats", and changing it to even proper numbers and change the formula to numeric value and it won't work!
Can anybody assist with the inbound and outbound call count formula for this case scenario? Here´s the file (permissions are open)
Use Filter instead and control the conditions with a dropdown list highlighted in yellow. and counta the output.

Gmail label report to spreadsheet

Is there a script i can run in google sheets, which would allow me to report on how many emails.
I have from a label within gmail for a timeframe of say 1 month?
eg: label1 = 50 label 2 = 20 label 3 = 34 etc..
I don't need to know the contents or anything else of the emails just a report on how many.
I have tried to find gmail scripts but i cant find a specific one for this.

how to get ATR value or number from NFCTagReaderSession NFCISO7816Tag tag in iOS 13

I am able to connect to the card using NFCTagReaderSession and NFCISO7816Tag tag but i can't get ATR number after connection and it shows zero bytes in historicalBytes, while in android we are able to get some number in historicalBytes for same type of cards
One more filed we have NFCISO7816Tag "identifier" but it is getting different number for same type of card.
print("iso7816Tag historical bytes \(iso7816Tag.historicalBytes)")
print("iso7816Tag identifier \(iso7816Tag.identifier)")
We want same number or value for same type of card that can be used for ATR validation in our code.
Please suggest to get an ATR number or value for same type of cards.

Send SMS from Google Sheet

I got the script to send SMS for all the rows in a google sheet using Twilio example.
I want to send SMS acknowledgement to my customers from the below google sheet
I want SMS to go only once to all the customers for whom the Status is not starting with "Sent" and where the phone number is starting with "+91"
The SMS will be like this
Complaint No "SER 160530" with us registered on "16/5/16" for customer "TNEB" due to "CT Failed". Please call 18004257865 for details
The message is made up of some text and the value from some cells in a particular row
The "Status" column must get updated "Sent SMS to xxxxxxxx on xxxx at xx:xx:xx:xx"
Is it possible to run the script every one hour automatically?
Is there any free alternative to send SMS from Google sheet?
To execute your script every hour you can set up a time driven trigger. Here is the documentation for setting up a trigger.
Here is my workaround for sending texts out of a Google Sheet for free, it might not work for your specific need, but is an option:
Every mobile phone carrier offers an email to sms option that is free. Examples of these email addresses are here. For example if I am wanting to text someone on the Sprint network I would attach the phone number to their domain like: If you are able to collect or look up the carrier for the phone numbers you can set up a simple function to connect the two and use a mail merge option like the one below to send out your texts. Here is the documentation the the mail merge that will mark sent messages and prevent multiple texts from going out to the same contact.
// This constant is written in column C for rows for which an email
// has been sent successfully.
function sendEmails2() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var startRow = 2; // First row of data to process
var numRows = 2; // Number of rows to process
// Fetch the range of cells A2:B3
var dataRange = sheet.getRange(startRow, 1, numRows, 3)
// Fetch values for each row in the Range.
var data = dataRange.getValues();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
var row = data[i];
var emailAddress = row[0]; // First column
var message = row[1]; // Second column
var emailSent = row[2]; // Third column
if (emailSent != EMAIL_SENT) { // Prevents sending duplicates
var subject = "Sending emails from a Spreadsheet";
MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, subject, message);
sheet.getRange(startRow + i, 3).setValue(EMAIL_SENT);
// Make sure the cell is updated right away in case the script is interrupted
Sending A2P sms, that is sms from an application to a person, costs money, because operators charge for accessing their networks. There might exist some free routes as Torey mentions, but they have limitations and could be pretty unreliable.
Instead of scripting your own sms service, you can try Cloudcom, which is a Google Sheets add-on with a user interface. Full disclosure, I have built and sell this product. Some of the features that could be useful in your case are scheduling and merging custom fields into the message body.

time difference between two packets in wireshark

I want to calculate the time difference between the time from sending the packet, to getting its ACK back. I do not see any timestamp related information in the packet, could anyone give me any pointers as to how I can compute the difference.
In Wireshark Preferences / Appearance / Columns you can add a new column of type Delta time. With this new column and wise capture filtering you should be able to do what you want.
Apply a filter, so that you only see the frames you are interested in
Right click on column title bar and choose "Column Preferences..."
Click on "Add" (give the column a reasonable name)
Change field type to "Custom"
Type "frame.time_delta_displayed" in "Field name" without "
You have to put a filter selecting the SYN packet and the ACK packet and filtering this by IP or traffic. For example, if SYN is sent n. 85 and SYN ACK is receive in n. 86 (or ACK sent in n. 87)
(ip.addr == && ((frame.number == 85) || (frame.number == 86))
When You have the traffic filtered go to Statistics -> Summary and see the time Between first and last packet in the displayed column of the table.
My use case was similar to this one. Here's how I did it, am using Wireshark 3.0.5.
Choose the two packets that you are interested on by filtering the frame number. In my case, these two are WLAN packets (first frame being the authentication packet and another is the data packet). Filter used would be:
((frame.number == 99) || (frame.number == 124))
Filtering Frames Example
Then, go to View > Time Display Format > Seconds Since Previous Displayed Packet.
Within the time column you'll observe time taken between those two packets.
