Google cloud vision Python client times out when request comes from from Cloud run service - google-cloud-run

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okonomichiyaki is looking for an answer from a reputable source.
I have a Python application (using Flask) which uses the Google Cloud Vision API client (via pip package google-cloud-vision) to analyze images for text using OCR (via TEXT_DETECTION feature in the API). This works fine when run locally providing Google credentials on the command line via GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable pointing to the JSON file I got from a service account in my project with access to the Vision API. It also works fine locally in a Docker container, when the same JSON file is injected via a volume (following the recommendations in the Cloud run docs).
However, when I deploy my application to Cloud run, the same code fails to successfully make a request to the Cloud Vision API in a timely manner, and eventually times out. (the Flask app returns an HTTP 504) Then the container seems to become unhealthy: all subsequent requests (even those not interacting with the Vision API) also time out.
In the Cloud run logs, the last thing logged appears to be related to Google cloud authentication:
DEBUG:google.auth.transport.requests:Making request: GET
I believe my project is configured correctly to access this API: as already stated I can use the API locally via the environment variable. And the service is running in Cloud Run using this same service account (at least I believe it is, serviceAccountName field in the YAML tab matches, and I'm deploying it via gcloud run deploy --service-account ...)
Furthermore, the application can access the same Vision API without using the official Python client (locally and in Cloud run), when accessed using an API key and a plain HTTP POST via requests package. So the Cloud run deploy seems to be able to make this API call and the project has access. But there is something wrong with the project in the context of the combination of Cloud run and the official Python client.
I admit this is basically a duplicate of this 4 year old question. But aside from being old that has no resolution and I hope I can provided more details that might help get a good answer. I would much prefer to use the official client


How to deploy a Flask Backend and React Front End on Google Cloud

I know this may seem like an opinion-based question but I can't seem to find any answers anywhere. I'm having trouble figuring out how to deploy my flask backend and react front end on google cloud. I am using a docker-compose on my local machine but I can't seem to find a way to deploy that on Google Cloud.
My question is, is there a way to deploy them using a docker-compose file using Cloud Build and Cloud Run? Or do I have to create two different Cloud Run instances to run the frontend and backend? Or is it better to create a VM instance and run the docker-compose container on there (and how would one even do this)? I am very new to deployment so any help is appreciated.
For reference, I saw this but it didn't exactly answer my question. Thanks in advance!
You use docker-compose for multi-container applications. In your case it wouldn't make much sense.
You have a python backend. You can containerize it and deploy to Cloud Run, Cloud Functions, App Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine or even on a Compute Engine VM. In my opinion the most convenient option would be Cloud Run.
If your React frontend is a Single Page App, it communicates with your python backend with HTTP requests. You build the HTML/CSS/JS files and host them somewhere, like a Cloud Storage bucket or Cloud CDN.

Can a docker container get access to (not local) DynamoDB?

I am learning about microservices and Docker and I have made a small application in visual studio 2022 that basically can perform CRUD operations on the DynamoDB (with ASP.NET 6.0).
When I run the project on localhost everything works, but as soon as I make a docker container and try to perform crud from the Docker container, I get an error that states:
unable to get iam security credentials from ec2 instance metadata service
I tried a bunch of things like changing my appsettings.json, but came to the conclusion that that is not the problem since it works when I run the solution locally.
When I google about this problem I get overflow with information about running DynamoDB locally. I get that that is good for developing purpose, but I still want to try to perform CRUD operations on my DynamoDB from the Docker container (and think it must be possible).
So my question is: is it possible to access my DynamoDB table from a Docker image?
I have found the answer. The problem was in my docker-compose file where I needed the following line:
- ~/.aws/:/root/.aws:ro
I found it on this post:
AWS DotNet SDK Error: Unable to get IAM security credentials from EC2 Instance Metadata Service
by user #smcg

Is it possible to trigger a DAG using the Python client for Cloud Composer?

I notice that it is possible to trigger a DAG using gcloud by issuing
gcloud composer environments run myenv trigger_dag -- some_dag --run_id=foo
It is my understanding that gcloud uses the client libraries to do everything that it does and hence I am assuming that I can do the same operation (i.e. trigger a composer DAG) using the Python client for Cloud Composer. Unfortunately I've browsed through the documentation at that link, specifically at, and I don't see anything there that enables me to do the same as gcloud composer environments run.
Please can someone help explain if its possible to trigger a DAG using the Python client for Cloud Composer?
Unfortunately the Python Client Library of Cloud Composer does not support trigger of DAGs as of now. A possible workaround for triggering it via Python is to send a HTTP request directly to the airflow instance in your Cloud Composer. See Trigger a DAG from Cloud Functions for more details. See Python code that triggers the DAG hosted in Cloud Function.
In this document, the Cloud Function configured to trigger a DAG when a new file is uploaded to the bucket. If that don't fit your use case, you can always change the trigger type of the Cloud Function that will fit to with your use case.

Airflow on Google Cloud Composer vs Docker

I can't find much information on what the differences are in running Airflow on Google Cloud Composer vs Docker. I am trying to switch our data pipelines that are currently on Google Cloud Composer onto Docker to just run locally but am trying to conceptualize what the difference is.
Cloud Composer is a GCP managed service for Airflow. Composer runs in something known as a Composer environment, which runs on Google Kubernetes Engine cluster. It also makes use of various other GCP services such as:
Cloud SQL - stores the metadata associated with Airflow,
App Engine Flex - Airflow web server runs as an App Engine Flex application, which is protected using an Identity-Aware Proxy,
GCS bucket - in order to submit a pipeline to be scheduled and run on Composer, all that we need to do is to copy out Python code into a GCS bucket. Within that, it'll have a folder called DAGs. Any Python code uploaded into that folder is automatically going to be picked up and processed by Composer.
How Cloud Composer benefits?
Focus on your workflows, and let Composer manage the infrastructure (creating the workers, setting up the web server, the message brokers),
One-click to create a new Airflow environment,
Easy and controlled access to the Airflow Web UI,
Provide logging and monitoring metrics, and alert when your workflow is not running,
Integrate with all of Google Cloud services: Big Data, Machine Learning and so on. Run jobs elsewhere, i.e. other cloud provider (Amazon).
Of course you have to pay for the hosting service, but the cost is low compare to if you have to host a production airflow server on your own.
Airflow on-premise
DevOps work that need to be done: create a new server, manage Airflow installation, takes care of dependency and package management, check server health, scaling and security.
pull an Airflow image from a registry and creating the container
creating a volume that maps the directory on local machine where DAGs are held, and the locations where Airflow reads them on the container,
whenever you want to submit a DAG that needs to access GCP service, you need to take care of setting up credentials. Application's service account should be created and downloaded as a JSON file that contains the credentials. This JSON file must be linked into your docker container and the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable must contain the path to the JSON file inside the container.
To sum up, if you don’t want to deal with all of those DevOps problem, and instead just want to focus on your workflow, then Google Cloud composer is a great solution for you.
Additionally, I would like to share with you tutorials that set up Airflow with Docker and on GCP Cloud Composer.

How to use TestCafe-Cucumber Node.js project in DevOps deployments

I have a test framework running on my local (& git) that is based on TestCafe-Cucumber (Node.js) example: & it works really well.
Now, I am trying to use this framework in the deployment (post-deployment) cycle by hosting it as a service or creating a docker container.
The framework executes through the CLI command (npm test) with few parameters.
I know the easiest way is to call the git repo directly as & when required by adding a Jenkins step, however, that is not the solution I am looking for.
So far, I have successfully built the docker image & container now runs on my localhost 8085 port as (although I get DNS server as it's not an app - please correct me if I am wrong here)
The concern here is: How can I make it work like an app hosted so that once the deployment completes, the Jenkins/Octopus could call it as a service through the URL ( along with few parameters that the framework used to execute the test case?
I request all experts to provide a solution if there are any.
I guess there is no production-ready application or service to solve this task.
However, you can use a REST framework to handle network requests and subprocesses to start test sessions. If you like Node.js, you can start with the Express framework and the execa module.
This way you can build a basic service that can start your tests. If you need a more flexible solution, you can take look at gherkin-testcafe that provides access to TestCafe's API. You can use it instead of starting TestCafe as a subprocess since this way you will have more options to manage your test sessions.
