snap kit, fuji, telemetry license under firefox focus? - ios

i seem to have someone remotely controlling my device and or spying on my iphone 11 ios 16.3.1.
i’ve found snapkit, fuzi, telemetry under license of firefox focus which i never installe. i do not have a work account or school account on my device so i’m not under any sort of mdm control unless it’s enterprise? i’m not sure how that all works with ios.
please advise.
i’ve looked to make sure there are no work or school account and have looked through a lot of settings and also found app clips on some programs without ability to remove it.


Install iOS App onto Multiple Devices with Free Developer Account

Fledgling iOS hobbyist here. I have a demo app I plan on presenting to a group of people in about a month. It is a simple app, and I am still on the free tier of the Apple Developer Program for now. For this presentation, I'm being provided loaner iPhones, iPads, and MacBooks to demo my app and its code on.
I do know that I am able to load my app onto at least two devices, but they are my own personal iPhone and iPad.
My question is this: With a free developer account, will I be able to 1) load my app onto multiple iPhones and iPads (that I do not own) to demo for the duration of this presentation; and 2) load the code into Xcode on multiple Macs (that I do not own) so that I can show the code to those present. Or will I have to take the plunge and purchase the full $99/year developer account.
This isn't a code question, I know - but the Apple Developer forums are not nearly as active, and I would like a clear answer on this.
Connect each iOS device to your dev machine and build your app on it. The device will ask you to trust the developer, which you can do in Settings. It's no different than debugging on your own device.
Are you showing the code or the finished app? If showing the code, make sure the other machine has Xcode, then transfer the code from your dev machine (by USB, network folder, GitHub, etc) and build on the new machine. If you are showing the finished app, make sure Gatekeeper is set to at least "Mac App Store and Identified Developer"
The quick workaround is you change the identifiers and install it on various phones. and com.componay.app2 and install the same app on different device. Although with this push notifications and all services connected to identifier does not works.

How to implement Mobile Device Management in iOS 7?

I have gone through a lot of documentation related to Mobile Device Management in iOS but still I have a lot of confusion about it.As per the apple they have made a significant change in device management in iOS 7 but still most of the blogs written about it are old and absolute.Can somebody please give me a brief explanation of how I should go step by step in iOS 7.Also I want to know if I don't have any MDM server initially then how can I test my code.Is Maverics local server sufficient enough to handle this or we can't process without an MDM server.If it is then please suggest me how should I go.
iOS: Mobile Device Management
Mobile Device Management with iPhone
iPhone Mobile Device Management
There was NO significant changes between iOS 6 and iOS 7 in MDM protocol. Yes, Apple added additional features, configuration profiles and so on. And usually, they call these things "groundbreaking/revolutionary changes" :)
Actually, the protocol stayed the same (with very minor changes) from version iOS 4.0 to iOS 8.0. I would say the bigest changes were around creation of APNS certificate.
So, you can take any open source implementation of MDM and use it for iOS 7:
Profile manager (included in OS X Server). it's in some mix of ruby + binary
P.S. I would recommend to ask more specific questions. As example, I started to implement MDM server and stuck on item X. I tried Y,Z and it didn't work. How to solve this problem?

SDK for Nokia 3310

I'm thinking some time about the possibilities to bring back some life to my loved Nokia 3310 by developing some software for it. The only downside is that there is not really much information on the Internet about the subject.
I've read that there is a SDK called Nokia PC Connectivity SDK 3.0, but every link that I tried is very old and the download links are always broken. Searching on Google just gives results to Mallware websites and the Nokia Developer website only holds an archived forum section without file support..
Does anyone knows where I can download this SDK or has a better idea/suggestion about developing software for this dinosaur of a phone?
AFAIK the offering is no longer available from the original site, thus I would not recommend using any versions available on any other site.
Anyway, the PC connectivity as far as I remember did not really enable you to develop any software for the device as such, it was used for making apps that could connect to the services of the device (such as SMS, logs etc.)
Quick internet search also suggest that the device might not even support AT commands, thus I would assume that there is no development offerings available for that old device anymore.

Apple AirPlay mirroring SDK

Is there an SDK for Airplay Mirroring? I'm working on a prototype for a device that should mirror the screen of an iOS device. I understand this may be achievable by paying royalties to Apple for each device, and I'm fine with that. But how would I go about prototyping this features? There is a lot of info on writing iOS apps that support AirPlay, but I can't find much info about the hardware side.
Based on the exchanges in the comments, I wondering now whether this is at all possible.
It seems like it is not possible to have a device that can mirror the iOS screen via AirPlay mirroring. While I couldn't find an official statement to this effect, these guys seem to have done the work for their project:
Hopefully things may change in the future, and I'll be sure to update the answer if they do.

Do I need an iOS device to test PhoneGap Built apps?

I'm a complete noob and figuring out all this as I go along so bear with me.
I've built an app using jQuery Mobile, used PhoneGap Build and it works totally fine on Android and I'll deploy it soon. I'm now trying to figure out the more complex steps towards getting it ready for the iOS market. I've got my developer account set up and have tested my app as built with Xcode 4.2 and Cordova.
What I'm having confusion over (well one of the things) is whether or not I need an actual iOS device in order to get the proper provisioning and certificates. Can I get those, run the package through PG Build and then test it with the Xcode iOS simulator? Must I bother my friends to give me one of their iPhones to test on?
If I'm being vague or asking this the wrong way I apologize.
I'm currently building an app for iOS using Phonegap and even though I have done some testing with a physical device I have seen that the simulator works really well. I mean it would definitely be a good idea to at least run one test of your final version on a physical device before you decide to submit, Apple and pretty much everyone else very strongly suggest that you do, but you aren't required to test on a physical device. All the provisioning and certificate stuff can be done through the Apple Developer site.
The only real reason I could see your app not getting approved relating to this topic is if there is some weird glitch that is only present on a physical device and looks fine on the simulator.
And keep in mind, though it probably won't get you disapproved I've noticed that Phonegap apps that use jQuery Mobile tend to be more glitchy on the transitions compared to when they are run on the simulator.
No you don't need an iOS device to get certificates. You can get them using OpenSSL. I created a GUI to help do just this for Windows users.
However Apple is one of the strictest in approval. It takes 8 days for them to approve an app. And they have been know to not approve apps simply because of there appearance.
Now I myself prefer to have iDevices to test apps.
To help with some App Rejection issues you may get when submitting the app.
You will need an Apple computer to submit apps to the App Store. Apple no longer has a web based App Submission
