Dealing with model object updates and synchronizing associated tables - ruby-on-rails

​Hello, I am building a Ruby on Rails cashflow app where the "balance" field in the "accounts" table will be updated based on the "amount" field in the "incomes" table.
How should I deal with Income object updates (when "amount" is changed), so that the "balance" field in "accounts" is updated properly (first decreased by the previous "amount" of the "Income" and then updated with new "amount")?
Is it a good practice to use callbacks in the "Income" model and ActiveModel::Dirty methods such as "income.amount_was" to get the previous value?

I recommend to create a service object, instead of directly updating the Income#amount via income.update in the controller. Updating another model inside some other model's callback IMO increases coupling and debugging complexity as the responsibility bleeds outside its own.
For example, create a IncomeUpdaterService that does this:
class IncomeUpdaterService
def initialize(income)
#income = income
#account = ... # Depends on how they are connected
def update(params)
# DB Transaction
# You might want to lock the Account record
update_balance(params.amount) if params.amount
# DB Transaction Commit
def update_balance(new_amount)
prev_amount = #income.amount
balance_adjustment = new_amount - prev_amount
#account.balance += balance_adjustment
# I think theres a #account.increment(:balance, balance_adjustment)
# to avoid race condition instead of locking the record, but not sure
# if it's a good practice to use. From what I remember there's some
# kind of warning for using it.
(For the self projecting master developers out there. Just wrote this quickly just to put it out there, don't be too hypercritical on this code as this is just an example and start insulting me, but feel free to suggest some improvements.)


How to set parent attribute based on child attributes

I have a situation where a parent Order has multiple child Items. Both Order and Item have a status_id column. I want the user to update the status_id of the Item, and then when all of the Items have a status_id, then the Order's status_id should be auto-set (to some value based on what Item status_ids are).
The code that I currently have is this:
class Item
after_save :set_order_status_id
def set_order_status_id
if self.order.items.where(status_id:nil).blank?
Ths is pretty smelly code because it violates SRP, uses a callback, and is pretty inefficient, considering that this means if an Order has 5 Items and all 5 Items are being updated, after EACH Item update, the set_order_status_id method is called, and a database query is run.
So... is there a better way of writing this to avoid these issues? Particularly I'm interested in removing the inefficiency with constantly checking the parent Order's other child Items' statuses... because again if an all 5 Items is updated at once, it's silly to check after each and every update when it should just wait until the 5th update.... Does Rails have a magical way of doing this?
The answer is no, there is no magic way to do that using the framework. Your best option is to use a customised solution and run your check only after your items update. Something like:
...your code...
order.items.update_all(whatever) <-- update items
update_status(order) <-- update order status
def update_status(order)
return if order.items.where(status_id: nil).exist? <-- more efficient
update_attributes(status_id: X)
the method could also be in the Offer model for simplicity.
If the order status can be derived from the item status at any point in time, it may be better to avoid setting it in the database entirely. You can instead create an accessor to query it on-demand:
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
def status
# memoize the calculation, including nils
return #status if defined? #status
item_statuses = items.pluck(:status).uniq
# your logic here:
# 1. check for any nils
# 2. check for any 'pending', etc.
#status = 'pending'
Whether this alternate solution fits your needs depends on your database read patterns.

create dynamic default values for column in rails?

I am not sure how to go about this, or if there is a better way to do this, but I have a table called leads(many) and it references agent (one).
I want to make a migration that sets a default value for the agent_id column in the leads table. But i want the default value to loop through all the agent ids. Im not sure how to do this!? Should i use a call back, or should i do in migration file?
Here is the actual question im trying to tackle:
When new leads are created assign it to an agent using a “round robin” That way new leads are distributed evenly across all the agents.
Ive attached a screenshot using SUDO code (i know its not functional as is) as to what I am thinking of doing. Any tips?
(Using ruby on rails w/ postgresql)
I think it makes sense to handle this functionality as part of the main app, and not within migration, as there seem to be a significant chunk of functionality to handle.
Probably best to handle it as part of an after_create callback in the Lead model, and use a class variable to track the next agent to be assigned as follows:
class Lead
# Assign the class variable to the first agent
##next_agent = Agent.first
after_create :set_agent
# Called by the after_create callback
# Sets the agent_id, and updates the ##next_agent class variable
def set_agent
self.agent_id =
##next_agent = find_next_agent
## Called from the set_agent method
## Finds the next agent based on the current value of ##next_agent
def find_next_agent
##next_agent = Agent.find( + 1)
##next_agent = Agent.first unless #next_agent
The find_next_agent logic above is a simplistic example, assuming that all Agent objects have ids that increment by 1, and there are no gaps (i.e. no deletions in the table).

How to record time of last activity in Rails app?

In my Rails application I would like to record the time a user was last_seen.
Right now, I do this as follows in my SessionsHelper:
def sign_in(user)
self.current_user = user
But this is not very precise because a user might log in at 8 a.m. and in the evening the last_seen database column will still contain that time.
So I was thinking to update last_seen whenever the user takes an action:
class ApplicationController
before_filter :update_last_seen
def update_last_seen
current_user.last_seen =
But I don't like that approach either because the database gets hit with every action that a user takes.
So what might be a better alternative to this?
Rails actually has this sort of behavior built in with touch:
#=> User's updated_at is updated to the current time
The time it takes in any well-provisioned DB to handle updating a single column like this should be well under 5ms, and very likely under 1ms. Provided you're already going to be establishing that database connection (or, in Rails' case, using a previously established connection from a pool), the overhead is negligible.
To answer your question about whether your code is slower, well, you're thinking about this all wrong. You can optimize an already very fast operation for performance, but I instead you worry more about “rightness”. Here is the implementation of ActiveRecord's touch method:
def touch(name = nil)
attributes = timestamp_attributes_for_update_in_model
attributes << name if name
unless attributes.empty?
current_time = current_time_from_proper_timezone
changes = {}
attributes.each do |column|
changes[column.to_s] = write_attribute(column.to_s, current_time)
changes[self.class.locking_column] = increment_lock if locking_enabled?
primary_key = self.class.primary_key
self.class.unscoped.update_all(changes, { primary_key => self[primary_key] }) == 1
Now you tell me, which is faster? Which is more correct?
Here, I'll give you a hint: thousands of people have used this implementation of touch and this very code has likely been run millions of times. Your code has been used by you alone, probably doesn't even have a test written, and doesn't have any peer review.
“But just because someone else uses it doesn't make it empirically better,” you argue. You're right, of course, but again it's missing the point: while you could go on building your application and making something other humans (your users) could use and benefit from, you are spinning your wheels here wondering what is better for the machine even though a good solution has been arrived upon by others.
To put a nail in the coffin, yes, your code is slower. It executes callbacks, does dirty tracking, and saves all changed attributes to the database. touch bypasses much of this, focusing on doing exactly the work needed to persist timestamp updates to your models.

Rails cross model validation

I have two tables one for members and the other for employees, both have an attribute called id_number this attribute is not required and can be null.
Is it possible to run a validation to ensure the uniqueness of the id_number, so that if an employee is added with the same id_number as an member or vice versa that it will give an error.
I am thinking of writing my own validation but hitting the db for each instance will be very slow as some companies upload 10's of thousands of employees at a time.
Yes that's possible with your own validation. I think you have to hit the database, otherwise you never could check if it exists already.
def your_validation
employee_ids =
member_ids =
id = self.id_number
if employee_ids.include?(id) || member_ids.include?(id)
errors.add(:id_number, "is already taken")
I think adding an index to your id_number will be good.
UPDATE: The above method could be changed to following to improve the performance:
def your_validation
employee_ids =
if employee_ids.include?(self.id_number)
errors.add(:id_number, "is already taken")
member_ids =
if member_ids.include?(self.id_number)
errors.add(:id_number, "is already taken")
The first one is cleaner, the second one should be faster. But check this out with a lot of db entries and a benchmark tool.
I think you'll want something like this:
def your_validation
if self.id_number.present?
if Employee.exists?(:id_number=>self.id_number) || Member.exists(:id_number=>self.id_number)
errors.add(:id_number, "is already taken")
if you have indices on the id_number columns this check should run very quickly and is the same check that validates_uniqueness_of would use within a single table. Solutions that involves fetching all ids into rails will start running into problems when the tables get large.
Another thing to note is that if your app runs multiple web server instances at a time these kinds of rails side checks can't 100% guarantee uniqueness as they are subject to races between threads. The only way to ensure uniqueness in such situations would be to use facilities built into your database or generate the id_numbers yourself from a source that precludes duplicates (such as a database sequence).

Counter cache in Rails: 'increment_counter' works, 'increment' doesn't?

Given three models, e.g, house, wall and door (a house has may walls and a wall has many doors):
House should have a counter cache column for all doors of all associated walls, since that's a fairly expensive query to make.
In order to update this column, I'm using after_create and after_destroy callbacks within the door model, which trigger the following methods successfully:
def increase_house_doors_count
def decrease_house_doors_count
"house" is a method:
def house
Initially I had used a slightly different but (IMO) more simple version:
def increase_house_doors_count
def decrease_house_doors_count
But this latter version didn't update the counter when used within the model. Running the code directly from the console was successful, though.
What am i missing here?
Maybe try it like this:
Perhaps it needs to be done in place.
