UnimplementedError: Graph execution error (while training) - machine-learning-model

I am trying to run this code and facing a UnimplementedError while training. I haven't changed anything. Can anyone help?
Git repo: https://github.com/ravasconcelos/spoken-digits-recognition
Google Colab link : https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1-WYSPMgfRQpsBFZRf-xxsmwnBfKmfIlj?usp=sharing
I am not sure if it's a gpu issue or a dtype issue


Google Colab (^C ) output

i was trying to run the following code on google colab
pop notebook
at training step , the training process is not complete and shows this (^C)
enter image description here
How can i solve it ?

Facebook Prophet error: cmdstanpy - ERROR - Chain [1] error: terminated by signal 11 Unknown error -11

I am trying to train Facebook's prophet on timeseries data.
Data I used, one column named ds and another y
During fitting however I get this error first :
first error screenshot
followed by
second error screenshot
Does anyone know why this is the case? Thanks!
I tried searching for the problem online and could not find a solution. I tried installing cmdstanpy version 0.9.5 and reinstalling prophet but it did not work so I am a bit stuck. I am running python 3.7.12 version.

Unable to open jupyter notebook script: memory error

I wrote a lengthy code in a new notebook with print output commands. Later when I tried to open the notebook, it was just an empty notebook page and am unable to see my codes. when I refresh, I get to see a glimpse of my full code. however, it disappeared. Did anyone face a similar kind of issue? Is it because of the print statement?

Facing Error while running a JMeter script using docker file on AWS

Hi I am Niladri Shekhar De, relatively new to performance testing. I am trying to run my load test (scripted in JMeter) using docker file on AWS. I am editing the docker file as mentioned in docker file this picture. Also, I have edited the entrypoint as this
entry point picture. Then while I am trying to run it is waiting for long after "Waiting for possible shutdown...." line and finally I am getting all 10 errors (My script has 2 transactions and I am running for 5 users) as shown in the picturecloudwatch. The script name may be mentioned here is different than in the docker file but that I have changed later. Could anyone please look into this and help me out? It will really be a great help..
Although your way to take screenshots is fantastic you should not be posting code as images on StackOverflow
Coming back to your question: we cannot see any failure reason there so I would suggest to check:
The .jtl results file, it should have status code, response message, maybe response details, etc.
The jmeter.log file which normally can give a clue regarding what's wrong. If it doesn't - you can try increasing JMeter logging verbosity

Exception raised when using client.scatter(df) in Dask.distributed

I'm working with Dask on Kubernetes using the Helm Chart in the stable/dask repository. When using the distributed Client, and calling client.scatter(ddf), I'm getting and an Exception as follows:
Exception: No module named 'pandas.core.internals.managers'; 'pandas.core.internals' is not a package
Review of the installed packages shows Pandas==0.24.1 & dask-core==1.1.1 on Python 3.7.
Looking at the memory consumption on the workers suggests that nothing is being sent to the workers, and when I add the keyword='broadcast', I can observe a short-term rise in memory usage on a second worker, but then I get the error cited above.
Any suggestions for what I'm doing wrong, or is this an issue with Dask/Pandas?
My guess is that the versions of Pandas that you have on different machines differs. You can check this with the following command.
