How can I resolve "unexpected EOF" error when pulling docker image - docker

I have Docker Desktop 4.16.2 (95914) on MacOS Ventura 13.1, and as far as I know I'm not connected to any proxies. I've authenticated to docker hub via docker desktop, and have tried to pull a python base image by running "docker build .", with the following line at the top of the Dockerfile:
FROM python:3
I get the following error:
Get "": unexpected EOF
Does anyone know what might be causing this and how to resolve it?

I pinned down the issue to privileges changes since Docker Desktop 4.15.0 for Mac.
What fixed the issue on my end was to downgrade to 4.14.1:
Uninstall Docker completely. This can be done by opening Docker Desktop UI, clicking the Bug icon and clicking "Uninstall". Then, the application can be moved to the bin.
Install Docker Desktop 4.14.1
I encountered this issue on a company Mac where I suspect the Privileges app I need to use to elevate permissions doesn't work well with the privileges changes Docker made starting from 4.15.0.
Extract from their 4.15.0 changelog:
Docker Desktop for Mac no longer needs to install the privileged helper process com.docker.vmnetd on install or on the first run. For more information see Permission requirements for Mac.


How do you resolve the GitLab error "Error response from daemon: invalid condition: 'not-running'"?

I set up a Windows GitLab runner that's supposed to download a Docker image from our Container Registry and then run a build script in the pipeline. Unfortunately the Docker container never launches due to the following error:
Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
on WindowsDockerRunner wZMWQZYi
Resolving secrets
Preparing the "docker-windows" executor
Using Docker executor with image ...
Pulling docker image ...
Using docker image sha256:e6b07227af5ca9303c2112b574f6f27f38135bbf9df29d829142410221967401 for with digest ...
Preparing environment
Running on RUNNER-WZMWQZYI via
ERROR: Job failed (system failure): prepare environment: Error response from daemon: invalid condition: "not-running". Check for more information
The error message doesn't clearly state what the cause of the problem is and the documentation that it references doesn't mention anything about "condition". Based on the link pointing to shell profiles I suspect it might have something to do with the shell that's being run, but when I run the Docker container locally it boots into PowerShell just fine.
Does anyone know how to solve this?
I came across this issue after installing Docker Engine using the Windows Server install script, which fetches docker.exe and dockerd.exe from, These builds were last updated in March 2022, I found gitlab-runner 14.9 and earlier work okay with this version (released prior to March 2022), but 14.10 does not (released 2022-04-19) nor do any newer versions.
Installing Docker Desktop resolves this as it provides the latest version. However using Docker Desktop introduces licensing issues. An alternative is to manually install Docker Engine / update the version downloaded by the Microsoft script.
Docker Engine builds are provided on the Moby GitHub project to download from downloading the lastest version from here and replacing the docker executables in C:\Windows\System32 fixes the problem, working with the latest gitlab-runner.
An alternative is to use the docker-engine chocolatey package (which incidentally I maintain) which provides installation scripting for the above stable builds:
choco install docker-engine
There is also an open issue with the Windows-Containers team to move off (out of date) nightlies: which would provide a stable docker build, through the Microsoft recommended installation method.
Was finally able to solve this issue. We had the Docker Engine installed on our GitLab Runner, but that doesn't seem to be sufficient for GitLab CI/CD. After installing Docker Desktop on the runner the issue disappeared and we were able to run the pipeline.
After some trial and error I got it up and running.
I have another server running the gitlab-runner and docker without any issues (no docker desktop installed, which is not allowed because of licensing stuff).
The server I'm trying to setup right now is a 'redundancy' build server.
So to find out what was my problem, I started switching things from one build server to the other. Currently, it appears that simply downgrading to the gitlab-runner V13.4.0 was enough.
I did reregister the runner, since gitlab stated that the V15.x.x version was using executor "unknown".
Not sure what is going on there, but at least I can continue building now.

Docker not starting on Windows 11 with WSL 2

I'm trying to setup docker with WSL 2 to run a Dockerfile. I downloaded Docker Desktop, and when I tried to follow the quick start guide, I got the following error:
docker: error during connect: This error may indicate that the docker daemon is not running.: Post "http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%d2Fdocker_engine/v1.24/containers/create?name=repo": open //./pipe/docker_enginer: The system cannot find the file specified.
I set com.docker.service to run in the Task Manager, and have run:
“c:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\DockerCli.exe” -SwitchDaemon
I have also quit Docker Desktop and reopened it in admin mode, and I still get the message that Docker Desktop has stopped.
Please let me know if there's any other options, thanks!
I managed to solve the problem in this way:
delete config file AppData/Roaming/Docker/settings.json
start Docker Desktop (it will create new default settings.json)
You need to re-configure settings, so it is also good idea to save the old settings.json and compare settings with the new one.
If you are running Docker Desktop for Windows 4.5.0 then you should be aware of an existing issue where the default backend selected after installing is not the correct one.
You can switch to the correct backend manually by editing the file located at: %AppData%\Docker\settings.json (full path: C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\Docker\settings.json) and at the bottom of the file change the value for the wslEngineEnabled field to true. After that Docker Desktop should start correctly.
Similar issue and solution is mentioned here by the user mccaa25.
latest version 4.5.0 It won't work for me too, for me downgrade to 4.4.4 it worked. It may be problem with the latest version
for released note and older version Here
Note: You can install an older version and update to latest version 4.5.0
Wow! I spent multiple days trying to get Docker for windows 11 to work. What finally did it was downgrading to version 4.4.4 as #GinglrBell recommended. Here's a link Docker version 4.4.4.
Make sure WSL is installed and virtualization is enabled. If you try to open WSL and you get an error telling you to enable virtualization in BIOS, run this command as Admin in powershell: bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype auto (Docker src). Then restart your PC.
I hit this issue today, and the steps below are what worked for me - the gist is that I needed to install WSL 2 beforehand. Most of my steps were derived from here:
open powershell as admin
wsl -l -v # Windows Subsystem for Linux has no installed distributions
install linux kernel update from here # in my case, x64-based
wsl --set-default-version 2
wsl --list --online # shows several linux distributions, I picked a recent one
wsl --install -d Ubuntu-20.04 # then create default linux user name and password
install windows docker desktop from here # now starts successfully
Manged to switch to Windows Containers. (Docker v4.9.0)
What I did was to change the following in the settings.json:
"useWindowsContainers": true,
"wslEngineEnabled": true,
Also set security on folder:
C:\ProgramData\Docker (I set "Everyone" full control.)
After that I used the "Switch to Windows Containers"-feature from the task-bar icon content menu
I tried Janne Rantala's method.
But the same problem occurs again after several days.
My final solution is to uninstall Docker Desktop, then download and run the installation file as an administrator.
Then the problem no longer appears again.
I was able to resolve this issue on my machine by installing the Linux kernel update package as described in the Microsoft guide
I have been having some Docker setting up troubles for a fair amount of time. I think I had to just make sure I removed all references of Docker. After buying Windows 10 pro I still had issues, I did have to look into the following folders:
I also deleted the Docker file in my programfiles folder
Navigated to said file and deleted Docker files.
Used the docker installer, checkboxes (to use wsl2).
I was faicing the same issue and resolved. I have just open Microsoft Store application and after that opened the docker and its working fine. This is wired but sharing this so it might helps someone.
I solved this issue by enabling the windows feature "Windows Hypervisor Platform" and restarting my computer.
I installed Docker Desktop v4.16.2

Is there a way to fix or reinstall Docker Desktop after deleting files in the Docker directory?

I am new to Docker (just about a week) and am trying to get Docker Desktop 3.3.1 to work. I foolishly deleted some files in the Docker directory, and now cannot uninstall the application. I have stopped it and unregistered it using wsl, but when I go to the Apps & features Settings window and click Uninstall, it just hangs with a blank Uninstall window.
However, when I try to reinstall Docker Desktop 3.3.1, I get the following message: "Existing installation is up to date" but still see the empty C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker directory.
I tried to delete the registry key at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Docker Desktop but I get *"Cannot delete Docker Desktop: Error while deleting key."
Is there a "fix" I can download to repair this installation, or is there a way to keep the uninstallation from "hanging"? Since I can't do anything with Docker Desktop until this is fixed, I am using Docker for Windows. I am not sure that Docker for Windows has the capabilities and features I need. I would appreciate any help I can get.
There was a key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall called “Docker for Windows.” I deleted it and all of its sub-keys and the installation then went to completion.

Can I roll back to a previous version of Docker Desktop?

On Mac, I'm running Lando inside Docker. I'm on Lando v3.0.1 and was running Docker Desktop v2.2.0.5 successfully.
Docker released stable an update v. and I installed it. After that I attempted to run Lando, but got a warning message stating the Docker Desktop version is not supported.
So, I'm wondering if it is possible to roll back to my previous Docker Desktop version without uninstalling Docker.
Download your desired version from the Release Notes.
Open the download, drag "Docker" to "Applications"
Chose to "Replace" the existing installation
Run Docker desktop
All your previous containers should still be there.
If you're using Docker Desktop, I found deselecting the option Use Docker Compose V2 fixed my problems. Spent a long time working on reinstalling things. Definitely worth a try before doing anything big.
[Answer 2022]
As said #patricknelson
Sadly, this no longer works. Now it only says "Existing installation is up to date".
And workaround of Docker Descktop downgrade with retains of the data described below:
Get a list of containers
docker container ls
Commit the container to save the data:
docker commit -p 64bf7c9f7122 new-image
where 64bf7c9f7122 - id of my container
new-image - new image name
Save the committed image with changes to the archive
docker save -o c:\backup.tar new-image
Delete current Docker Desktop
Install desired Docker Desktop version
Unpacking the image in docker
docker load -i c:\backup.tar
run container
docker run --name sample-container new-image
Congrats, all data saved and Docker downgraded 😃
So, I run the installer of the previous Docker Desktop version: - got a warning message stating that a newer Docker already exists and if I wanted to replace it (stop, or keep it both). I selected 'Replace'.
The installation went successful.
But when I open Docker all my running containers were gone.
I run lando to recreate my Drupal 7 site.
I got the "Boomshakala" from lando confirming that the app has started up correctly, and provided with its corresponding vitals -including the APPSERVER URLS.
But when I access the URL, I got an error message:
"Error: the website encounter an unexpected error. Please try again later."
The uncaught exception thrown in shutdown function:
"PDOException: SQLSTATE[]: Base table or view not found:1146 Table 'drupal7.semaphore' doesn't exist...."
To solve this, I imported and old copy of the drupal database site:
lando db-import .sql
then I navigated to the docroot folder, and run a database update:
lando drush upddatedb
All good now; thanks #halfer for your comments!
The quick hack here for Lando specifically, is just to reinstall Lando from the installer for the version you want. We've bundled the supported version of Docker Desktop with Lando itself which means you can always specifically install the supported version when installing Lando. This may wipe out your containers and volumes, so be careful!

Pull Image with Docker on Windows 10 : "failed to register layer ....Denied Access"

I'm trying to create docker containers in a Windows 10, but it always gives me the following
"failed to register layer: rename C: ....."
I can not find any thread to explain it, I´ve executed PS as a Administrator
I put the trace of the pull:
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> docker pull microsoft/aspnet
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from microsoft/aspnet
9c7f9c7d9bc2: Pull complete
d33fff6043a1: Pull complete
b7c3bbe47489: Extracting [==================================================>] 123.8 MB/123.8 MB
1028e286eae2: Download complete
28e6f26ee039: Download complete
a0db4e322336: Download complete
failed to register layer: rename C:\ProgramData\Docker\image\windowsfilter\layerdb\tmp\write-set-255580435 C:\ProgramDat
a\Docker\image\windowsfilter\layerdb\sha256\b01351fac2d37b162190ef8dde977bbf009d8e3fa2446dd71595b142b73d28a3: Denied Access
Someone knows what´s the reason?
Thanks in advance.
OK I have been struggling with this little devil for a while now. I have windows containers working on my desktop, but on my new laptop it was giving me a hard time.
I have changed permissions on all the C:\ProgramData\Docker folder at the beginning, to no avail.
After a while I realized that there IS a difference between my desktop and the new laptop was the fact that the laptop came preinstalled with McAfee Antivirus. Now I'm not sure if it's a mcafee only issue, or in general antivirus, but when I disabled realtime scanning for a bit, I was able to download the new image without issues.
Restarting Docker Desktop as Administrator worked for me. Before and After Restart
I have installed Airflow with docker on windows. But while pulling image of Airflow I am facing same issue and I had resolved this issue by switch the container to Linux
I had installed Airflow with docker on windows and I am also facing same issue while start the airflow using following command "docker-compose -f .\docker-compose-LocalExecutor.yml up -d". But I had resolved this issue by switching container to Linux
