oauth2 : Is it recommanded to cache the public key used to validate the JWT token on every request? - oauth-2.0

Is it a common/useful practice to keep a copy of the public key used to validate each jwt token on every request to avoid fetching it every time from the authorization server ?
Is it an available option when using Spring Security ? or is there an implicit cache of the public key ?

It is common practice and useful to keep a copy of JWKs that have been pulled from a JWKs URI and use the cached copy for performance reasons.
In fact the JWK spec has been setup in such a way that it recommends this practice by virtue of adding a kid (or: Key Identifier) claim to the JWK and the tokens.
Whenever a signing key is updated/rolled-over, the Sender would update the kid in the JWKs and the signed tokens so that the Receiver would notice that the new kid is not available in the cache yet, thus pull the updated JWKs again from the JWKs URI.


Do I Pass the Identity Token in a Header or Body of a Post Request?

The access token and refresh token being in the header makes sense to me (from this answer), but I'm wondering the same thing for ID or Identity Tokens. Should those be:
Passed into the body of a post request?
Passed into some header (Authorization header is used by the access token)
Something else (I'm misunderstanding the purpose of the identity token)
A little more context, through SSO, I would like to take the claims of a user (present only in the Identity Token) and sign them up in my system. I can confirm I can do this easily by throwing the identity token into the body of the initial POST request (and validate the signature on the server), but wanted to check if I'm breaking some standard.
In principle you can pass the ID token assuming that:
the software that consumes and validates the ID token (Relying Party, RP) is part of the same application and security domain as the target system
the link between the RP and the target system is secure i.e. authentication of both parties and confidentiality of the communication is established
the target system indeed requires all of the information in the ID token, otherwise it would be better to apply minimal disclosure and pass only a subset of the information
Passing the ID token (or the subset of claims) in headers may work if the amount of data is relatively small, otherwise you may run into HTTP header length limitations. Using POST though has the downside of having to modify the application request in flight which may be harder and have side effects.
For completeness, the refresh token is never passed in a header and only sent to the Authorization Server / Provider by the RP in a POST request.

Do OAuth clients need to validate tokens as part of authorization code grant?

Does an app using authorization code (with or without PKCE) to obtain access + id tokens on behalf of a user need to also validate those tokens (signature, not expired, audience, etc.)?
If so, what for? Since the client is using TLS and pointing to the provider it's been configured with, what attacks/threats does that client also validating the token mitigate?
At first glance you are right and the spec basically allows for not checking tokens directly returned from the token endpoint over TLS as you suggest indeed, but:
Firstly, one may argue that if a signature is present, it is there for a reason and it should be validated since the Provider is also free to return tokens without a signature (alg="none") if it did not want/need the Client to validate.
Secondly, there are known attacks ("IDP mixup") that trick the Client into talking to the wrong token endpoint as a way of stealing the Authorization Code: verifying that the ID token returned does not match the expected signature would at least stop the Client from processing an ID token produced by an attacker.
Thirdly, it would be good for the Client to protect itself against broken or compromised IDPs in general, avoiding replay attacks or similar.
I guess when you're doing all of it in a single domain, i.e. Client, AS and RS are all under control of the same organisation and the relationships between them are fixed and one-to-one only, technically verification would be overkill based on current knowledge and known attacks.
But in case your use case spans multiple security domain, in general it is better to verify than it is to assume.

Is it OK to include the OAuth scopes inside a JWT?

I am adding an OAuth authorization server endpoint to my existing application. I am planing to issue JWTs from the OAuth token endpoint.
When a token issued for specific OAuth scopes, it looks better to embed the scopes for which the token is issued inside the token itself, because it is easier to validate whether the token has access to perform a certain action by looking at the token, when the client uses the issued token later to perform some action.
But, the standard claim fields of a JWT doesn't seem to include a suitable field to stamp the OAuth scopes.
So, would it be OK to include the scopes as custom claims in the JWT? Is there any other way to embed the scope details in the JWT?
JWT specification - RFC7519 provide you the ability to insert and use non-standard/registered claims. This is highlighted 4.3. Private Claim Names section of the specification.
A producer and consumer of a JWT MAY agree to use Claim Names that
are Private Names: names that are not Registered Claim Names
(Section 4.1) or Public Claim Names (Section 4.2). Unlike Public Claim Names, Private Claim Names are subject to collision and should
be used with caution.
Also, if you are after standard registered claims, they can be found here - https://www.iana.org/assignments/jwt/jwt.xhtml
Alternatively, if you are only interested to use standard claims and use only them with JWT Access Token (I assume JWT you refer is an access token), then you can define a token introspection endpoint and put scope values to its response. Scope is defined as a standard response parameter to introspection response
There is now JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens draft (and probably soon standard) which many already use in practice. In section 2.2.2 it explicitly states that:
If an authorization request includes a scope parameter, the corresponding issued JWT access token MUST include a scope claim as defined in section 4.2 of [TokenExchange].
All the individual scopes strings in the scope claim MUST have meaning for the resource indicated in the aud claim.
So not only that it is allowed to have scope claim, but it is even required if the request had one.

Storing OAuth 2.0 token in cache and validating next request by compare it

We are securing our webAPI using 'OAuth'. All request comes with OAuth token in header. To validate the token, we use Identity provider's public key. All works well.
I have a question. I believe this is not the right (and secure way), but don't know why.
In place of validating it with the public key every time, we can validate it once and for next subsequent requests, Why can't we store this token in cache (with emailId as key) and for all subsequent hits, we can compare it with the token store in cache.
Thanks in advance.
That's all fine and most Resource Servers would do exactly this. Typically one would calculate and store the hash of the access token for storage optimization reasons.
Note that you can do this safely assuming there's some lifetime that you can extract from the token and you will store the (hash of the) token not beyond that lifetime.
I think it depends on the character of the access token. If the token has a fixed life time that cannot change and its validity is verified just by checking its cryptographic signature (something like a JSON Web Token), then you can safely cache the verification results (if it brings you some speed advantage).
But access tokens are often revocable and it's necessary to validate them at the authorization server. The endpoint for access token info and verification didn't use to be part of OAuth2 spec, but it's in RFC now as "Introspection endpoint" - https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7662
Still, if there are many requests coming, even revocable tokens may be safe to cache for a short period of time (few seconds). But it depends on the character of your application.

OAuth2 returning JWT in place of access_token

I am currently in the process of building an OAuth2 provider using the bshaffer PHP library here.
I've found IETF draft specifications that outline the implementations that specifically call out the usage of JSON Web Tokens as an authorization grant and client authentication.
The implementation that interests me however is returning a JWT in place of the regular access token, as seen here. In case of dead link, the access token response is pasted below.
It returns a JWT in place of the regularly generated access token for the normal authorization grants. Client and User credentials grants are the more important for me as we are only dealing in 1st party API access.
This implementation seems to be ideal, because I do not need to maintain a store of generated tokens, limiting the amount of infrastructure that is required. At some point if we open the API to third-parties we would need a key-store for the various pub/priv keys to validate each client's tokens, and to limit the risk if some nefarious party stole the encryption key.
I feel this is a good implementation relying on asymmetric encryption and SSL/TLS. However are there potential security risks I've missed?
The signature on the JWT will only protect any claims inside the token from tampering, but cannot protect claims external to the token. Therefore, the expires field in your structure is not protected and can be tampered with.
To protect from tampering, you want to use the exp claim.
Two valid solutions are:
double check expires against exp
drop expires and just use exp
You might prefer one over the other depending on your requirements. Personally, I'd keep it simple and go with (2)
