Slack Conversations API conversations.kick returning "channel_not_found" for a public channel - slack-api

I am writing a Slack integration that can boot certain users out of public channels when certain conditions are met. I have added several OAuth scopes to the bot token, including the following:
I am writing my bot in Python using the slack-bolt library and asyncio. However when I try to invoke this code:
await app.client.conversations_kick(channel=channel_id, user=user_id)
I get the following error:
slack_sdk.errors.SlackApiError: The request to the Slack API failed. (url:
The server responded with: {'ok': False, 'error': 'channel_not_found'}
I know for a fact that both the channel_id and user_id arguments I'm passing in are valid. The channel ID I'm using is the string C01PAE3DB0A. I know it is valid because I can use the very same value for channel_id in the following API call:
response = await app.client.conversations_info(channel=channel_id)
And when I call conversations_info like that I get all of the information about my channel. (The same is true for calling users_info with the user_id - it returns successfully.) So why is that when I pass my valid channel_id parameter to conversations_kick I consistently receive this channel_not_found error? What am I missing?

So I got in touch directly with Slack support about this and they confirmed that there is a bug on their end. Specifically, the bug is that I should have received a restricted_action error response instead of a channel_not_found response. Apparently this is a known issue that is on their backlog.
The reason the API call would (try to) return this restricted_action error is simply because there is a workspace setting that, by default, prevents non-admins from kicking people out of public channels. Furthermore, this setting can only be changed by the workspace owner - one tier above admins.
But assuming you are the owner of the Slack workspace, you simply have to log into the Settings & Permissions page, which should look something like this:
And then you have to change the setting labeled "People who can remove members from public channels" from "Workspace admins and owners only (default)" to "Everyone, except guests."
Once I made that change, my API calls started succeeding.


Unautorized API calls JwtCreator

I'm playing around with the DocuSign's Ruby Quickstart app and I've done the following:
have an Admin account
have an organization
created an Integration(Connected App) for which I've granted signature impersonation scopes in the Admin Dashboard(made RSA keys, put callback urls, etc)
even if I've done the above, I've also made the request to the consent URL in a browser: SERVER/oauth/auth?response_type=code &scope=signature%20impersonation&client_id=CLIENT_ID &redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI
Integration appears to have everything enabled
Then in the JwtCreator class the check_jwt_token returns true, updates account info correctly.
But when I try the following(or any other API call):
envelope_api = create_envelope_api(#args)
options =
options.from_date = ( - 30).strftime('%Y/%m/%d')
results = envelope_api.list_status_changes #args[:account_id], options
The api call raises an exception with DocuSign_eSign::ApiError (Unauthorized):
Args are:
#args = {
account_id: session[:ds_account_id],
base_path: session[:ds_base_path],
access_token: session[:ds_access_token]
All with correct info.
What am I missing?
For clarity, I was using some classes from the Quickstart app(like JwtCreator, ApiCreator, etc) along my code.
Not sure at this point if it's my mistake or part of the Quickstart app but this call:
results = envelope_api.list_status_changes #args[:account_id], options
the account_id was something like this "82xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx95e" and I was always getting Unauthorized responses.
On a tutorial the author used the 1xxxxxx account_id and with this form, it worked.

Which groups allow selecting the properties allowExternalSenders or autoSubscribeNewMembers?

When I select the properties allowExternalSenders or autoSubscribeNewMembers for a group synced from an on-premise Active Directory, I get the following error via Graph API SDK:
403 Forbidden
Graph service exception Error code: AppOnlyAccessNotEnabledForTarget
Error message: App Only access is not allowed for target resource: 'a1d0c98e-fb7e-40c4-a7b5-ccf6d96cba57#34f0717f-f1a0-4894-b310-d379993504b9'.
The Graph Explorer displays the following 404 error, even though it is not a mailbox:
"error": {
"code": "MailboxNotEnabledForRESTAPI",
"message": "REST API is not yet supported for this mailbox.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "5beae8eb-4a59-404f-bd42-0c6aa2a25abd",
"date": "2020-03-31T13:02:11"
An example request looks like this:{id}?$select=id,deletedDateTime,assignedLicenses,description,displayName,groupTypes,licenseProcessingState,mail,mailEnabled,mailNickname,onPremisesLastSyncDateTime,onPremisesSecurityIdentifier,onPremisesSyncEnabled,onPremisesDomainName,onPremisesSamAccountName,preferredDataLocation,securityEnabled,securityIdentifier,visibility,resourceProvisioningOptions,allowExternalSenders,autoSubscribeNewMembers
Which property should I use to decide if I should try to select these properties or not? I want to avoid missing the properties for groups which actually do expose these properties, so I do not simply want to guess.
Slightly different take on this answer, Microsoft even thought only providing one API for groups, there are effectively two different objects returned, SecurityEnabled = True or False. If Security = True then you can not ask for the follow attributes
Is this ok, NO its not ok, Microsoft needs to return null instead of providing THE WRONG ERROR MESSAGE and sending people like us into multi hour head scratchers.
In my code, I now check if securityEnabled is true or false and have a different set of attributes depending.
The mailbox is on a dedicated (on premise) Microsoft Exchange Server or is not a valid (configured) Office 365 mailbox. Contact your Exchange or Office admin to apply any of these recommended solutions.
To filter Office 365 groups you can do this:$filter=groupTypes/any(c:c eq 'Unified')

YouTube reporting API reports are all blank

I have created set of YouTube reporting jobs for a YouTube channel. The jobs were created and run every day as scheduled. However when I go to download the jobs they are all blank.
This is how I authenticate with the API:
def authenticate_from_credentials(API_SERVICE_NAME, API_VERSION):
youtube_client_id = os.environ['youtube_client_id']
youtube_client_secret = os.environ['youtube_client_secret']
youtube_refresh_token = os.environ['youtube_refresh_token']
credentials = client.OAuth2Credentials(
youtube_reporting = build(API_SERVICE_NAME, API_VERSION, credentials=credentials)
return youtube_reporting
This is the method I have been using to create the jobs:
# Call the YouTube Reporting API's jobs.create method to create a job.
def create_reporting_job(youtube_reporting, report_type_id, name):
# Provide keyword arguments that have values as request parameters.
reporting_job =
print ('Reporting job "%s" created for reporting type "%s" at "%s"'
% (reporting_job['name'], reporting_job['reportTypeId'],
I authenticate like this:
And I will create a job like this:
create_reporting_job(youtube_reporting,"channel_combined_a2","Channel Combined a2")
I am not sure what the problem is here. The channel does have content and subscribers so the reports shouldn't be empty. I think there could be an issue with credentials or perhaps the wrong channel is associated with the report since the developer's Google accounts are different than the content owners. But I checked the channels associated with the Oauth credentials I am using and it was the right channel.
Why might my reports be empty and how can I fix this?
I hit the same issue, the problem is that you need to wait several hours for the report to become generated on the backend, at which point re-querying for reports will show results.
There is a subtle mention about this delay on under Step 3:
The API response to the jobs.create method contains a Job resource,
which specifies the ID that uniquely identifies the job. You can
start retrieving the report within 48 hours of the time that the job
is created, and the first available report will be for the day that
you scheduled the job.
This was quite confusing.

How to set Vendor Tax ID and 1099 Eligibility in API?

I'm currently using Consolibyte's PHP QB classes to interface with the QB api.
I've been successfully creating and updating Vendor's in QB for a while. However, we have a new requirement to use the API to store vendor's tax information.
I've tried to lookup the correct syntax to set these, but have been unsuccessful thus far.
My most recent attempt was:
The rest of the information set gets updated properly, and the return from
$result = $VendorService->update($this->context, $this->realm, $provider->vendorId, $Vendor);
seems to indicate success.
Please let me know if you need anymore context. Thanks!
Have you referred to the documentation?
The documentation indicates:
TaxIdentifier: String, max 20 characters
Vendor1099: Boolean
The geters and seters exactly mirror the documented fields. So unsurprisingly, you'll have these methods:
$string = $Vendor->getTaxIdentifier();
$boolean = $Vendor->getVendor1099();
If you continue to have trouble, make sure you post the XML request you're sending to QuickBooks. You can get this by doing:

How to get a full list of repositories that a user is allowed to access?

I have found bitbucket api like:{teamname}
But this link return 301 status (moved permanently to !api/2.0/repositories/{teamname}).
Ok, but this one returns status 200 with zero repositories.
I provide two parameters as user and password, but nothing seems changed.
So, can anybody answer how to get full list of private repositories that allowed to specific user?
Atlassian Documentation - Repositories Endpoint provides a detail documentation on how to access the repositories.
The URL mentioned in bitbucket to GET a list of repositories for an account is:
If you use the above URL it always retrieves the repositories where you are the owner. In order to retrieve full list of repositories that the user is member of, you should call:
You can apply following set of filters for role based on your needs.
To limit the set of returned repositories, apply the
role=[owner|admin|contributor|member] parameter where the roles are:
owner: returns all repositories owned by the current user.
admin: returns repositories to which the user has explicit
administrator access.
contributor: returns repositories to which the user has explicit write access.
member: returns repositories to which the user has explicit read
You can make use of Bitbucket REST browser for testing the request/response.(discontinued)
You should not use the API from the domain.
Instead, you should always use
Now one reason you might be getting an empty result after following the redirect could be because some http clients will only send Basic Auth credentials if the server explicitly asks for them by returning a 401 response with the WWW-Authenticate response header.
The repositories endpoint does not require authentication. It will simply return the repos that are visible to anonymous users (which might well be an empty set in your case) and so clients that insist on a WWW-Authenticate challenge (there are many, including Microsoft Powershell) will not work as expected (note, curl always sends Basic Auth credentials eagerly, which makes it a good tool for testing).
Unfortunately, from what I see in the documentation, there is no way to list all private repositories which the user has access to.
"Returns a paginated list of all public repositories." according to the doco.
"Returns a paginated list of all repositories owned by the specified account or UUID." according to the doco.
So, getting all private repositories not necessarily owned by the user is either not possible, or I haven't found the right endpoint, or the documentation is inacurate.
None of the answers above worked for me, so this is what I did. We'll use the Bitbucket REST API.
You can't use your normal credentials. I created an API Password. I'm not sure how to get to this page via your browser, but go here:
Create an App Password, then cut and save the password that Atlassian generates for you.
curl --user your_username:your_app_password
I piped that to jq and saved it to a file.
your_workspace you get from looking at the URL of any of your repositories.
The maximum pagelen appears to be 100. If you have more than 100 repos, then you might have to do this:
curl --user your_username:your_app_password
The JSON isn't too bad. You want the "values" array. From there, look at links.clone, which might have two entries like this:
"clone": [
"href": "",
"name": "https"
"href": "",
"name": "ssh"
That's a cut & paste from my results with personal info changed. Also useful are two other fields:
"full_name": "WORKSPACE/repo",
"name": "Repo",
Expanding on blizzard's answer, here's a little node.js script I just wrote:
import axios from 'axios';
import fs from 'fs';
async function main() {
const bitbucket = axios.create({
baseURL: '',
auth: {
username: process.env.BITBUCKET_USERNAME!,
password: process.env.BITBUCKET_PASSWORD!,
const repos = [];
let next = 'repositories?role=member';
for(;;) {
console.log(`Fetching ${next}`)
const res = await bitbucket.get(next);
if(res.status < 200 || res.status >= 300) {
return 1;
if(! break;
next =;
console.log(`Done; writing file`);
await fs.promises.writeFile(`${__dirname}/../data/repos.json`,JSON.stringify(repos,null,2),{encoding:'utf8'});
main().catch(err => {
