My Nifi process xml to csv conversion is returning only the schema using convert record - xml-parsing

i was trying to convert xml to csv using Apache nifi but the put file returns only the schema with no records .
i used convert record as you can see on the image and expect converted csv file .
i also used xml reader and csv set writer controllers with Avro schema controller .


How to validate format of an Avro schema file to see if it conforms to Apache Avro specification

Our system must process Avro schemas. Before sending Avro schema file to the server, I want to validate the format of the submitted schema file, to see if it conforms to the Apache Avro specification.
The Avro schema is a Json file, so to do basic validation against the Avro specification, I need a Json schema for the Avro schema file (I know that sounds confusing). Unfortunately, the Apache Avro specification does not provide any definition file for the Avro schema which I could run through a validator.
Does anybody know where I can find a Json Schema defining the structure of the Avro schema file according to the Apache Avro specification?
If you have an Avro file, that file contains the schema itself, and therefore would already be "valid". If the file cannot be created with the schema you've given, then you should get an exception (or, at least, any invalid property would be ignored)
You can get that schema via
java -jar avro-tools.jar getschema file.avro
I'm not aware of a way to use a different schema to get a file without going through the Avro client library reader methods
void testSchema() throws IOException {
Schema classSchema = FooEvent.getClassSchema();
Schema sourceSchema = new Schema.Parser()

What is mean JSON file generate by Azcopy

When I using Azcopy v7.3 to copy Table Storage. I receive 2 files JSON and manifest. Name of JSON file will be generated with the format myfilename_XXXXXXX.When I rename JSON file Azcopy throw exception. I really want to know how to XXXXXXX will be generated and how can file JSON file map with the manifest file.
Thanks for your help
The suffix is the CRC64 calculated by the entities content in this JSON file, and the manifest file stores the total CRC64 aggregated by all the JSON files. This is to ensure that file list is complete and each JSON file isn't corrupted respectively.

How to read/parse *only* the JSON schema from a file containing an avro message in binary format?

I have an avro message in binary format in a file.
Obj^A^D^Vavro.schemaÞ^B{"type":"record","name":"rec","namespace":"ns","fields":[{"name":"id","type":["int","null"]},{"name":"name","type":["string","null"]},{"name":"foo_id","type":["int","null"]}]}^Tavro.codec^Lsnappy^#¤²/n¹¼Bù<9b> à«_^NÌ^W
I'm just interested in the SCHEMA. Is there a way to read/parse just the schema from this file? I'm currently parsing this file by hand to extract the schema, but I was hoping avro would help me a standard way of doing that.
Avro does provide an API to get the schema from a file:
File file = new File("myFile.avro")
FileReader<?> reader = DataFileReader.openReader(file, new GenericDatumReader<>());
Schema schema = reader.getSchema();
I think that it should match your definition of "just the schema", let me know if it doesn't.
You could also use the getschema command from avro-tools if you have no reason to do it programmatically.
Using avro-tools is the quickest and easiest way to get avro schema from an avro file. Just use the following command:
avro-tools getchema myfile.avro > myfile.avsc

How to create a blob to a file content and save it to postgre sql using ruby

Hi um facing an issue of creating a blob to a file and save it to a binary column in a postgre sql using rails . Still dont have an idea of how to start it. I would be happy if any one can tell me a way to do it.
file.each_line do |line|
line = Iconv.conv('utf-8', 'ISO-8859-1', line)
I want to save a file as Binary data (as a binary large object) and the file contains string
if you are looking for a gem that does this, carrier-wave should be helpflul:

How to split a large file into small chunks (in Grails) so as to insert into a db as a BLOB

We are using Grails 2.0.1 I have a controller which reads a uploaded file from my GSP as inputstream , I want to split this file into chunks in the controller so as to be able to insert the file data in the form of BLOB type in my underlying DB.! please Help Is there any particulat function from java.sql.BLOB ?
