Can't get done function in google passport strategy - oauth-2.0

I can't get the done function
I done function I get profile, but in profile got undefined.
I tried change some parameters but nothing changed.


readMask value to get the display names form new GMB API

I am running this line of code:
location_list = self.service_mbbi_v1.accounts().locations().list(parent=account_name,readMask='name').execute()
And I get the list of the location IDs but I don't manage to get the Location display name, the display name, not just the ID. I wrote google and told them about my issue and they told me they are looking into it but it has been 2 weeks and no response yet. So just wanted o see if someone else had the same issue and if they fpund a solution or a workaround.
The documentation provides only an example, not a list of possible values:
And even when I try the example value of the readMask flag I get an error:
[{'#type': '', 'fieldViolations': [{'field': 'read_mask', 'description': 'Invalid field mask provided'}]}]">
I found this similar question:
Google Business Profile API readMask
The example they provide work for me but I still can't get the display name value.
I thought of using the google place ID I get from the metadata response and see if I can use another API to find the name but it feels they should be a proper 'readMask' string vale for the display name here and it is not 'displayName'..
Has anyone a hint of what can I do?
Thanks a lot
If you are trying to get the business name data, your readMask should be 'title'.

Code by Zapier - Input data field losing information when trying to execute code

I am using code by zapier, javascript.
I've used before and never had problems.
But today, as I am trying to create a new zap, I am reading data from trello and then trying to process the data with code by zapier.
I am filling data coming from trello in the field "Input Data", and then, trying to read the input data in my code using:
var cards = inputData['cards'].split(",");
The problem is that when I test the code, I receive an error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined
When I go to check the Input Data field, it is losing the information.
Even if I type again, the Input Data information is not storing what I am asking there.
Any ideas?
Thank you
Thank you everyone. I haven’t changed a thing.
I’ve tried in the next day with the same zap and that initial code that I posted.
Zapier was cleaning out the field with the data input from Trello (wasn’t detaining the value to pass to the next step).
Now it’s working. As I tried with different browsers on the same day and it was equally not working, I believe it was a bug that was fixed.

Proper way to return error from within a mutateAndGetPayload

I am doing a number of business logic checks within the mutateAndGetPayload function of a relay mutation using the graphql-relay library. For any of these checks that fail I have an else clause that will throw an error, ig throw('You do not have permission to delete this resource');, however, when that happens, I get the error Cannot set property 'clientMutationId' of undefined returned to the frontend instead of the error I'm trying to return. It seems that I'm seeing this error because I'm not returning something this mutation cares about (or a promise that resolves to one), so I'm a little stumped ... what's the proper way to throw/return errors back to the client here?
One way is to use the GraphQLError Type
Working in NodeJS on the back end we have used the following library:
However, what we have ended up using is a library that provides more flexibility:
Either of these would be the best place to start.

URL: Include a parameter inside a destination query

I've searched a lot to try and solve this problem, but I'm not quite sure what to search for. I didn't really manage to find anything.
Essentially I'm working on a website in which users can register for an event. However, if the user is not logged in, I need to redirect them to the registration screen. This much I've been able to accomplish without much difficulty. However I need to redirect back to the event that they attempted to register for.
My real problem is that the URL of the page I need to return to contains an a parameter, and I'm not sure how to make the registration page take that parameter into account when it redirects back.
Currently when an anonymous user tries to go to
I have it redirect you to
However, once the form is submitted the "&id=6" is not taken as part of the destination parameter, which means you just go to.
Which is not a valid page.
Is there a way for me make the destination parameter include "&id=6"?
On a whim I've also tried.
You need to url-encode the value for your destination. Try this:
%3F is hex code for question mark (?), %3D is code for equals (=).

Google Apps Script, anchor creating a redirect when clicked

I'm creating a script that logs a user into a site. Everything works but for some reason when the user clicks on the link to go to their profile the link opens in a new window and at first redirects before going to the correct page.
For example:
The correct link is: but the moment the link is clicked the link that is actually executed in the address bar changes to:
So it seems as if is being pre-pended to the url. I've seen other posts as well but none of them seem to be offering working solutions. A few posts have said that this occurs when the link is created without the http:// prefix but I've tested that and the same problem occurs.
I've also tried using .createHTML in order to create the link but for some reason the link doesn't show, any other HTML I use seems to work so I guess that's why Google created the Anchor function.
Thank you in advance for your help.
In this issue tracker comment Eric Koleda suggested a workaround using UrlShortener Services . I tested it with your link ( and it seems to be a working solution.
EDIT : to answer your comment, here is a working example :
function test(){
var shorturl=short('');
function short(longurl){
var toShorten = UrlShortener.newUrl().setLongUrl(longurl);
var short = UrlShortener.Url.insert(toShorten).getId();
return short
note that this API has to be activated before it can be used (see docs)
