Increase Vertical Distance Between Line 1 and Line 2 of a Multi Line Bullet in LaTeX - latex

I'm making a bulleted list LaTeX using itemize. One of the bullets wraps over onto a new line. How do I adjust the spacing between the two lines of this bullet to be the same as the spacing between individual bullets? For example:
The jagged blueberries danced along the frisky cheese wheel under the moonlit sky while the big man sang his song in a blue shirt.
How do I adjust the spacing between "jagged" and "shirt" in bullet 3 to match the spacing between "Foo" and "Bar". Even if the spacing appears identical in this example, in my LaTeX document they are slightly off.


Position text in margin relative to paper border

I'm trying to write a macro that positions text in the margin of a LaTeX document. The text should appear in the same line the macro is called. Horizontal text position should be relative to the absolute border of the paper rather than the left side of the text.
I tried with the tabto package using the \tabto* command and then jump back to the location in the text with \tabto*{\TabPrevPos}. This works well but since tabto positions relative to the border of the text the result is different if you are in a list environment or similar.
So the whole command looks similar to:
Does anywone have an idea how I can position the minipage relative to left paper border and jump back to the location where the macro was called?

paracol and footnote placing in Latex

For my current project I need two text lined up in two column. The idea is that one column shows the original language and the second column its translation, neatly lined up line by line. The package paracol does what I want except for one thing: footnote placement.
If one of the columns has a footnote and the other hasn't, the lines of the original and the translation do not stay together. The footnote disrupts the lining up of lines.
This is an example in which you can see that "some other text that should be next to the line in the left column" is not lined up with the lines of the original. All because of the footnote.
text with footnote\footnote{the footnote}
and some other text
the translation without footnote
some other text that should be next to the line in the left column
As you can see, the footnote disrupts the alignment of lines. How to remedy this?
I found the solution to my own problem by adding the following line after loading the paracol package:
This ensures that footnotes are layed out for the whole page instead of the default of per column.
(Since I also added footmisc with the perpage parameter, I also had to delete the perpage parameter and add this:
\AddEverypageHook{\setcounter{footnote}{0}} % resets footnote counter on every page

LaTeX - moderncv - spacing problem, overlap of letters

I have some trouble with the spacing of moderncv. Here is an exmaple of the current code:
\usepackage[scale=0.9]{geometry} % Reduce document margins
\firstname{Ann-Kathrin} % Your first name
\familyname{Lipman-Schindler} % Your last name
\title{Curriculum Vitae}
\makecvtitle % Print the CV title
\cvitem{Name}{Ann-Kathrin Lipman-Schindler}
\cvitem{Date of Birth}{May 28, 1900 in Washington, DC}
\cvitem{CurrentAdresses123}{Fair Parkway 1998, Washington, DC 90394, United States}
\cvitem{e-mail adress}{}
\cvitem{Telephon}{+0 982 3996 69}
The problem ist that the left side "CurrentAdresses123" overlaps the right argument. But why? I used my script so many times and doesn't change something. And now I have the trouble of overlapping letters. Normally, the blue bar will be longer and also the right side will be longer and no overlapping will occur. But what happens now? Please take a look on the image. Thanks in advance
You can add something like
to the preamble of your document. This will increase the space available for for the fist arguments of \cvitem.

latex \listoffigures and \listoftables numbers overlap caption

when using \listoffigues and \listoftables the numbers and the captions overlap each other. For example: "2-10 laminar flow" --> 10 and lam overlap each other.
I'd like to add horizontal space without changing the format.
I tried "\l#figure{\#dottedtocline{1}{0em}{6em}}" already. The horizontal space is fine now, but this command added vertical space between the lines which I don't want.
The tocloft package changes the entire format so I don't want to use it.
Any ideas how to change the horizontal space between numbers and caption only?

How to have a fixed size number that depends on the slide in latex beamer / tikz?

I have a tikz picture with a circle node which has a number inside.
I want this number to change with the slides but to be of fixed size. (-> not mess up the circle).
This one isn't working, the circle gets as big as if it has to hold all 3 numbers.
\node [fill=blue!20,draw,circle,anchor=base] (node1)
\only<1-3>{3} \only<4-6>{8} \only<7->{11.5}
Here the values are 3 on slides 1-3, 8 on slides 4-6 and else 7.
I observed the following:
The spaces between \only{} are always rendered (\only, when not active, is a "zero-width character"; TeX does not discard spaces between characters)
Set the width of the text explicitly using "text width=...". This implicitly puts the content into a minipage.
Note that the "baseline" property does not work anymore as expected.
"text centered" ensures the alignment for the case that the content is not exactly "text-width"
The "overprint" environment only automatically determines the height of the content, not the width.
To conclude, this works for me (I tried it):
\node [fill=blue!20,draw,circle,anchor=base,text width=4ex,text centered,inner sep=0] (node1)
EDIT: This works with the correct baseline:
\node [fill=blue!20,draw,circle] (node1)
There are a couple of ways to do this:
You could use a 'overlay' environment which calculates the maximum size needed.
You could use \makebox[width]{ }.
Or simply use the 'minimum width' and 'minimum height' options on the node.
