how to change prefix position in q-input in quasar framework - quasar-framework

I'm new to this so maybe its obvious but i cant find a way to change the position of prefix in quasar q-input and i mean only prefix position.
I have this
<q-input outlined v-model="number" prefix="$"> </q-input>
it shows : 34 $
i want it to be: $ 34
i look the documentation in
but i cant find a way to change the position of prefix.
i changed the direction but it didn't work, i should mention i have rtl= true in quasar config.
thank you in advance...

Try the following code.
<q-input outlined v-model="number" prefix="$">
<q-input outlined v-model="number" suffix="$">
Codepen -


Vs Code Small Guide

Whenever i write code in Dart in Vscode It shows me guide about stuff I don't want to see
How can I get rid if this annoying guide
These are called Parameter Hints (and are showing you the parameters for the function you're calling). You can disable them with this VS Code setting:
You can close quick suggestions by editing settings.json. To edit settings.json go to Preferences->Settings page (Shortcut: Cmd + Shift + P and type settings.json)
Then add the following code (or edit if there is 'editor.quickSuggestions' key in the file) to close quick suggestions.
"editor.quickSuggestions": {
"comments": false,
"other": true,
"strings": false

Where has HtmlImport annotation gone?

I am trying to include custom icons as described in this post. But I can not find the #HtmlImport annotation anymore (Flow V. 20). This annotation was widely used, should it have been replaced I would expect to find at least some documentation.
P.S. I also tried #StyleSheet("./styles/iconexp-iconset-svg.html")
bit it complains:
Couldn't find route for 'styles/iconexp-iconset-svg.html'
Bower was deprecated in favor of npm and HTML Imports in favor of ES modules in Vaadin 14. I don't remember when they were removed, but they are no longer supported in Vaadin 20.
You can check the migration instructions here:
Building off of Jouni's, here is an example using #JsModule.
(1) Define your iconset in a JavaScript file.
import '#polymer/iron-iconset-svg/iron-iconset-svg';
const templateElem = document.createElement('template');
templateElem.innerHTML = `
<iron-iconset-svg name="namespace"><svg><defs>
<g id="iconname">...</g>
(2) Import the file in your root layout class.
public class RootLayout...

How to get Spyder to recognize the setup.cfg file on Windows 10

I'm trying to turn off the ignore max-line-length warnings in Spyder.
This question was answered in another post, but I can't seem to get Spyder to read the config.sys file
max-line-length = 120
I've tried putting it in my current working directory, Python27, Python27/Scripts.
None of those locations turns off the 79 char warning.
I open my .py file by right clicking on it and choose edit in Spyder.
thanks in Advance
Finally understood the comment from Justin Harris in a previous question.
Python: How to tell Spyder's style analysis PEP8 to read from a setup.cfg or increase max. line length?
You should follow these steps:
First, run:
import os; os.path.expanduser('~')
Then, put your .pep8 file in the directory that is displayed by the above command.
The contents of the file to make it ignore lines under 120 characters is:
max-line-length = 120

Ng-Tag-input minLength not set property

I use this library in my ionic project (Cross platform mobile application), And I try to set minLength : 1 but it takes default value (i.e. 3). How can i achieve this?
Set the min-length="1" property to the <auto-complete> instead of <tags-input> to get suggestions for every character.
like this:
<tags-input ng-model="vm.tags">
<auto-complete source="vm.loadTags($query)"
Even I spent a few hours figuring out how to do it, it later flashed me when I read the documentation of autoComplete again.

Joomla new version URL not possible with subdirectory?

In my old version of joomla I used "menu-link" and named the subdirectory /xxx/
All the URLs are on that subdirectory also google knows that.
so :
Now... a new version of Joomla (only "menu-alias" available) and a new website and it is not possible to place that subdirectory in front of all the menu items ... :(
And I dont want the urls to change.
Joomla makes from /xxx/ a name with a dash --> xxx-
so :
Does anybody know how to solve this? I really like the URLS to stay with the subdirectoryname in it.
Thnks in advance!
The problem is solved by :
comment-out the line 95 from: ./libraries/joomla/filter/output.php
//$str = trim(JString::strtolower($str));
and change to:
$str = trim($str);
comment-out the line 370 from: ./libraries/joomla/filter/language.php
//$string = JString::strtolower($string));
Now you can use in the alias also characters like /.
