Is there any way to run a Jenkins job on Zephyr Squad for Jira test-case execution status change? - jira

So i have a private Jira Server 8.5.7 with Zephyr Squad (9.1.3) plugin for it.
What this plugin does is adds a custom fields with Test Steps and Test Execution Status to the Jira Issue.
Test Steps
Test Execution Status
What i need to do is to make Jira send an API request to remote Jenkins server once Test Execution Status has changed(by the QA Engineer).
The problem is that these custom fields are not CustomFields in Jira-terms - they are not shown on a Custom Fields page for the project. It does not appear on Workflows(because its not part of Issue flow, rather inside one), so i cant use webhooks. I cannot add a Custom Event for them changing. I also cannot add a Custom Listener for that Execution status change, because there's nothing to connect to - when i change the Execution Status the IssueUpdate event does not fire. No event is fired at all.
It just sends a request to Zephyr's own plugin API (/rest/zephyr/)
I dont know if it was made intentionally or just with flaws or am i stupid.
Is there any way to make Jira send API requests one that execution status change? Maybe there is Listener class specific for that execution status i dont know about? Or maybe one could write a custom plugin to attach to that status change somehow?
The Jira and Zephyr versions are highest i could get.
I know i can make it work with Jira Issue status change, but that would be my last resort.

If anybody else got stuck with this.
I never found a way to do it with Zephyr Squad. However, there is a similar thing called Zephyr Scale.
Basically, does all the same things, has a slighty different UI, but most importantly - triggers an event when test execution status changed, which could be set on listener.


How to set automatic reply with changing issue status into "In progress" as first response in Jira

We use Jira to handle client issues. When a customer raises an issue, as the first response for issues, we changes issue status into "In Progress" and send reply to customer. I need to automate this procedure.
You may use Jira Workflow post functions to set specific actions that Jira should do when some issue changes its Status.
Here is more details on this matter:
Also, you may search for the 3rd party Jira apps that add extra automations here:

Is there an ISubscriber event for completing a Pull Request in TFS 2018?

I am working on a plugin for TFS to hook certain operations. I'm able to successfully hook code pushes via using an ISubscriber on PushNotification, but am having trouble finding any type that matches up with the completion of a Pull Request.
A little more on what I'm trying to do. I currently have a PushNotification hook that has some branch specific checks that it does. Some reject a push, others provide notifications to users using some complex rules. I need a way to be able to provide the notifications at a minimum, and ideally prevent the pull request from going through. I can't provide notifications prior to the pull request going through as the notifications should only occur for code being placed in our main repository.
Long term, I want to switch it over to using the webhooks and some async approval, but I don't have the time to adapt the tools to work like that and setup the additional server needed to make that happen. If there's no good solution, I'll simply disable pull requests for now until I can write proper services for it, but if there is a way to reuse the adapted hooks that can run on the PushNotification ISubscriber, it would be extremely helpful.

How to fire webhook on particular status change

Hi I used webhook in JIRA and wrote the JQL query as below,
status CHANGED FROM "Waiting Security Approval" TO "Triggered FW commands"
When I use webhooks and select issues created,updated,deleted etc webhook is triggered properly and I am getting POST request in my APP.
But I get for all status change, So instead I removed all check mark and added the above mentioned JQL and in that case webhook is not fired.
How can I debug it? JIRA Version what is use is "v7.1.4"
You've misunderstood the JQL part of the Webhook - it's to narrow down the list of Issues for which a Webhook will be emitted when any of the conditions, that you've checked/selected, apply.
So, for example, you can specify (with the JQL) that you only want this Webhook to apply for Issues in Project ABC or for all Issues where you're the Assignee but it will still be only be fired on the events that you've selected in the checkbox groups.
What you need to do is create a Webhook that will fire on event "Issue updated" and when you receive it in your application check whether this update transitioned the Issue from the Status you want to the other one. If it did, do something, else ignore the Webhook.

Setup TFS/Test Manager to send email on test failure

Is it possible to setup TFS/Test Manager so that it sends out an email after a test fails?
Yes, it is possible but it requires quite a lot of changes/additions to the process template and possibly a custom-made activity.
After tests have run, we check if BuildDetail.BuildPhaseStatus has status failed
We send mail to everyone who has changesets committed to this build, so the build goes through BuildDetail.AssociatedChangesets (you need to have AssociateChangesetsAndWorkItems on) and get the committer username.
Unfortunately for us, there's no good correlation between TFS username and email address at our place, so we had to create a custom activity that looks that up in the AD.
The actual email is sent with the BuildReport action from Community TFS Build Extensions. We modified the xslt, but that's not really necessary. We also wanted to include a listing of the failed tests, and that required modification of the action itself (test data isn't included by default).
Looking at this description and all the work made to get this working, I'm beginning to wonder if it was worth it ;).

TFS 2010 build email notification when build is running beyond permissible time span

I am using TFS 2010 for build service. I need to send an email if the build is running for longer time.
For ex: Suppose the build normally runs for 10 mins, but now if the build is running for more than 20 mins... i need to send an email notification.
May I have your help on this?
This functionality is not available out of the box. This can however, make a great feature request, raise it for consideration here =>
However, to get this to work here is what you can do... Write a tfs build activity which using the tfs api extracts the last build execution time and insert that at various places in the process workflow ideally before and after each work flow task to check how much time has the build already consumed while measuring this against the expected time. Use the email notification task to send out an email accordingly.
Here is an example that shows u how to get the last build details, and here a custom task example
Alternatively, query the TFS Build Queue and check the runtime of the builds in progress. When any of the builds exceeds the defined thresholds, send the email. This can be done in a windows service with relative ease.
You'd use the TFS Client Object Model to query the builds like this. Tarun already provided a nice link to that.
