How do I force dependencies into separate chunks using manualChunk? - rollupjs

manualChunks: {
'#dnd-kit/core': [
'#radix-ui/react-collapsible': [
react: ['react', 'react-dom'],
'react-aria': [
'react-stately': [
slate: [
'stream-chat': ['stream-chat', 'stream-chat-react'],
stripe: ['#stripe/react-stripe-js', '#stripe/stripe-js'],
visx: [
The above is my rollupjs manualChunk configuration.
Based on this configuration, I would expect to have several chunks that group together these dependencies.
However, almost everything ends up in stream-chat chunk.
What's happening and how do I achieve the desired result?


Telegraf splits input data into different outputs

I want to write Telegraf config file which will:
Uses openweathermap input or custom http request result
"fields": {
"humidity": 97,
"temperature": -11.34,
"name": "weather",
"tags": {...},
"timestamp": 1675786146
Splits result on two similar JSONs:
"sensorID": "owm",
"timestamp": 1675786146,
"value": 97,
"type": "humidity"
"sensorID": "owm",
"timestamp": 1675786146,
"value": -11.34,
"type": "temperature"
Sends this JSONs into MQTT queue
Is it possible or I must create two different configs and make two api calls?
I found next configuration which solves my problem:
servers = ["${MQTT_URL}", ]
topic_prefix = "owm/data"
data_format = "json"
json_transformation = '{"sensorID":"owm","type":"temperature","value":fields.main_temp,"timestamp":timestamp}'
servers = ["${MQTT_URL}", ]
topic_prefix = "owm/data"
data_format = "json"
json_transformation = '{"sensorID":"owm","type":"humidity","value":fields.main_humidity,"timestamp":timestamp}'
urls = [
data_format = "json"
Here we:
Retrieve data from OWM in input plugin.
Transform received data structure in needed structure in two different output plugins. We use this language for this aim.

Need to print certain letters after a particular word using shell script

I am new to shell scripting and I want to print the IPs inside current cidr range and proposed cidr range below is the output
"acknowledgeRequiredBy": xxxxxx000,
"acknowledged": false,
"acknowledgedBy": "",
"acknowledgedOn": xxxxxx00000,
"contacts": [
"currentCidrs": [
"id": 1x4x3xx,
"latestTicketId": 0000,
"mapAlias": "sample name",
"mcmMapRuleId": 111xxx,
"proposedCidrs": [
"ruleName": "",
"service": "S",
"shared": na,
"sureRouteName": "example",
I want the output as only the IPs please help me with the logic

Swift password validation using REGEX [duplicate]

I am working on a Swift project and I need to use this regex to check email is valid or not but when the app start the checking the app crash and give me this error:
NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Can't do regex matching, reason: Can't open pattern U_REGEX_MISSING_CLOSE_BRACKET
This is my REGEX:
Check unescaped brackets in your regex pattern:
let pattern
= "^(([^<>()[\\]\\.,;:\\s#\\\"]+(\\.[^<>()[\\]\\.,;:\\s#\\\"]+)*)|(\\\".+\\\"))"
// [ [ ] [ [ ]
+ "#((\\[[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\])|(([a-zA-Z\\-0-9]+[\\.]*)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$"
// [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
You have some mismatching brackets [ ] in the first half of your pattern.
In some dialects of regex, you have no need to escape [ between [ and ], but in some other dialects, you need it.
Try adding some escapes to your regex:
let pattern
= "^(([^<>()\\[\\]\\.,;:\\s#\\\"]+(\\.[^<>()\\[\\]\\.,;:\\s#\\\"]+)*)|(\\\".+\\\"))"
// [ ^^ ] [ ^^ ]
+ "#((\\[[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\])|(([a-zA-Z\\-0-9]+[\\.]*)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$"
// [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Is there a way to use OCR to extract specific data from a CAD technical drawing?

I'm trying to use OCR to extract only the base dimensions of a CAD model, but there are other associative dimensions that I don't need (like angles, length from baseline to hole, etc). Here is an example of a technical drawing. (The numbers in red circles are the base dimensions, the rest in purple highlights are the ones to ignore.) How can I tell my program to extract only the base dimensions (the height, length, and width of a block before it goes through the CNC)?
The issue is that the drawings I get are not in a specific format, so I can't tell the OCR where the dimensions are. It has to figure out on its own contextually.
Should I train the program through machine learning by running several iterations and correcting it? If so, what methods are there? The only thing I can think of are Opencv cascade classifiers.
Or are there other methods to solving this problem?
Sorry for the long post. Thanks.
I feel you... it's a very tricky problem, and we spent the last 3 years finding a solution for it. Forgive me for mentioning the own solution, but it will certainly solve your problem: pip install werk24
from werk24 import Hook, W24AskVariantMeasures
from werk24.models.techread import W24TechreadMessage
from werk24.utils import w24_read_sync
from . import get_drawing_bytes # define your own
def recv_measures(message: W24TechreadMessage) -> None:
for cur_measure in message.payload_dict.get('measures'):
if __name__ == "__main__":
# define what information you want to receive from the API
# and what shall be done when the info is available.
hooks = [Hook(ask=W24AskVariantMeasures(), function=recv_measures)]
# submit the request to the Werk24 API
w24_read_sync(get_drawing_bytes(), hooks)
In your example it will return for example the following measure
"position": <STRIPPED>
"label": {
"blurb": "ø30 H7 +0.0210/0",
"quantity": 1,
"size": {
"blurb": "30",
"size_type":" "DIAMETER",
"nominal_size": "30.0",
"unit": "MILLIMETER",
"size_tolerance": {
"toleration_type": "FIT_SIZE_ISO",
"blurb": "H7",
"deviation_lower": "0.0",
"deviation_upper": "0.0210",
"fundamental_deviation": "H",
"tolerance_grade": {
"thread": null,
"chamfer": null,
"test_dimension": null,
"warnings": [],
"confidence": 0.98810
or for a GD&T
"position": <STRIPPED>,
"frame": {
"blurb": "[⟂|0.05|A]",
"characteristic": "⟂",
"zone_shape": null,
"zone_value": {
"blurb": "0.05",
"width_min": 0.05,
"width_max": null,
"extend_quantity": null,
"extend_shape": null,
"extend": null,
"extend_angle": null
"zone_combinations": [],
"zone_offset": null,
"zone_constraint": null,
"feature_filter": null,
"feature_associated": null,
"feature_derived": null,
"reference_association": null,
"reference_parameter": null,
"material_condition": null,
"state": null,
"data": [
"blurb": "A"
Check the documentation on Werk24 for details.
Although a managed offering, Mixpeek is one free option:
pip install mixpeek
from mixpeek import Mixpeek
mix = Mixpeek(
mix.upload(file_name="design_spec.dwg", file_path="s3://design_spec_1.dwg")
This /upload endpoint will extract the contents of your DWG file, then when you search for terms it will include the file_path so you can render it in your HTML.
Behind the scenes it uses the open source LibreDWG library to run a number of AutoCAD native commands such as DATAEXTRACTION.
Now you can search for a term and the relevant DWG file (in addition to the context in which it exists) will be returned:"retainer", include_context=True)
"file_id": "6377c98b3c4f239f17663d79",
"filename": "design_spec.dwg",
"context": [
"texts": [
"type": "text",
"value": "DV-34-"
"type": "hit",
"value": "RETAINER"
"type": "text",
"value": "."
"importance": "100%",
"static_file_url": "s3://design_spec_1.dwg"
More documentation here:

swift - how to parse this JSON object

// Get the #1 app name from iTunes and SwiftyJSON
DataManager.getTopAppsDataFromItunesWithSuccess { (iTunesData) -> Void in
let json = JSON(data: iTunesData)
how to access all the elements of["venues"]["pub city"]["venue"] ?
"nameplace":"B0 18",
"crossStreet":"Main Highway",
"name":"Cl\u00e9 Cafe-Lounge Bar",
"address":"Mohammed Abdel Baki Street, Clemenceau",
"crossStreet":"Hamra, Facing Najjar Hospital",
"namecat":"Cocktail Bar",
"crossStreet":"Downtown Beirut",
"name":"B 018",
"crossStreet":"Main Highway",
There's two methods I know of.
1 Post that wall of text into a JSON formatter which makes that blob more readable. In which case you can then inspect which keys you can pull out from it.
2 Check the documentation.
Using swiftyJson:
if let venues = json["venues"]["pubcity"]["venue"].array {
//venue is an array of the dictionaries.
for venue in venues {
//just printing the name, but you have the whole dictioary of each venue here.
