CICD pipeline to deploy a release build without losing its dependent files - tfs

can someone help me to make a pipeline for the below requirement.
Get the Src from team foundation server.
Make the build on local server.
Move that build on client server say
Host the file on IIS.
run on specific port.
Any help will be appreciated.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Clone Git Repo') {
steps {
git branch: 'newbranch', credentialsId: 'xyz', url: ''
stage('Navigate to Agent_Frontend') {
steps {
dir('Agent_Frontend') {
bat 'dir'
bat 'npm i --force'


jenkins configuration for building on different branches

I am doing code review with gerritcodereview and I need to create a jenkins pipeline for CI, CD. I am using the events triggered by gerrit trigger plugin.
I want to obtain this:
PastchSet Created
build start on refs/changes/**/**/** branch
report results to gerrit for code review
Change Merged(into develop) or Ref Updated(develop)
build start on origin/develop branch
deploy code to internal server
Ref Updated(master)
build start on origin/master branch
deploy code to external server
Questions for which I didn't find good answers:
do I need to use a simple pipeline or multibranch pipeline?
how do I start the build on the correct branch?
how can I checkout the correct branch using a Jenkinsfile instead of using the configuration page?
You should create multibranch pipeline, and write your declarative/scripted
pipeline in Jenkinsfile
example pipeline
pipeline {
agent any
tools {
maven 'maven-3.3.6'
jdk 'jdk-11'
options {
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '5'))
stages {
stage('Build/Test') {
when {
steps {
sh "mvn clean verify"
post {
success {
gerritReview labels: [Verified: 1], message: "Successful build, ${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL}."
unstable {
gerritReview labels: [Verified: 0], message: "Unstable build, ${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL}"
failure {
gerritReview labels: [Verified: -1], message: "Failed build, ${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL}"
stage('Deploy') {
when {
branch 'develop'
steps {
sh 'mvn deploy'
stage build&test will run for any change in changeRequest, any new change, or patchset will trigger this stage
stage deploy will be triggered for any change merged to develop.
You could have multiple stages for one branch, they will be executed in sequence

How to deploy Windows Services in local and remote servers using Jenkins pipeline

I am able to do deployment of the IIS-hosted websites using the below bat command.
pipeline {
agent {
node {
label 'master'
customWorkspace 'E:/Jenkins/workspace/Latest_Project'
stages {
stage('Pull Git Changes'){
git branch: 'Latest_Project', credentialsId: 'gitusername', url: ''
stage ('Restore Nuget Packages'){
bat 'E:/Jenkins/nuget.exe restore Company.Project/Company.Project.sln'
stage('Build Vegam_DCS_Service') {
steps {
bat "net use \\\\\\inetpub /user:RemoteWindowsUser pass123"
bat "\"${tool 'MSBuildEXE'}\" Company.Project/Company.Project.ModuleX.Service/Company.Project.ModuleX.Service.csproj /p:Configuration=Release /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:DeployDefaultTarget=WebPublish /p:WebPublishMethod=FileSystem /p:DeleteExistingFiles=true /p:publishUrl=\\\\\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\Company.Project.ModuleX.Service"
I am now trying to deploy window services. The problem is window services will be running and we need to stop them, deploy and then restart the services.
How can I stop and start the window services from remote server using jenkings pipeline?

Prevent Archiving In a Jenkins Pipeline

I have asked this question on the Jenkins mailing list.
I have an upstream component, libraryA, I build, archive, and deploy via a Maven job, jobA. This works great. I have a downstream Maven job, jobB, that has a dependency on libraryA. This also works great, except…
I have a completely separate pipeline job, pipelineA specified by Jenkinsfile. Within that Jenkinsfile, I build a specific branch of libraryA I don’t want archived or deployed. In my Jenkinsfile I have “withMaven(mavenLocalRepo: ‘libraryA/.repository’, publisherStrategy: ‘EXPLICIT’)”, and inside that, “sh “””[…]mvn clean package sonar:sonar[…]””” (Any typos here are probably the fault of my typing here as I did not copy-paste. There are no errors from Jenkins when executing these steps.) I have also tried “options: [artifactsPublisher(disabled: true)]” in place of “publisherStrategy: ‘EXPLICIT’” and had the same results. I have verified when pipelineA builds libraryA, it does NOT get deployed to my remote Maven repository, and I expect it not to get deployed there. Good.
So, what happens?
Well, if I build pipelineA followed by jobB, jobB gets its copy of libraryA from pipelineA, causing the build to fail. If I then run jobA, jobB succeeds as expected.
I could change the version of libraryA in the branch pipelineA builds, but I’d rather not do that as it’s not correct for my particular use case. What else could I do? What did I miss? (I do not admin this Jenkins instance, so my access is limited in that respect.)
For clarity here is an approximation of the pipeline's Jenkinsfile:
pipeline {
environment {
GIT_CREDENTIAL_ID = 'git_credential_name'
agent any
tools {
maven 'internal_maven'
jdk 'openjdk'
git 'internal_git'
stages {
stage('Build Parent') {
steps {
checkoutRepos([[checkoutDir: 'parent', branch: 'gold', url: 'ssh://git#fake-git-url/parent.git']], env.GIT_CREDENTIAL_ID)
withMaven(publisherStrategy: 'EXPLICIT') {
sh """
cd parent
mvn -U clean verify
stash name: 'parent', includes: 'pom.xml'
stage('Build libraryParent') {
steps {
unstash 'parent'
checkoutRepos([[checkoutDir: 'libraryParent', branch: 'gold', url: 'ssh://git#fake-git-url/libraryParent.git']], env.GIT_CREDENTIAL_ID)
withMaven(mavenLocalRepo: 'libraryParent/.repository', publisherStrategy: 'EXPLICIT') {
sh """
mvn install:install-file -Dpackaging=pom -Dfile=pom.xml -DpomFile=pom.xml
cd libraryParent
mvn clean verify -P jacoco sonar:sonar -U -Dsonar.scm.provider=git
dir('libraryParent/libraryA/target/') {
stash name: 'libraryA', includes: 'libraryA-1000-SNAPSHOT.jar'
stage('Build appA') {
steps {
sonarAnApp 'appA'
stage('Build appB') {
steps {
sonarAnApp 'appB'
stage('Build appC') {
steps {
sonarAnApp 'appC'
def sonarAnApp(final String appName) {
unstash 'parent'
unstash 'libraryA'
checkoutRepos([[checkoutDir: appName, branch: 'gold', url: "ssh://git#fake-git-url/${appName}.git"]], env.GIT_CREDENTIAL_ID)
withMaven(mavenLocalRepo: "$appName/.repository", publisherStrategy: 'EXPLICIT') {
sh """
mvn install:install-file -Dpackaging=pom -Dfile=pom.xml -DpomFile=pom.xml
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=libraryA-1000-SNAPSHOT.jar
cd $appName
mvn clean verify -P jacoco sonar:sonar -U -Dsonar.scm.provider=git

Clone Jenkinsfile by changing default workspace from master to slave

I am working on Jenkins Pipeline Script and I have checked-in my jenkinsfile in Git repository and I need to clone to local work space. But by default its cloning to master (Unix) work space but I need it in slave (Windows) work space.
Is there any plugins to change the default Pipeline Script from SCM work space location to slave?
You can do something like this
pipeline {
agent any
options {
stages {
stage('checkout') {
steps {
node('windows') {
checkout scm
pipeline {
agent 'windows'
stages {
stage('build') {
steps {
// build
In my case, the following pipeline configuration skips the default checkout on master, and checkout my code just on Jenkins slave.
node {
docker.image('php7.1.30:1.0.0').inside {
skipDefaultCheckout() // this avoid the checkout on master
checkout scm // here the checkout happens on slave node
stage('NPM Install'){
sh label: 'NPM INSTALL', script: "npm install"
sh label: 'GRUNT INSTALL', script: "npm install -g grunt-cli"
stage('Executing grunt') {
sh label: 'GRUNT DEFAULT', script: "grunt default"

How to deploy a a java application on a WildFly (Or any App Server) through jenkins groovy script?

I wanted to deploy a java application on a WildFly server or any application server through jenkins script. Can any one help me in providing the syntax or command?
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Code Checkout') {
steps {
git(url: ' ', branch: 'master ', poll: true, credentialsId: '', changelog: true)
stage('Build') {
steps {
withMaven(jdk: 'jdk8', maven: 'mvn3') {
sh 'mvn clean package'
Here I want the syntax for deploying application on wildfly or any server.
