Created onlineMeeting does not correspond to parameters passed with the Graph API - microsoft-graph-api

I am trying to create onlineMeetings using the Graph API. I am posting to the URL:{user_id}/onlineMeetings
I am able to successfully create the meetings and get a response back, however its properties do not match what I asked for in my JSON object.
Here's an example:
"subject": "(redacted)",
"startDateTime": "2023-02-12T16:49:00-03:00",
"endDateTime": "2023-02-12T22:00:00-03:00",
"isBroadcast": true,
"broadcastSettings": {
"allowedAudience": "everyone",
"isRecordingEnabled": true,
"isAttendeeReportEnabled": true
"recordAutomatically": true,
"allowedPresenters": "everyone",
"allowAttendeeToEnableCamera": true,
"allowAttendeeToEnableMic": true,
"allowMeetingChat": "enabled"
The 201 response (not all data shown):
{"id": "redacted", "creationDateTime": "2023-02-12T19:49:54.8047568Z", "startDateTime": "2023-02-12T19:49:00Z", "endDateTime": "2023-02-13T01:00:00Z", "joinUrl": "redacted", "meetingCode": "291592838770", "subject": "redacted", "isBroadcast": True, "autoAdmittedUsers": "everyoneInCompany", "outerMeetingAutoAdmittedUsers": "everyone", "isEntryExitAnnounced": True, "allowedPresenters": "organization", "allowMeetingChat": "enabled", "allowTeamworkReactions": True, "allowAttendeeToEnableMic": True, "allowAttendeeToEnableCamera": True, "recordAutomatically": False
As you can see, several properties are wrong such as allowedPresenters and recordAutomatically. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I am POSTing from Python Requests, the data is in the form of a json.dump'd Python dict, which is shown above in the 1st JSON box. However some properties are correct such as the start and end dates, as well as subject.
Also, I am unable to add someone else as the organizer of the event, whatever upn and role I pass in, the organizer always ends up being the account whose credentials are used to make the request. However I can add attendees with their email as upn normally.
Can you guys help me? I'm really puzzled here. Perhaps it's something I should fix in my account configuration, permissions, etc?


Jira set user using API

I have been able to find various questions similar to this one, but none of them are solving this problem.
So I have this custom field
"customfield_10039": {
"required": false,
"schema": {
"type": "user",
"custom": "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:userpicker",
"customId": 10039
"name": "user",
"key": "customfield_10039",
"autoCompleteUrl": "",
"hasDefaultValue": false,
"operations": [
So as you can see this allows one to set the user, now I set the user using this:
{"fields":{"customfield_10039" : {"name":"admin"}}}
I have tried so many combinations for name, I have tried using email id, display name, even name by concatenating first name, second name. In each one I get the same error:
{"errorMessages":[],"errors":{"customfield_10039":"user is required."}}

Using an API with Zapier but getting "The app returned ""rest_data" param is incorrect. JSON data expected"."

So i grab data from an Airtable and then have a custom PUT as the second action using Samba Lives API, specifically Sessions -> PUT Session
This is the data in the custom PUT:
Method: PUT
Data Pass-Through? No
"topic": "Crazy Topic",
"duration": 30,
"start_time": "2025-09-10 12:00:00",
"email": "",
"first_name": "First",
"last_name": "Last",
"role": 1,
"send_email_invitation": true
Unflatten- yes
Basic Auth- ourusername|ourpassword
Headers- none
But the test fails and says "App returned "rest_data" param is incorrect. JSON is expected."
I'm not really sure what to try and Zapier just said we don't help with that. Only thing i could think to try was to delete the input_type section, and that returned with an error saying "Topic is required." Same thing when i left most of it and just deleted the rest_data part.
Any ideas?
Fixed - apparently the comma after the ] threw everything off.

MS Team[BETA] API for Message object property type for reaction

I am trying to create the schema for Message API
As per the documentation, the sample response properties for reaction provided are below
Documentation sample response
"reactions": [
"reactionType": "like",
"createdDateTime": "2019-01-21T19:55:51.893Z",
"user": {
"application": null,
"device": null,
"conversation": null,
"user": {
"id": "e1ecb745-c10f-40af-a9d4-cab946c80ac7",
"displayName": null,
"userIdentityType": "aadUser"
From the documentation user is Identity type identity set
Identity is of type:
"displayName": "string",
"id": "string",
"tenantId": "string",
"thumbnails": { "#odata.type": "microsoft.graph.thumbnailSet" }
From the sample response as well as the response from endpoint, tenantId is not present.
There is a difference in sample response/actual endpoint response and documented properties:
The one with tenantId or one without tenantId.
The user is 1 level as per property documentation but as per actual response and sample response user property has user with in.
What is the correct schema of reaction property that we should consider, because we see variation in documentation vs actual response ?
ok, I think I understand - you're just asking what you should be coding for / expecting, when you query the api. It looks to me like the first link you've posted is the more correct, but you can verify this by using the Graph Explorer. This response does NOT bring back "tenantId", but you haven't explained if you -need- tenantId. If so, there are other ways to get it.
#KritikaVohra, Consider the response that you receive from the{id}/channels/{id}/messages. You don't need tenant id here. in case in conversation if you need it, you can use it from turnContext.

How to create user with ROLE_API_ACCESS in Sylius?

I followed the official rest-api documentation of sylius but couldn't create the user with field user[authorizationRoles]. Since role_user is default role, i provided arrays of roles as mentioned in docs like this
POST http://localhost:8000/api/customers/
firstName = Ram
lastName = Thakuri
email =
gender = m
user[plainPassword] = ******
user[authorizationRoles] = [ROLE_API_ACCESS]
I even searched in similar posts but couldn't found right answer, don't know where i am wrong but got validation failed message and errors as below (i am using POSTMAN).
"code": 400,
"message": "Validation Failed",
"errors": {
"errors": [
"This form should not contain extra fields."
"children": {
"firstName": {},
"lastName": {},
"email": {},
"birthday": {},
"gender": {},
"phoneNumber": {},
"subscribedToNewsletter": {},
"group": {},
"user": {
"children": {
"plainPassword": {},
"enabled": {}
I want to receive an access token using an OAUTH for every registered user to have an api access.
I am newbie to sylius so please help me out on this.
Thanks in advance
You are not able to do it out-of-the-box. The endpoint you are trying to use is related to customers, therefore setting authorization roles has been removed. This part of the documentation is outdated. You can open a PR with the fix, if you want :)
Anyway, it will be possible to do it with the PR #7711 which will allow managing SyliusUsers but through /users/ endpoint which will not create a customer.
The best solution for you would be to customise Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Form\Type\User\ShopUserType and add that field to FormType. Just take a look at the PR I have mentioned before.
Just as a warning, I want to stress, that ShopApi is an experimental concept for Sylius, so you can meet a lot more complex problems if you want to use it this way. It is doable, but not trivial.

Create Plan (BETA) doesn't seem to work

I'm trying to create a planner plan using Graph as per
but I'm consistently getting the following BadRequest response:
"error": {
"code": "BadRequest",
"message": "Write requests are only supported on contained entities",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "eae08944-6f47-477e-9950-ade31c473dd7",
"date": "2016-03-07T11:59:04"
As per the docs I'm POSTing to with the following body:
"createdBy": "<my uuid>",
"owner": "<a previously generated group uuid>",
"title": "Blah Plan"
with no luck. The previously generated group looks like the following:
"id": "<uuid>",
"classification": null,
"createdDateTime": "2016-03-07T09:53:26Z",
"description": "Int Test",
"displayName": "Int Test",
"groupTypes": [
"mail": "<email_address>",
"mailEnabled": true,
"mailNickname": "IntTest",
"onPremisesLastSyncDateTime": null,
"onPremisesSecurityIdentifier": null,
"onPremisesSyncEnabled": null,
"proxyAddresses": [
"renewedDateTime": "2016-03-07T09:53:26Z",
"securityEnabled": false,
"visibility": "Public"
I've tried various combinations of request bodies. With and without createdBy values. With and without owner values. Nothing seems to work.
Any ideas where I'm going wrong? The error is consistent across my integration tests as well as through the graph explorer.
As Sriram mentioned, this was a documentation bug. It has just been fixed. The updated URL is:
The issue was in which endpoint to call to create a plan. You should call "/plans" instead of "/me/plans". You should also be aware that some of the data you are passing in is read-only. You should not include "createdBy" because this is a read-only property set by the service, not you. The plan resource documentation will show you all of the properties that can be set on a plan.
The last thing to keep in mind is that you can only have one plan per group. If you try to make a second plan, you'll receive an error about this from the API.
In Juli 2017 the API was modified and released. The new endpoint for creating a plan now is:
with a request body e.g. like this:
"owner": "<group-id>",
"title": "my plan title"
where <group-id> must be the id of a previously created group.
Apologies for the confusion here. The documentation has a bug will be updated shortly. To create a plan, please ensure that a group is created, and the user is member of group. Then create the plan with owner set to group id, and createdBy set to user id.
For this issue, can you please try following the below steps exactly?
Create a unified group
Add user to be member of unified group
Create plan by sending {“owner”: group-id, “title”: string} - do not send "createdBy" field since it's a read-only field
For adding tasks to buckets, it should work just fine if you sent
{“planId”: plan-id, “bucketId”: bucket-id, “title”: string}
If this still doesn't work, feel free to reach out to me at
