How could I send a String to arduino uno from jetson nano through rosserial? - ros

Actually this value is calculated by Jetson nano and send to arduino for further calculations of angles and for rotating the servos. Does anyone have any clue ?
I tried using ROS-Melodic but can't understand how these kind of communication is possible.


Raspberry Pi 4 streaming OpenCV frames through RTSP/RTMP

I'm using a RPI 4 with Pi Camera and OpenCV to get the video stream from the Pi camera, and detect a face, then tracking it using servo motors.
If I want to see the feed, I can use cv2.imshow("",frame) with the frame read from the stream.
I'm looking for a way to output the frames to be used as a webcam. For example using rtsp to make the RPI an IP camera, then using VLC to get the feed.
Problem is, I can't find a way to implement in my code to actually stream the frames. I tried using ffmpeg, but the rtsp server part is missing, I need to somehow start in my code, maybe with a package of somekind.
If anyone has a better suggestion to use the RPI with my code as a webcam, I would be happy to hear.

Indoor direction using wifi ESP8266 RSSI

Good day.
Am trying to build a small device that is able to locate the direction of object indoor . not location, only direction. I bought ESP8266E wifi chip and arduino
. the ESP8266 is the receiver that must read the signal and specify the direction depending on the RSSI. first problem is that the ESP8266 is not directional and the access points around are not directional either . second problem is that the RSSI information takes long time to be read by the ESP8266 . each 3 seconds I can take on measurement. small measurement number make it difficult to analyze the results . I don't know if it is possible to build small directional antenna for the ESP8266E or not . and is the accuracy of the device would be reliable and maintain the device size small or accurate readings ?.
Put 7cm straight tin wire and test the direction, it works gets 7dB amplification max, hence u can find the source of transmitter according to direction of your straight tin wire

OpenCV HOG Algorithm in Real Time on Raspberry Pi

I would like to know if it is possible to run the OpenCV HOG Detector using a Raspberry Pi in real time using the Raspberry Pi camera.
Unfortunately not, even overclocked to 1000MHz and with 64MB for video it's not enough.
On my old mac with a 2.1 GHz Dual Core Intel CPU and 2GB of ram I could barely get between 8-12 FPS for a 640x480 stream.
I haven't tried OpenCV 3.0 (just 2.4.8) on Raspberry PI so don't have any softcascades test results to share, but it sounds promising.
Another idea I can think of is using LBP cascades. You could start with a HAAR since there's one already for detecting bodies so it would be easy to test, but LBP should be a bit faster. Perhaps you could train a cascade that works really well for a set environment.
Also, if it helps, you can use my little OpenCV wrapper for the PiCamera for tests. It basically returns frames from the Pi Camera module as cv::Mat.
I've had openCV running on a PI, using a USB video grabber, as I am using a CCTV camera. I use Python.
It runs fine (for what I want to do), but you need to limit the resolution.
It's slower than a PC (2ghz dual core) but still works.

usb webcam runs slowly on raspberry pi with opencv

I have some code that I have adapted to run on a headless Rpi using a usb webcam, it is running a bit slow, so my questions are:
If I were to use the GPI pins with a dedicated webcam would that be faster?
Is there any way to speed up my code for Rpi?
Where can I get a Rpi webcam?
My code is here, I struggle to paste inline so its a link
For your question about where to get a Pi camera, a new camera has recently been release. I don't know about speeding up you code, but you might want to overclock your Pi. Good luck,
Like Quentin suggested, a dedicated Camera (in our case, Rpi camera link : should work much faster than USB webcams as it is known to use GPU for encoding / decoding process instead of using CPU.
(Source :
You can try reducing width and height of the frame for better performance in terms of speed.
Also you're using Iplimage* which is no longer supported in new OpenCV versions and replaced by cvMat.
(source: Difference between cvMat, Mat and IpImage)
Hope it helps.

2 usb cameras not working with opencv

I'm working on a project of computer vision and I need to use two cameras using opencv library. I tried this code but with two webcams from USB port it doesn't work while it works if I use one usb camera and the camera of my pc.
CvCapture* capture[2];
capture[0] = cvCreateCameraCapture(0);
capture[1] = cvCreateCameraCapture(1);
if(!capture[0] && !capture[1])
printf("Webcam error\n");
I'm working on windows 7 on an acer aspire 5742g. Is it a problem of the bus of my computer? The cameras are 2 Philips SPZ2000.
I tried also to work on the pictures taken by the one of them and from the camera on my pc and when I use the code for calibration and rectification found on the book "Learning opencv" of Bradsky I get a bad result. Can somebody help me?
Thank you in advance,
The typical reason for 2+ USB cameras to not work together (still they might be working fine separately) is that USB bandwidth is insufficient for them both to run simultaneously. There is a bandwidth limit, which is rather low: The maximum throughput of an isochronous pipe (which is usually used for video) is 24MB/s.
More on this issue:
Implications of using many USB web cameras
How many USB cameras can be accessed by one PC
Not able to capture video using 2 webcamera simulteneously
Two webcams on one usb hub - bandwidth issues
