Antd Tree right click, unable to retrieve custom node information - antd

just starting with antd and Typescript.
I have a data structure for my tree with some extra information, this is the interface for it:
export interface TreeStructure {
title: string;
key: string;
idPadre?: string | undefined;
assetType: string;
assetTypePadre?: string | undefined;
children?: TreeStructure[]}
I can see the tree structure without problem, but I am trying to implent a function for the right click and acces to that extra information:
const onRightClick:TreeProps['onRightClick']= ({event,node} ) => {
console.log(node) is showing all the information:
But I canĀ“t acces to that information destructuring node:
I suppose it is due the typing TreeProps... How could I acces to that information??
Thanks in advance

If your functions are not inline then you can approach 1 otherwise use second one to infer custom node types.
Type 1
Type 2
import { Tree, TreeDataNode, TreeProps } from 'antd';
export interface TreeStructure extends TreeDataNode {
title: string;
key: string;
idPadre?: string | undefined;
assetType: string;
assetTypePadre?: string | undefined;
children?: TreeStructure[];
type CustomTreeNode = TreeProps<TreeStructure>;
const App = () => {
const onRightClick: CustomTreeNode['onRightClick'] = (e) => {};
return (
{/* Approach 1 */}
<Tree onRightClick={onRightClick} />
{/* ================= */}
{/* Approach 2 */}
<Tree<TreeStructure> onRightClick={(e) => {}} />;
export default App;


Element has no widget of type 'Serenity.EnumEditor'!

I'm building an application for Student Information System using serenity platform. In the dashboard I've one widget showing number of active students, when click on "More info" I want to display only the active students, I got the below error: "Element has no widget of type 'Serenity.EnumEditor'!"
I've followed the same steps as the Northwind order example but no success:
protected ESTS_CODEFilter: Serenity.EnumEditor;
protected createQuickFilters(): void {
let fld = Students.EnrollmentRow.Fields;
this.ESTS_CODEFilter = this.findQuickFilter(Serenity.EnumEditor, fld.ESTS_CODE);
public set_ESTS_CODE(value: string): void {
this.ESTS_CODEFilter.value = value == null ? '' : value;
In the StudentsIndex.cshtml page I've the below code to get the query string:
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(function () {
var EnrollGrid = new Portal.Students.EnrollmentGrid($('#GridDiv'), {});
var q = Q.parseQueryString();
if (q.ESTS_CODE != null && q.ESTS_CODE.length) {
Any idea how to define a widget of type Serenity.EnumEditor?
Are you sure you have a EnumEditor there? Not a LookupEditor?
protected createQuickFilters(): void {
let fld = Students.EnrollmentRow.Fields;
this.ESTS_CODEFilter = this.findQuickFilter(Serenity.LookupEditor, fld.ESTS_CODE);

how to get values from a const object?

I created a const object at app.config.dart with the following code:
const configObj = const {
'webServer': const {
'appBaseHref' : "/"
'auth0': const {
'apiKey': "foo",
'domain': "bar",
'callbackUrl': "callback"
now in my main dart file I import the app.config.dart and I try to get the values there and now idea how to do that. configObj.auth0.apiKey produces the error EXCEPTION: Class 'ImmutableMap' has no instance getter 'auth0'.
so how do I do this ?
Dart doesn't support to access map entries with .
It should be:
Alternatively you can create classes for your configuration like
class WebServerConfig {
final String appBaseHref;
const WebServerConfig(this.appBaseHref);
class Auth0Config {
final String apiKey;
final String domain;
final String callbackUrl;
const Auth0(this.apiKey, this.domain, this.callbackUrl);
class MyConfig {
final WebServerConfig webServer;
final Auth0Config auth0;
const MyConfig(this.webServer, this.auth0);
const configObj = const MyConfig(
const WebServerConfig("/"),
const Auth0Config(
This way you also get proper auto-completion when you access the config properties and can use the simple . notation to access properties.

Converting TypeScript to Dart

I am trying to understand some typescript but mostly works with Dart.
I see the following example code relevant to what I am doing
import {Component} from 'angular2/core';
import {Validators, MaxLengthValidator, Control, ControlGroup} from 'angular2/common';
import {isPresent} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {bootstrap} from 'angular2/platform/browser';
export class CustomValidators {
static minLengthWithDescription(minLength: number, desc: string): Function {
return (control: modelModule.Control): {[key: string]: any} => {
if (isPresent(Validators.required(control))) return null;
var v: string = control.value;
return v.length < minLength ?
{"minlength": {"requiredLength": minLength, "actualLength": v.length, "desc": desc}} :
I can follow most of the code but what is the following really doing
return (control: modelModule.Control): {[key: string]: any} =>
Could someone who understands both language convert this small class to Dart?
It's mostly about moving types from right to left.
I guess the confusing part is {[key: string]: any} which I think is also just the return type of the returned function. I guess it translates to Map<String,dynamic> but there is currently no way to add a return type annotation for a closure in Dart anyway. A workaround would be to create a typedef
typedef Map<String,dynamic> SomeFunc(modelModule.Control control);
class CustomValidators {
static SomeFunc minLengthWithDescription(int minLength, String desc) {
return (modelModule.Control control) {
if (isPresent(Validators.required(control))) return null;
String v = control.value;
return v.length < minLength ?
{"minlength": {"requiredLength": minLength, "actualLength": v.length, "desc": desc}} :
I can't derive what modelModule. is from the code you provided, but I guess it is some namespace or nested scope to refer to the class Control.

JavaScript Module Pattern across multiple files

I'm having to restructure some ancient code, and there's quite a bit of it in lots of different files. The approach is to use the revealing module pattern, as described in JavaScript Module Pattern: In-Depth (section Cross-File Private State).
The first function expression works great, and I can see in Firebug that the function components are also assigned correctly in the second block. But then the variable suddenly ends up undefined.
I put together a simplified example, and the console shows the variable is undefined after the second assignment.
var test = (function ($, ns, undefined)
function test1()
console.log("executing test1");
return { test1: test1 };
}(jQuery, test || {}));
var test = (function ($, ns, undefined)
ns.testx = (function ()
function test2()
console.log("executing test2");
return { test2: test2 }
}(jQuery, test || {}));
// DOM ready
$(function ()
Several variations, such as defining the variable just once at the top don't work either. If the two function expressions are swapped, test 1 is executed but ns.testx is undefined.
I fear I'm missing the blindingly obvious and would really like to understand why this does not work. I also need to get it to work, so any help is greatly appreciated (merging the files into one is not an option).
var test = (function ($, ns, undefined)
function test1()
console.log("executing test1");
ns.test1 = test1;
return ns;
}(jQuery, test || {}));
var test = (function ($, ns, undefined)
ns.testx = (function ()
function test2()
console.log("executing test2");
return { test2: test2 }
return ns;
This will be
test1: test1,
testx: {
test2: test2
}(jQuery, test || {}));

in Dart, given a Type name, how do you get the Type (class) itself? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Create an instance of an object from a String in Dart?
(3 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
if have a Type, using Mirrors can get the Type name. inversely, given a Type's name, how do you get the Type?
for example, from a Dart-centric version of Angular:
<form ng-controller='word?reset=true' >
class Controller {
Controller( Brando brando, Element elem, Map args ) { ... }
class Word extends Controller { ... }
class LangList extends Controller { ... }
// Brando, the godfather
class Brando {
void compile( Element el ) {
// add controller
if( el.attributes.contains( 'ng-controller' ) {
var name = el.attributes.getTypeName(); <== "Word"
var args = el.attributes.getTypeArgs(); <== { 'reset': 'true' }
var type = <get type from camelized Type name> <=== how??
this.controllers.add( reflectClass(type).newInstance(
const Symbol(''), [this,el,args]).reflectee ); <=== instance from type
know how to get name of Type, how to get Type from class and Object, and know how to instantiate a Type. missing final piece - how do you derive the Type from its name?
Note: The mirror API is `unstable', so this answer may change over time.
*Note: This may (will) bloat your generated javascript see:*
import 'dart:mirrors';
class Bar {
ClassMirror findClassMirror(String name) {
for (var lib in currentMirrorSystem().libraries.values) {
var mirror = lib.declarations[MirrorSystem.getSymbol(name)];
if (mirror != null) return mirror;
throw new ArgumentError("Class $name does not exist");
void main() {
ClassMirror mirror = findClassMirror("Bar");
print("mirror: $mirror");
mirror: ClassMirror on 'Bar'
