Port forwarding not working on Huawei B535-232 4G LTE router for ssh connection - port

I have a Huawei B535-232 4G LTE router with the following configuration:
set ddns with NO-IP,
set static ip of the server to which I want to connect remotely via SSH,
set SSH port forwarding with: Wan port 8888 and Lan port 22 for server static ip.
I do not understand why I can not connect, the port 8888 is closed,where I am wrong ?
Thank you in advance for your help
I do not understand why I can not connect, the port 8888 is closed,where I am wrong ?


How do server programs work on Docker when *only* the listening port is mapped to the Docker host?

This is just a conceptual question that I have been thinking about recently.
Say I'm running an Nginx container on Docker on a host. Normally, for this to work, we have to map ports like 80 and 443 to host container. This is because these are listening ports, and connections from the outside world to port 80 should be forwarded to port 80 of the container. So far so good.
But also: port 80 is just the listening socket, right? The listening socket only accepts the connection; after this any communication done between a client and the Nginx server is supposedly done on a different socket with a random port number (on the server side). This is to allow multiple connections, and to keep the listening port free to establish more connections, etc. This is where my issue comes in.
Say I'm a client and I connect to this Nginx server. As far as I understand, I first send TCP packets to port 80 of the host that is hosting this Nginx Docker container. But during the establishment of the connection, the server changes their port to another number, say 45670. (Not sure how, but I am guessing the packets that are sent back suddenly mention this port, and our client will continue the rest of the exchange with this port number instead).
But now as I send packets (e.g. HTTP requests) to the host on port 45670, how will the Nginx docker container see those packets?
I am struggling to understand how server processes can run on Docker with only one port exposed / published for mapping.
But also: port 80 is just the listening socket, right? The listening socket only accepts the connection; after this any communication done between a client and the Nginx server is supposedly done on a different socket with a random port number (on the server side).
Nope. When a connection is established, the client side is a random port number (usually) and the server side is the same port that the server listens on.
In TCP there aren't actually listening sockets - they're an operating system thing - and a connection is identified by the combination of both the port numbers and both the IP addresses. The client sends a SYN ("new connection please") from its port 49621 (for example) to port 80 on the server; the server sends a SYN/ACK ("okay") from its port 80 to port 49621 on the client.

Wireguard in Docker container cannot connect to bridged containers forwarded ports

I have the following setup:
Raspi with Docker and multiple Containers connected to my Router. Some containers are on a MACVLAN network and receive regular IP Address in my LAN (e.g. Pihole, Unbound, etc.), some are on bridged networks and expose certain ports (Portainer, nginx, etc.)
Router LAN (192.x.y.0/24)
|Raspi (192.x.y.5)
|Pihole (192.x.y.11)
|Webserver (192.x.y.20)
|Wireguard (192.x.y.13) - (VPN: 10.x.y.0/32, DNS 192.x.y.11) - (Allowed IPs: 192.x.y.0/24)
|Portainer (bridged - exposing 8000, 9000, 9443)
|NGINX (bridged - exposing 81, 80, 443)
When I connect a client through Wireguard,
I can access the internet (Pihole on 192.x.y.11 works as DNS - adblocking works)
I can access Piholes webUI on 192.x.y.11
I can access my webserver on 192.x.y.20
NOT working:
I cannot access the Portainer UI or NGINX UI on their respective forwarded IP:ports e.g. 192.x.y.5:81 for NGINX
What is missing in any config? I found nothing solving this issue - please help!

Minikube has IP - Can't Curl

Minikube is up and running, with no errors, but I can't curl the IP. I'm following along here: https://docs.traefik.io/user-guide/kubernetes/, and there seems to be no mention of turning off a firewall or setting a config to allow minikube to listen on the IP. What is going on?
patientplatypus:~/Documents/HomePage:15:57:04$minikube ip
patientplatypus:~/Documents/HomePage:15:57:10$curl $(minikube ip)
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 80: Connection refused
Have you checked if it is really running on port 80? Probably is a wrong port or a firewall rule on machine You can try nmap to verify which ports are open on this machine.

Portforwarding not working

I recently tried to portforward port 80 on my local IP, but as the tutorial said, it should be open on my external IP, which it's not. But it is open on my local ip thought.
I have portforwarded port 80, range 80 UDP and TCP on my local IP:
This is the tutorial i followed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZTYqTGqtjI
I portforwarded my IP in the router settings.
Enable the Remote Management (or enter in the field) .
This will enable the you to access your LAN from WAN.
For the record :-
Internal Port is the PORT on which the device in your LAN is serving .
External Port is the port which the user enters in the browser . exp :- .
Here 8080 is the external port . And if a device in your LAN runs a http web server at port 80 , then the internal port would be 22.
If the Above methods don't work , then your ISP might be using Carrier NAT which means you would have a different PUBLIC and WAP ip address .
In this case , you should use the WAN ip address shown in your router configuration page to access your LAN from internet. s
Kindly Try to open same URL from different Internet Connection other than LAN

connection refused when I try to connect client with server

I made a basic client / server datasnap applications and it work in local network through http but when I tried to connect from the internet I get connection refused, here are the steps I followed:
I set at the server component TDSHTTPService to connect through port no 8081 then in the client I set to use same port in TSQLConnection component, and I used my PC public IP in the HostName but when I try to connect I get connection refused.
Any advise ?
Forgot to say the client is Firemonkey app running on Android.
You should go to router admin console, find something like "port forwarding" and route the port (8081) to your computer IP - you have to say the router that traffic on this port should go to your computer
