How to Add a field in cascade of 2 many to one on Easyadmin 4 Symfony 6 - entity-relationship

I read and try a lots of things just to add a field witch is in relation.
One Dance have a level (beginner, improver...) and one Level have a Style (Country music, disco...). So for a dance I can get the level and associate style. Dance is MTO with Level, and Level is MTO with Style. It work fine in traditionnel controller and in Dance Index twig I can do
{{ }}
It's work fine.
Impossible for me to do that in EasyAdmin: In Danse Crud Controller
yield AssociationField::new('level');
is naturally working fine but how adding the style name? I'm not familiar with Queribuilder if it's the solution. I read Symfony Documentation easyadmin about unmapped fields but I don't undestand "createIndexQueryBuilder" parameters. If you can help me to progress. Thank's in advance
I don't find examples in stack with Easyadmin 4. And (I'm sorry), documentation is not very clear for me.
class UserCrudController extends AbstractCrudController
// ...
public function configureFields(string $pageName): iterable
return [
// ...
public function createIndexQueryBuilder(SearchDto $searchDto, EntityDto $entityDto, FieldCollection $fields, FilterCollection $filters): QueryBuilder
$queryBuilder = parent::createIndexQueryBuilder($searchDto, $entityDto, $fields, $filters);
// if user defined sort is not set
if (0 === count($searchDto->getSort())) {
->addSelect('CONCAT(entity.first_name, \' \', entity.last_name) AS HIDDEN full_name')
->addOrderBy('full_name', 'DESC');
return $queryBuilder;
Why we have "entity.first_name" (why entity word and not entityDto...). dump parameters don't give me persuasive results

Easy finally.
You can choice the field you want to be rendered. Basically add __toString in Entity.
In my case just add for a many to many relation:


TYPO3 - Retrieved TypoScript in itemsProcFunc are incomplete

I have following problem:
We are overriding the tt_content TCA with a custom column which has an itemsProcFunc in it's config. In the function we try to retrieve the TypoScript-Settings, so we can display the items dynamically. The problem is: In the function we don't receive all the TypoScript-Settings, which are included but only some.
'itemsProcFunc' => 'Vendor\Ext\Backend\Hooks\TcaHook->addFields',
class TcaHook
public function addFields($config){
$objectManager = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Object\\ObjectManager');
$configurationManager = $objectManager->get('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Configuration\\ConfigurationManagerInterface');
$setup = $configurationManager->getConfiguration(
$setup is now incomplete and doesn't contain the full TypoScript, for example some of the static-included TypoScript is missing.
Used TYPO3 7 LTS (7.6.18), PHP 7.0.* in composer-mode.
Does anybody know where the problem is? Is there some alternative?
You maybe misunderstood the purpose of TypoScipt. It is a way of configuration for the Frontend. The Hook you mentioned is used in the TCA, whích is a Backend part of TYPO3. TypoScript usually isn't used for backend related stuff at all, because it is bound to a specific page template record. Instead in the backend, there is the TSConfig, that can be bound to a page, but also can be added globally. Another thing you are doing wrong is the use of the ObjectManager and the ConfigurationManager, which are classes of extbase, which isn't initialized in the backend. I would recommend to not use extbase in TCA, because the TCA is cached and loaded for every page request. Instead use TSConfig or give your configuration settings directly to the TCA. Do not initialize extbase and do not use extbase classes in these hooks.
Depending on what you want to configure via TypoScript, you may want to do something like this:
'config' => [
'type' => 'select',
'renderType' => 'singleSelect',
'items' => [
['EXT:my_ext/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:myfield.I.0', '']
'itemsProcFunc' => \VENDOR\MyExt\UserFunctions\FormEngine\TypeSelectProcFunc::class . '->fillSelect',
'customSetting' => 'somesetting'
and then access it in your class:
class TypeSelectProcFunc{
public function fillSelect(&$params){
if( $params['customSetting'] === 'somesetting' ){
$params['items'][] = ['New item',1];
I had a similar problem (also with itemsProcFunc and retrieving TypoScript). In my case, the current page ID of the selected backend page was not known to the ConfigurationManager. Because of this it used the page id of the root page (e.g. 1) and some TypoScript templates were not loaded.
However, before we look at the solution, Euli made some good points in his answer:
Do not use extbase configuration manager in TCA functions
Use TSconfig instead of TypoScript for backend configuration
You may like to ask another question what you are trying to do specifically and why you need TypoScript in BE context.
For completeness sake, I tested this workaround, but I wouldn't recommend it because of the mentioned reasons and because I am not sure if this is best practice. (I only used it because I was patching an extension which was already using TypoScript in the TCA and I wanted to find out why it wasn't working. I will probably rework this part entirely.)
I am posting this in the hope that it may be helpful for similar problems.
public function populateItemsProcFunc(array &$config): array
// workaround to set current page id for BackendConfigurationManager
$_GET['id'] = $this->getPageId((int)($config['flexParentDatabaseRow']['pid'] ?? 0));
$objectManager = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ObjectManager::class);
$configurationManager = $objectManager->get(BackendConfigurationManager::class);
$setting = $configurationManager->getTypoScriptSetup();
$templates = $setting['plugin.']['tx_rssdisplay.']['settings.']['templates.'] ?? [];
// ... some code removed
protected function getPageId(int $pid): int
if ($pid > 0) {
return $pid;
$row = BackendUtility::getRecord('tt_content', abs($pid), 'uid,pid');
return $row['pid'];
The function getPageId() was derived from ext:news which also uses this in an itemsProcFunc but it then retrieves configuration from TSconfig. You may want to also look at that for an example: ext:news GeorgRinger\News\Hooks\ItemsProcFunc::user_templateLayout
If you look at the code in the TYPO3 core, it will try to get the current page id from
This will usually be set, but in an itemsProcFunc it may not (which was the case for me in TYPO3 10.4.14).

Neo4j+PopotoJS: filter graph based-on predefined constraints

I have a question about the query based on the predefined constraints in PopotoJs. In this example, the graph can be filtered based on the constraints defined in the search boxes. The sample file in this example visualizations folder, constraint is only defined for "Person" node. It is specified in the sample html file like the following:
"Person": {
"returnAttributes": ["name", "born"],
"constraintAttribute": "name",
// Return a predefined constraint that can be edited in the page.
"getPredefinedConstraints": function (node) {
return personPredefinedConstraints;
In my graph I would like to apply that query function for more than one node. For example I have 2 nodes: Contact (has "name" attribute) and Delivery (has "address" attribute)
I succeeded it by defining two functions for each nodes. However, I also had to put two search box forms with different input id (like constraint1 and constraint2). And I had to make the queries in the associated search boxes.
Is there a way to make queries which are defined for multiple nodes in one search box? For example searching Contact-name and/or Delivery-adress in the same search box?
First I’d like to specify that the predefined constraints feature is still experimental (but fully functional) and doesn’t have any documentation yet.
It is intended to be used in configuration to filter data displayed in nodes and in the example the use of search boxes is just to show dynamically how it works.
A common use of this feature would be to add the list of predefined constraint you want in the configuration for every node types.
Let's take an example:
With the following configuration example the graph will be filtered to show only Person nodes having "born" attribute and only Movie nodes with title in the provided list:
"Person": {
"getPredefinedConstraints": function (node) {
return ["has($identifier.born)"];
"Movie": {
"getPredefinedConstraints": function (node) {
return ["$identifier.title IN [\"The Matrix\", \"The Matrix Reloaded\", \"The Matrix Revolutions\"]"];
The $identifier variable is then replaced during query generation with the corresponding node identifier. In this case the generated query would look like this:
MATCH (person:`Person`) WHERE has(person.born) RETURN person
In your case if I understood your question correctly you are trying to use this feature to implement a search box to filter the data. I'm still working on that feature but it won't be available soon :(
This is a workaround but maybe it could work in your use case, you could keep the search box value in a variable:
var value ="#constraint")[0][0].value;
inputValue = value;
Then use it in the predefined constraint of all the nodes type you want.
In this example Person will be filtered based on the name attribute and Movie on title:
"Person": {
"getPredefinedConstraints": function (node) {
if (inputValue) {
return ["$ =~ '(?i).*" + inputValue + ".*'"];
} else {
return [];
"Movie": {
"getPredefinedConstraints": function (node) {
if (inputValue) {
return ["$identifier.title =~ '(?i).*" + inputValue + ".*'"];
} else {
return [];
Everything is in the HTML page of this example so you can view the full source directly on the page.
#Popoto, thanks for the descriptive reply. I tried your suggestion and it worked pretty much well. With the actual codes, when I make a query it was showing only the queried node and make the other node amount zero. I wanted to make a query which queries only the related node while the number of other nodes are still same.
I tried a temporary solution for my problem. What I did is:
Export the all the node data to JSON file, search my query constraint in the exported JSONs, if the file is existing in JSON, then run the query in the related node; and if not, do nothing.
With that way, of course I needed to define many functions with different variable names (as much as the node amount). Anyhow, it is not a propoer way, bu it worked for now.

how to use ilike with Integer in grails

I use EasyGrid plugin and must find values where integer field like '%001%'
initialCriteria {
ilike('id', "%""%")
But ilike doesn't work with Integer. How to do it?
I tried to do:
initialCriteria {
ilike('id'.toString(), "%""%")
initialCriteria {
ilike('str(id)', "%""%")
but it's not work.
If id is an integer in the database, then ilike doesn't really make much sense and there is probably a better way to do what you are trying to do (like adding a type field or something to the domain object, and filter by type)
However, you should be able to do something like this (untested):
initialCriteria {
sqlRestriction "cast( id AS char( 256 ) ) like '%001%'"
Following criteria not working if you search from your textbox when user search any text character by mistake like 12dfdsf as your searchable id. It will give you an exception
initialCriteria {
ilike('id', "%""%")
For better use you can use following criteria
initialCriteria {
sqlRestriction "id like '%${params?.id}%'"
You could do:
String paddedId =,'0')
initialCriteria {
ilike('id', "%$paddedId%")
The solution offered by tim_yates with the sqlRestriction would work in version 1.5.0 of easygrid.
One of the main differences from 1.4.x is that the gorm datasource no longer uses DetachedCriteria, but Criteria - which maps directly to Hibernate's Criteria API.
So you can try it on the last version.
(Keep in mind that the upgrade might break your existing grids. There's also many other changes)
Another small observation is that 'initialCriteria' is not the right place to do stuff like that. (it's not wrong, but there is a 'globalFilterClosure' property for applying column independent filters)
I mixed the code posted by #tim_yates and mine:
String paddedId =,'0')
def crit = Book.withCriteria {
sqlRestriction "lpad(cast( id AS char( 256 ) ), 3, '0') like '%${paddedId}%'"
I've tried with a h2 in-memory db and it works, but I am not sure about two things:
the real usefulness of that
lpad syntax consistence across all db engines

autocomplete, search multiple database tables/fields - Symfony

I have 3 models:
article [name, title]
photo [name, description]
video [name, description, transcription]
Now, I want to create an autocomplete search that will search each of those models and db fields for matching string in the input field.
Is it possible to do a search over these 3 tables?
If so, how would I go about it?
UNION operator is what you're looking for.
I guess your using propel.
Its absolutetly possible to do this, but if these table are not related to anything that could result in some messy code when saving. But if you absolutely need to search in those tables, my approach would be to create an action like:
public function executeAutocomplete(sfWebRequest $request)
$q = $request->getParameter('q');//The value to be searched
$limit = $request->getParameter('limit');//Not completly necessary but recommendable
if(count($q) == 0)
return sfView::NONE;//With no input, no search
$results = array( 'article' => array(), 'photo' => array(), 'video' => array());
$article_search = ArticlePeer::search($q,$limit);
$photo_search = PhotoPeer::search($q,$limit);
$video_search = VideoPeer::search($q,$limit);
//Process those three arrays to fit your need
return $this->renderText(json_encode($result));
Now, the search function on the Peer classes could look like this:
public static function search($q,$limit = null)
$c = new Criteria();
return self::doSelect($c);
Finally as for the widget, i have used and adapted sfWidgetJQueryAutocomplete and it work pretty good so you should check it out.
EDIT: The short way to an embbed search field si creating sfForm wit the jQuery widget i mentioned before and leave configuration and js to the widget. You'll have to find a way to handle search resutls.
Well i hope this helped you!

StackOverflowException caused by a linq query

edit #2: Question solved halfways. Look below
As a follow-up question, does anyone know of a non-intrusive way to solve what i'm trying to do below (namely, linking objects to each other without triggering infinite loops)?
I try to create a web application, and get a StackOverFlowException. A controller triggers the following command:
public ActionResult ShowCountry(int id)
Country country = _gameService.GetCountry(id);
return View(country);
The GameService handles it like this (WithCountryId is an extension):
public Country GetCountry(int id)
return _gameRepository.GetCountries().WithCountryId(id).SingleOrDefault();
The GameRepository handles it like this:
public IQueryable<Country> GetCountries()
var countries = from c in _db.Countries
select new Country
Id = c.Id,
Name = c.Name,
ShortDescription = c.ShortDescription,
FlagImage = c.FlagImage,
Game = GetGames().Where(g => g.Id == c.GameId).SingleOrDefault(),
SubRegion = GetSubRegions().Where(sr => sr.Id == c.SubRegionId).SingleOrDefault(),
return countries;
The GetGames() method causes the StackOverflowException:
public IQueryable<Game> GetGames()
var games = from g in _db.Games
select new Game
Id = g.Id,
Name = g.Name
return games;
My Business objects are different from the linq2sql classes, that's why I fill them with a select new.
An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
edit #1: I have found the culprit, it's the following method, it triggers the GetCountries() method which in return triggers the GetSubRegions() again, ad nauseam:
public IQueryable<SubRegion> GetSubRegions()
return from sr in _db.SubRegions
select new SubRegion
Id = sr.Id,
Name = sr.Name,
ShortDescription = sr.ShortDescription,
Game = GetGames().Where(g => g.Id == sr.GameId).SingleOrDefault(),
Region = GetRegions().Where(r => r.Id == sr.RegionId).SingleOrDefault(),
Countries = new LazyList<Country>(GetCountries().Where(c => c.SubRegion.Id == sr.Id))
Might have to think of something else here :) That's what happens when you think in an OO mindset because of too much coffee
Hai! I think your models are recursively calling a method unintentionally, which results in the stack overflow. Like, for instance, your Subregion object is trying to get Country objects, which in turn have to get Subregions.
Anyhow, it always helps to check the stack in a StackOverflow exception. If you see a property being accessed over and over, its most likely because you're doing something like this:
public object MyProperty { set { MyProperty = value; }}
Its easier to spot situations like yours, where method A calls method B which calls method A, because you can see the same methods showing up two or more times in the call stack.
The problem might be this: countries have subregions and subregions have countries. I don't know how you implement the lazy list, but that might keep calling GetCountries and then GetSubRegions and so on. To find that out, I would launch the debugger en set breakpoints on the GetCountries and GetSubRegions method headers.
I tried similar patterns with LinqToSql, but it's hard to make bidirectional navigation work without affecting the performance to much. That's one of the reasons I'm using NHibernate right now.
To answer your edited question, namely: "linking objects to each other without triggering infinite loops":
Assuming you've got some sort of relation where both sides need to know about the other... get hold of all the relevant entities in both sides, then link them together, rather than trying to make the fetch of one side automatically fetch the other. Or just make one side fetch the other, and then fix up the remaining one. So in your case, the options would be:
Option 1:
Fetch all countries (leaving Subregions blank)
Fetch all Subregions (leaving Countries blank)
For each Subregion, look through the list of Countries and add the Subregion to the Country and the Country to the Subregion
Option 2:
Fetch all countries (leaving Subregions blank)
Fetch all Subregions, setting Subregion.Countries via the countries list fetched above
For each subregion, go through all its countries and add it to that country
(Or reverse country and subregion)
They're basically equialent answers, it just changes when you do some of the linking.
