Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline can't find Jenkinsfile in subdirectory using svn - jenkins

I'm trying to set up a build using Multibranch. I'm basically having the same problem as stated here, but our SCM is Subversion. The Bug in the Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin as described here can therefore be ruled out, especially since our Jenkins has the newest version installed anyway.
I tried to find a similar ticket regarding my problem, but couldn't find one, so here I am.
As this particular project is configured in a way that configuration files (including something like the Jenkinsfile) are to be stored in a subfolder, I don't know what else to try, apart from configuring individual jobs. I'd rather stick to using Multipipelines, however, as they help keeping the build jobs tidy.


Trouble With Referencing Shared Libraries in Jenkins Pipeline

We are attempting to reference a shared library in Jenkins in a pipeline using the syntax described here with #branch_name syntax. We have the "Allow Default Version to be overwridden" setting set. Yet, the pipeline ignores changes in the branch, and uses the version of the library in master. Any advice on additional settings/configuration needed or suggestions to make this work are appreciated.
We tried this syntax specifically: #Library('library_name#feature_branch_name')
Additionally, I specifically see an entry in the console output: "Loading library library_name#feature_branch_name". Yet, somehow it ignores the changes that have been commit in that branch, instead running against master.

Does Jenkins support incremental pipeline builds?

I have been searching far and wide to see if I can find information on Jenkins incremental pipeline builds that does not involve Maven.
The general idea is that I want to build a generic project and run specific steps of the pipeline if the underlying code has changed. If the code did not change, I want to re-use the results from a previous build.
The reason why I want to do this, is to drastically reduce build times for huge projects.
Imagine that you only need to fix 1 line in a SCSS file, but the whole project needs to be rebuild, repackaged, etc because of this. In the meantime, the site is live and broken and waiting 15 mins to be fixed.
Can someone give a basic example of how such a build can be created or where I can find more information on incremental building?
The only thing I have been able to find is incremental building for Maven projects, but this is not applicable for me.
The standard solution is to create modules that depends on each others.
Publish the built artifact of your modules to a binary repository like Sonatype Nexus (you can easily create private npm repo as well as proxy npm repo).
During the build download the dependencies, instead of building them.
If this solution is not the one you want to take, you will have a hard time hacking a solution. To persist the state of your steps, an easy solution is to create files in the job workspace and read them at next build

Job configurations are missing when copied from folders in Jenkins

This is reproducible 100%.
We are working on different branches of the release, but each branch should run the same jobs, with some minor change. So ideally I want to copy all the jobs from one working branch to a new branch.
I select a New item -> folder and select copy from another folder.
The new folder contains the all the jobs from source folder, but all the job configurations are missing. In another word, I have jobs created just with job names, I need to refill everything else. This is essentially useless.
I googled and did not see any related errors. Anyone have any good advice on copy jenkins folders ? I am jenkins 1.651.3, ubuntu 14.04
I tried the same on jenkins 2.19.1 and worked with out the issue your are seeing.
The best way to create similar array of jobs for new branches is via groovy & using
create a job where you execute a groovy script to iterate over a list of branches and creates jobs .
DSL plugin is available for jenkins 1.642 and above
Note that manipulating content in JENKINS_HOME is not advised and is typically restricted
I should also mentioned it turns out just our computer issue. Lack of ram. After we added more ram, it' all working perfectly!

Jenkins putting '$' characters in file/folder names, breaking automatic backups

I'm using Jenkins v1.546, hosted on a Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 machine.
I've set up a fairly simple job for building a Maven Java project. It polls the SCM with no schedule and picks up remote build triggers, requiring an authentication token. It uses Subversion and performs clean checkouts with svn update. Additionally, it has a post-build step that archives some build artifacts (i.e., the resulting WAR and WSDLs).
The issue I'm experiencing is that the builds that it stores on the filesystem itself contain invalid characters in their filenames. This causes our automatic backup process to blow up, it being unable to alter or remove those directories/files with the '$'. I myself cannot move/delete those folders or files either, but if I rename it and remove the $, then things work fine. Oh, and if I try to follow one of these links with the $ in it, it doesn't resolve. None of the other jobs seem to do this - just my job, of course. Anyone know why this may be occurring and what I can do to resolve this?
I've attached multiple screenshots that show the bad filename and my Jenkins job setup. I had to white out some company information. If I can provide any additional information to help troubleshoot this, just let me know.
Also, as an update, I did some additional research, looking through the changelogs for each released version of Jenkins since my version (latest is 1.557). I saw three possible issues in the changelogs that could be related, but it's hard for me to tell. I cannot simply upgrade our Jenkins to test out this theory, since I'll need to provide a reason for upgrading beyond a hunch.
The $ is a perfectly valid character in Windows directory name. You can manually make a folder with it, and delete it without any problems.
The$moduleName syntax is used by Jenkins Maven-style job to separate modules of your build. If you don't see this structure for other people's jobs, it is because they are either not building a Maven job, or they don't have multiple modules in a single job.
What is strange though it that these are symlinks (I don't see that in my environment). It is possible that the location that is referenced by the symlink is deleted, but the link remains. In this case, you would not be able to navigate to that location through the link (this is what you are experiencing)
Is it possible that your backup software is deleting the target directories before deleting the links?
In any case, do a simple dir on the directory with the links to see what they link to. And then verify those target locations exists. If they don't, you need to figure out who/what is deleting the links' targets
This seems to be more related to the issue that you are facing. Unfortunately, it's marked as "unresolved"
The issue stems from the fact that the symlinks are referencing to targets with / instead of \
My Maven plugin (not Maven version) is 2.6. See if upgrading your Maven plugin in Jenkins will help you. Also, I am running Maven 3.2.2 from the automatic installers. Try with that, as I don't see symlinks in my modules.

jenkins missing jobs after removal of plugins

I have a Jenkins Server (1.510) on Win 2008 with ~100 jobs.
After installing and then uninstalling the CloudBees (Plugin_1, Plugin_2) set of plugins + restart I have the following issues:
half of the Jobs are now missing.
many plugins are not functioning well, for example the green-balls plugin is not working and also the entry to launch the backup plugin is missing
many built in Jenkins buttons such the new "Credentials" is missing from the "Jenkins Configure" Menu.
Looking at the FS, i still see all the jobs.
I already tried :
Using the reload configuration
Reinstalling the plugins
Reinstalling Jenkins with the same version once again
Still the jobs are missing
Any idea how to solve it?
When job is loaded, many of the related Java classes get instantiated. If instantiation fails, usually because some plugin has been removed and that class is no longer available at all, then the job is hidden.
I suspect you have accidentally removed some other plugin too.
Note: Before actually doing anything, take full backup! Easiest is to backup entire Jenkins folder, where the jobs, configuration etc reside.
Easiest solution might be to just install Jenkins from scratch, install the plugins you do need (see below for troubleshooting if you're missing some), then copy the jobs subfolder to the new Jenkins. It might be best to do any configuration under Manage Jenkins by hand, but you can also just try copying the related XML config files.
If you are missing a plugin and can't figure out which one, you should look at jenkins.out.log and jenkins.err.log log files and search for exceptions happening after Jenkins is started. That may give you a clue on what plugin you are missing.
You can also try editing the job XML files to remove build steps you identified from the exceptions (remember to take backups first!), then restart Jenkins or select Reload configuration from disk from Manage Jenkins page.
If not solved, but you find relevant-looking exceptions or something else interesting, please update the question with details.
After I upgraded Jenkins, one of my jobs disappeared. I found out that although my job directory still existed, the config.xml file inside had somehow gone missing.
I restored this file from a backup, after updating all the plugins that needed updating, and reloaded the configuration, and the job reappeared in Jenkins.
