hamcrest matching on actual empty list fails with nosuchmethoderror - hamcrest

Sometimes the actual asserted upon can be surprisingly different.
A list can be empty while it was expected to contain something... what a surprise...
assertThat(new ArrayList<Integer>(), equalTo(singletonList(7)));
assertThat(new ArrayList<>(), not(Matchers.empty()));
both result in java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'void org.hamcrest.Matcher.describeMismatch(java.lang.Object, org.hamcrest.Description)'
(hamcrest 2.1 on jdk 14)

Added a dependency having transitive dependency on Hamcrest 1.1 -- excluded and now it works as expected.


Xamarin.Android binding generation giving "Type X was not found" errors for classes new in JDK 1.8

I'm trying to get Xamarin.Android to generate bindings for a library supplied as an AAR. JAR2XML is giving me a lot of "can't find type" errors, so I thought I'd try class-parse, but in addition to some library references I'm trying to track down, I'm getting a couple of these:
1> Error while processing '[Method] java.time.temporal.Temporal adjustInto(java.time.temporal.Temporal temporal, long newValue)' in '[Class] java.time.temporal.ChronoField': Type 'java.time.temporal.Temporal' was not found. (TaskId:69)
1> Error while processing '[Method] java.time.temporal.Temporal addTo(java.time.temporal.Temporal temporal, long amount)' in '[Class] java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit': Type 'java.time.temporal.Temporal' was not found. (TaskId:69)
Now, java.time.temporal.Temporal is a new type in JDK 1.8, so I'm wondering if maybe that's part of my problem here (ie. maybe the types that can't load are using other new-in-1.8 types). Running bin\javac -version in the path specified in Options-Xamarin-Android Settings says I'm using "1.8.0_172". My project is targeting "Android 8.1 (Oreo)" - ie. api level 27. Is there some other option I need to set to make sure I'm using 1.8?

GroovyObject class not found on Tomcat 8 with war of Grails 3.2.0

I deployed a Grails 3.2.0 WAR on Tomcat 8.5.6 and JDK 1.8.0_91 with a simple controller having following code:
package com.test
class MailController {
static responseFormats = ['json']
def index() {
Map headers = (request.headerNames as List).collectEntries { // It fails on this line
return [(it): request.getHeader(it)]
println "Incoming email $headers"
render status: 200
This code fails with the following exception:
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: groovy/lang/GroovyObject
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:763)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:642)
at groovy.util.ProxyGenerator.instantiateDelegateWithBaseClass(ProxyGenerator.java:225)
at groovy.util.ProxyGenerator.instantiateDelegateWithBaseClass(ProxyGenerator.java:193)
at groovy.util.ProxyGenerator.instantiateDelegate(ProxyGenerator.java:185)
at groovy.util.ProxyGenerator.instantiateDelegate(ProxyGenerator.java:181)
at org.grails.web.converters.ConverterUtil.invokeOriginalAsTypeMethod(ConverterUtil.java:161)
at org.grails.web.converters.ConvertersExtension.asType(ConvertersExtension.groovy:56)
at com.test.MailController.index(MailController.groovy:7)
at org.grails.core.DefaultGrailsControllerClass$MethodHandleInvoker.invoke(DefaultGrailsControllerClass.java:222)
at org.grails.core.DefaultGrailsControllerClass.invoke(DefaultGrailsControllerClass.java:187)
at org.grails.web.mapping.mvc.UrlMappingsInfoHandlerAdapter.handle(UrlMappingsInfoHandlerAdapter.groovy:90)
at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doDispatch(DispatcherServlet.java:963)
... 14 common frames omitted
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: groovy.lang.GroovyObject
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:381)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424)
... 27 common frames omitted
Before building the WAR file, I've changed the embedded tomcat to provided in build.gradle and also commented the groovy-ant dependency related to grails-core#10196
I see a answer here but that didn't worked and the above code is working fine when we run via grails run-app.
I shorted down the issue. It is failing on this part only request.headerNames as List
I am pretty sure the problem is with the use of "as List". Mostly because Grails will overwrite Groovy's asType implementation which makes the "as X" coercion syntax work.
Grails does this to add support for things like JSON for marshalling known Grails types to web transport formats.
Unfortunately, in doing so Grails also breaks any asType function you might have declared yourself. Or in this case Groovy itself already declared for converting an Enumeration into a List.
It's quite annoying as Grails is effectively breaking existing contracts here and forcing you to modify upstream code to allow it to run on Grails.
That or dump Grails because it doesn't play nice with perfectly valid Groovy code.
I believe replacing "as List" with .asType(List) won't even fix the issue as you're still invoking the same code. At best you could try .collect([]) {it} instead. It may not be necessary to add the empty array as the first argument to collect.

Grails ehcache plugin compile error

I'm trying to use the latest version of the grails ehcache plugin (1.0.4) in my grails application, however when I add the plugin as a dependency in BuildConfig.groovy I get a compile error on startup:
| Error Compilation error: startup failed:
Compile error during compilation with javac.
/Users/rcgeorge23/Documents/workspace/grails-cache-ehcache/src/java/grails/plugin/cache/ehcache/GrailsEhCacheManagerFactoryBean.java:202: error: ReloadableCacheManager.ProxyEhcache is not abstract and does not override abstract method getSearchesPerSecond() in Ehcache
protected class ProxyEhcache implements Ehcache {
/Users/rcgeorge23/Documents/workspace/grails-cache-ehcache/src/java/grails/plugin/cache/ehcache/GrailsEhCacheManagerFactoryBean.java:805: error: getStatistics() in ReloadableCacheManager.ProxyEhcache cannot implement getStatistics() in Ehcache
public StatisticsGateway getStatistics()
return type StatisticsGateway is not compatible with Statistics
/Users/rcgeorge23/Documents/workspace/grails-cache-ehcache/src/java/grails/plugin/cache/ehcache/GrailsEhCacheManagerFactoryBean.java:663: error: cannot find symbol
return getUnderlyingEhcache(name).getSearchAttributes();
symbol: method getSearchAttributes()
location: interface Ehcache
/Users/rcgeorge23/Documents/workspace/grails-cache-ehcache/src/java/grails/plugin/cache/ehcache/GrailsEhCacheManagerFactoryBean.java:660: error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype
/Users/rcgeorge23/Documents/workspace/grails-cache-ehcache/src/java/grails/plugin/cache/ehcache/GrailsEhCacheManagerFactoryBean.java:758: error: cannot find symbol
return getUnderlyingEhcache(name).calculateOnDiskSize();
symbol: method calculateOnDiskSize()
location: interface Ehcache
/Users/rcgeorge23/Documents/workspace/grails-cache-ehcache/src/java/grails/plugin/cache/ehcache/GrailsEhCacheManagerFactoryBean.java:755: error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype
/Users/rcgeorge23/Documents/workspace/grails-cache-ehcache/src/java/grails/plugin/cache/ehcache/GrailsEhCacheManagerFactoryBean.java:765: error: cannot find symbol
return getUnderlyingEhcache(name).getAll(arg0);
symbol: method getAll(Collection)
location: interface Ehcache
where CAP#1 is a fresh type-variable:
CAP#1 extends Object from capture of ?
/Users/rcgeorge23/Documents/workspace/grails-cache-ehcache/src/java/grails/plugin/cache/ehcache/GrailsEhCacheManagerFactoryBean.java:761: error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype
/Users/rcgeorge23/Documents/workspace/grails-cache-ehcache/src/java/grails/plugin/cache/ehcache/GrailsEhCacheManagerFactoryBean.java:770: error: cannot find symbol
return getUnderlyingEhcache(name).hasAbortedSizeOf();
symbol: method hasAbortedSizeOf()
location: interface Ehcache
/Users/rcgeorge23/Documents/workspace/grails-cache-ehcache/src/java/grails/plugin/cache/ehcache/GrailsEhCacheManagerFactoryBean.java:768: error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype
/Users/rcgeorge23/Documents/workspace/grails-cache-ehcache/src/java/grails/plugin/cache/ehcache/GrailsEhCacheManagerFactoryBean.java:777: error: cannot find symbol
symbol: method putAll(Collection)
location: interface Ehcache
/Users/rcgeorge23/Documents/workspace/grails-cache-ehcache/src/java/grails/plugin/cache/ehcache/GrailsEhCacheManagerFactoryBean.java:773: error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype
/Users/rcgeorge23/Documents/workspace/grails-cache-ehcache/src/java/grails/plugin/cache/ehcache/GrailsEhCacheManagerFactoryBean.java:783: error: method putIfAbsent in interface Ehcache cannot be applied to given types;
return getUnderlyingEhcache(name).putIfAbsent(arg0, arg1);
required: Element
found: Element,boolean
Has anyone else had this problem? I notice the ehcache plugin is still being maintained, so I guess it works with current versions of grails, however I can't seem to get it to work for me. I've also tried cloning the latest commit from the grails-ehcache project in github and referencing this as a local plugin project, but I still get the same compile error.
I'm using Grails 2.3.7.
I was able to get my app to start up using version 1.0.0 of the ehcache plugin, although I imagine I'm probably missing out on some important enhancements if I use this version...
Ok for now, I've just cloned version 1.0.0 from github and cherry picked the fix for the TTL defect (https://jira.grails.org/browse/GPCACHEEHCACHE-6). It'd be good to find out why I can't get 1.0.4 working, but I have a workaround for now.
It works for me with a basic 2.3.11 app, so I'm guessing that something else is bringing in an older version of the ehcache jar. You'll probably see that if you run grails dependency-report.
The 1.0.4 plugin depends on net.sf.ehcache:ehcache:2.9.0 but most other plugins that depend on Ehcache haven't been updated to the most recent versions, so you'll probably see that you also have a dependency for net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core:2.4.8, but the version might be off a bit. Notice that they dropped the "-core" from the name, which could also be contributing to this because unless the group and name are exactly the same, one jar cannot evict another. So it's possible for two people to have both jars in the classpath, but they end up in the opposite order, and it works fine for one because the newer jar's classes are loaded, but not the other because the the older classes are loaded.
You'll get a better dependency report if you switch temporarily from
grails.project.dependency.resolver = "maven"
grails.project.dependency.resolver = "ivy"
in BuildConfig.groovy - the maven resolver only generates output to the console, but the Ivy output also includes HTML output.
If you can't resolve this, create a small separate test app and configure it so it fails the same way - you probably just need to copy BuildConfig.groovy from your app. Create an issue at https://jira.grails.org/browse/GPCACHEEHCACHE and I'll take a look. If all you need to do is change BuildConfig.groovy, attach that to the issue, otherwise run grails bug-report and attach the zip it creates.

Compile with standalone flag gives compilation errors in client code

I'm attempting to compile Zero29 with the --standalone compiler flag. The project itself compiles fine, but I have a unit test project that exercises some code in the Zero29 project, even though it's an executable program (.exe).
Everything works fine without the --standalone compilation flag.
However, when I add the --standalone compilation flag to the Zero29 project, the Zero29 project compiles fine, but in the unit test project, the compiler complains about this Discriminated Union defined in the Zero29 project:
namespace Ploeh.ZeroToNine
open System
open Ploeh.ZeroToNine.Versioning
type Arg =
| Assign of Version
| AssignRank of Rank * int
| Increment of Rank
| ListVersions
| ShowHelp
| Unknown of string list
The unit test project directly references the Zero29 project:
Zero29.UnitTests --references--> Zero29 (where --standalone is added)
When I attempt to compile the entire solution, the Zero29 project compiles with the --standalone flag, but then compilation of Zero29.UnitTests fails. There are several errors, but they are all the same, so here's a single example:
error FS0039: The value or constructor 'Assign' is not defined
Which points to the third line of this code:
let ParseAssignVersionReturnsCorrectResult(version : string) =
let actual = [| "-a"; version |] |> Args.Parse
verify <# [Assign(Version version)] = (actual |> Seq.toList) #>
The strange thing is that while the compiler complains about Assign in the third line of this code snippet, it doesn't complain about the use of Args.Parse, even though it's defined in the same code file as the Arg Discriminated Union.
Why does it do that, and how can I resolve this issue?
(I've attempted to distil the problem here, but the links I've provided point to the actual code files on GitHub, if more information is required.)
Libraries compiled with the --standalone switch cannot expose any F# datatypes. This is, for one, expressly stated in Pickering (2007), p. 210. In your case, a discriminated union is one of these prohibited types. The fact that the file is an executable changes nothing here: it becomes a library the moment you attempt to use it as one.
There have been also multiple reports (for example, here and here) that even libraries compiled with --standalone behave, quoting one of these sources, “funky.” It would be safe to say that the use of this switch should perhaps be limited to stand-alone executables only (and they cannot pretend to be a library even when under unit tests).
Pickering R. (2007). Foundations of F#. Apress.

Code from dart2js is throwing NoSuchMethodErrors for get$functions

My Polymer.dart web app, that works fine in Dartium, is giving the following error (it repeats seven times) when compiled with dart2js using pub build --mode=debug and loaded in Chrome.
Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/plain: "http://confab.dev/index.html_bootstrap.dart". confab.dev/:10
warning: file:///home/dan/projects/confabulous/webatara/web/index.html.0.dart library not found index.html_bootstrap.dart.js:17188
Uncaught Error: NoSuchMethodError: Cannot call "get$functions" on "#<JsLibraryMirror>" (Object #<JsLibraryMirror> has no method 'get$functions') index.html_bootstrap.dart.js:17188
Stack Trace:
TypeError: Object #<JsLibraryMirror> has no method 'get$functions'
at dart._loadLibrary (http://confab.dev/index.html_bootstrap.dart.js:20000:19)
at dart._loadLibraries (http://confab.dev/index.html_bootstrap.dart.js:19917:11)
at dart._initPolymerOptimized (http://confab.dev/index.html_bootstrap.dart.js:19908:7)
at dart.initPolymer (http://confab.dev/index.html_bootstrap.dart.js:19902:7)
at main (http://confab.dev/index.html_bootstrap.dart.js:4112:7)
at _IsolateContext.eval$1 (http://confab.dev/index.html_bootstrap.dart.js:1369:23)
at dart.startRootIsolate (http://confab.dev/index.html_bootstrap.dart.js:1145:21)
at http://confab.dev/index.html_bootstrap.dart.js:26514:7
at init.currentScript (http://confab.dev/index.html_bootstrap.dart.js:26494:5)
at http://confab.dev/index.html_bootstrap.dart.js:26508:3
Uncaught NoSuchMethodError: Cannot call "get$functions" on "#<JsLibraryMirror>" (Object #<JsLibraryMirror> has no method 'get$functions') index.html_bootstrap.dart.js:2369
Because source maps don't appear to work (they're turned on in Chrome, and I have .map files), I don't even know which part of my code is causing this.
I've tried with interop.js included both before dart.js, as the docs say, and after, as this issue says.
Looks like a bug in dart2js. Please file an issue, ideally with a reproducible test-case.
pub upgrade fixed it. It turns out that something had replaced the polymer 0.9.5 that I'd been using with 0.8.10+4. Quite odd. The solution to this is to set the polymer version as '>= 0.9.5' instead of 'any', which I will do eventually, but for now I'm interested to see if it happens again.
