tikz: using of cyrillic characters for node label - character-encoding

I'm trying to use Cyrillic characters for node label, but seems like they are ignored. Probably should define label format in some way but wasn't able to find any guide for this.
Here is simple example:
\setmainfont{Roboto Light}
label=$label text текст надписи$]
(c) at (0,0){Текст ноды Node text};
which producing the following with xelatex:
Cyrillic characters missing in label
white space is also missing for some reason

Don't abuse math mode for whole words!
% !TeX TS-program = lualatex
\setmainfont{Roboto Light}
label={label text текст надписи}]
(c) at (0,0){Текст ноды Node text};


Latex: Left alignment for an equation

I have these two definitions:
&\boldsymbol{R*^\sigma} & \sigma_{superset}(F)&=\sigma_{superset}(F')&\\
&\boldsymbol{R*_{weak}^\sigma} & \sigma_{superset}(F)&=\sigma_{superset}(F')\cap\mathcal{P}(A)&
Compiled, it looks like this:
I want the equations to be aligned by "=" as they are; but also that they are not centered but quite next to the bold symbols. Like, also aligned left.
It should look like this (done with MS Paint):
If you don't mind that all equations will be left aligned, you could use the fleqn option of amsmath:
\noindent text
&\boldsymbol{R*^\sigma} & \sigma_{superset}(F)&=\sigma_{superset}(F')\\
&\boldsymbol{R*_{weak}^\sigma} \quad& \sigma_{superset}(F)&=\sigma_{superset}(F')\cap\mathcal{P}(A)
If you like to keep other equations centred, you could also switch temporarily:
&\boldsymbol{R*^\sigma} & \sigma_{superset}(F)&=\sigma_{superset}(F')\\
&\boldsymbol{R*_{weak}^\sigma} \quad& \sigma_{superset}(F)&=\sigma_{superset}(F')\cap\mathcal{P}(A)

How can I print the presentation made in Beamer without white bars?

How can I print on Epson L4160, or any other printer the presentation made in Latex connected with Beamer, having scale of frame 16:9? My trouble is strange, because I don't want to have a white bars... But, what I have discovered, on the preview in Adobe Reader, in full screen preview it looks very good...
Snapshot of printing:
Snapshot of fullscreen presentation:
And code: (due to many lines, I can paste it on other page if it is necessary)
\usepackage{ragged2e} %justify
\usepackage{gensymb} %degree
\usepackage{colortbl} %color of row
\usepackage{cancel} %fraction cancel line
\usepackage{url} %bibliography
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, calc}
\definecolor{myAmber}{rgb}{1.0, 0.49, 0.0} %#FF7E00
\title{Wprowadzenie do matematyki}
\subtitle{2. Koniunkcja i alternatywa w zdaniach.}
\author{Konstanty Dmochowski}
\insertshorttitle\hfill \hspace*{3.85cm}%
\makeatother %remove section both from header and outline in beamer
\newcommand*{\rechterWinkel}[3]{% #1 = point, #2 = start angle, #3 = radius
\draw[shift={(#2:#3)}] (#1) arc[start angle=#2, delta angle=90, radius = #3];
\fill[shift={(#2+45:#3/2)}] (#1) circle[radius=2.5\pgflinewidth];
%\special{pdf:encrypt ownerpw (prezentacjaPL2020) userpw (prezentacja2020) length 128 perm 2052}
\frametitle{Plan pracy}
\frametitle{Plan pracy}
\begin{frame}{O czym będziemy mówili?}
\caption{Jak sądzicie?}
Do tej pory mówiliśmy wyłącznie o \textbf{zdaniach logicznych} i ich \textbf{zaprzeczeniach}.
\textbf{Przykład:} \textit{Kwadrat ma nieskończenie wiele osi symetrii.}
\\[0.25cm] Są to tak zwane zdania proste - wyrażają one bowiem jedną myśl, składają się z jednego orzeczenia.
\pause \\[0.25cm] \textcolor{myAmber}{Pytanie:} Co się dzieje, gdy zdanie jest bardziej rozbudowane, skomplikowane? W jaki sposób wówczas z nim poradzić?
\subsection{Zdania złożone}
\begin{frame}{Zdania złożone}
Okazuje się, że zdania tej postaci:
\\[0.25cm] \pause \textit{Wojtek poszedł do kina lub zjawił się na stadionie.}
\\[0.25cm] \pause \textit{Eliza narysowała dom i wymieniła cieńkopis.}
\pause \\[0.25cm] prowadzą nas do nowego pojęcia: \textbf{zdania złożonego}. Powiedzmy coś o nich.
To get more or less the same aspect ration than a A4 paper, you could modify the page geometry like this:
\usepackage{ragged2e} %justify
\usepackage{gensymb} %degree
%\usepackage{colortbl} %color of row
\usepackage{cancel} %fraction cancel line
%\usepackage{url} %bibliography
\definecolor{myAmber}{rgb}{1.0, 0.49, 0.0} %#FF7E00
\title{Wprowadzenie do matematyki}
\subtitle{2. Koniunkcja i alternatywa w zdaniach.}
\author{Konstanty Dmochowski}
\setlength\beamer#paperwidth{16.00cm} \setlength\beamer#paperheight{11.31cm}
head=1cm,% might be changed later
foot=1cm% might be changed later
Some other comments about your code:
don't use enumitem with beamer
beamer has its own column mechanism, multicol is not necessary
if you need something from the colortbl package, use the xcolor={table} documentclass option instead of loading the package
you don't need graphicx
you also don't need url - beamer loads hyperref
no need for amsmath either, beamer already loads this
using floating specifier such as [h!] in a documentclass without floating mechanism makes no sense
don't use \begin{center}...\end{center} within your figures. This adds additional vertical space and is also unnecessary because figures are centred by default
don't abuse \\ for line breaks. Leave an empty line instead
instead of manually numbering things like Definicja 1., use an appropriate environment like definition, these can be made to number things automatically
Just give the filename of images without file type. Latex will automatically choose the best suited type in case you have the image in different formats
have a look at the booktabs package. Data prison style tables are really ugly
it should be \justifying and not \justify (the later kinda works by accidents, but causes many strange problems because it actually is an environment and not a macro)

Define fonts in Beamer

I want to define distinct fonts for text and math. I used this code
\renewcommand {\rmdefault }{ibh}
\setmainfont{Segoe Print}
Some text, $x^2 + y^2 = r^2$
but it has a inverse result:
How can i correct it?
You may need the package lmodern too:
\setmainfont{Segoe Print}
Some text, $x^2 + y^2 = r^2$
This code, compiled with LuaLaTeX, gives:
Also, check the option no-math of package fontspec.

LaTeX: Indent subcaption in figure environment

See this MWE:
% !TeX spellcheck = en_US
\usepackage[a4paper, margin=2.5cm]{geometry}
\usepackage{dcolumn} %makes r output work
\newcommand{\possessivecite}[1]{\citeauthor{#1}'s (\citeyear{#1})}
\caption{Main Caption. }
\includegraphics[width=\textwidth] {example-image-a}
\includegraphics[width=\textwidth] {example-image-b}
\includegraphics[width=\textwidth] {example-image-c}
\captionsetup{justification=raggedright} \subcaption*{This subcaption is supposed to be ragged right and intented by 4 cm. \\ This is in a new line.}
It should be self-explanatory, mostly. I'd like the last subcaption below the picture to be ragged right, but indented 2 cm. I tried to use \setcapmargin, but that does not work, creating the "undefined control sequence" error (so it's an unknown command).
Since you're writing a caption without numbering, set it in a \parbox where you have some more control over the placement and alignment:
\caption{Main Caption. }
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth] {example-image-a}
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth] {example-image-b}
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth] {example-image-c}
\strut This subcaption is supposed to be ragged right and indented by 4cm. \\
This is in a new line.\strut%
Note the use of \struts to support correct baseline alignment when dealing with text inside \parboxes. For more on this, see How to keep a constant baseline skip when using minipages (or \parboxes)?

Ruled Text in Textbox with Lines

I'd like to have a function for a "letter". By letter I mean that it is a ruled paper, and the text looks justified, as if it would be without the "uline" function.
Moreover, the ulem package is not what I want, since the last line will always be short (any line that has a linebreak).
I am more thinking of something as in the exam class, the \fillwithlines order.
Anyone has an idea? Thanks in advance!
\documentclass[fontsize=9pt,twoside, DIV=calc]{scrbook}
\usepackage[papersize={12.5cm,19cm},inner=10mm, outer=10mm, bottom=13mm, top=10mm, footskip=6mm]{geometry}
\begin{tikzpicture}[pencildraw/.style={ %
decoration={random steps,segment length=2pt,amplitude=1pt}
} %
\node[ preaction={fill=black,opacity=.5,% zeilenabstand=2.8,
transform canvas={xshift=1mm,yshift=-1mm}},
pencildraw,draw,fill=notiz,text width=.8\textwidth,
inner sep=5mm] {\uline{#1}};
