How can use Lwc to create an authorization flow to connect with other saleforce org? - oauth-2.0

I have an requirement where i need to have an button connect with salesforce and implement to connect with other salesforce org ?


Client Credentials Grant in Google oAuth

I am trying to authenticate the communication between two backend services using google oAuth server. It looks like Google does not support Client Credential Grant, rather it provides Service Accounts.
Is there a way I can achieve client credentials grant using Google Auth Server? Can I use Service Accounts to communicate between services outside Google Cloud?

SSO integration using FastAPI with OAuth2 & Azure AD

I have a requirement to integrate azure SSO to the WebApp. My WebApp is built in FastAPI. Currently I implemented it by referring It's working and giving me logged in user information which I need. But the usecase which i need is little different from this, This link implemented as user should enter clientID & Client Secret. But in my case on button click or on page load user should directly login it should not prompt to add clientID & Secret.
How i can achieve this? I am not getting any proper document WRT FastAPI
For the scope that you can get are identified in the app registration api Permission and NOT "delegated permissions" client credentials flow cannot get delegated permissions flow.
Once you give an application permission, you have to click grant for tenant. If you don't it won't be able to use it. This option specifies the client secret for the confidential client app. This secret (app password) is provided by the application registration portal or provided to Azure AD during app registration with PowerShell AzureAD, PowerShell AzureRM, or Azure CLI.
Read more here for more information on client secret.

Google OpenID connect url iOS

Guys. I am currently integrating google login into my app. I already get the google sign in button done on my app. But when I trying to use AWS, it says I need to fill in a "OpenID connect url" and a google client id. I already got the client ID. But what is the openID connect url? I don't know where enter image description here
To setup an Identity Provider such as Google to provide mobile / web application access to AWS resources you configure two things:
Setup Google OpenID Connect.
Setup IAM Identity Provider.
The OpenID URL is the endpoint that the AWS Management Console sends authentication requests to. This endpoint URL is provided by Google OpenID Connect when you setup the service.
Go to this page to setup your OpenID Connect OAuth 2 credentials. Then make notes of the OpenID Connect URL and Client ID (Audience) to enter into the AWS IAM console Identity Providers page.
Google OpenID Connect
Follow this link which discusses the endpoint URL:
Google Endpoint for Authorization Requests
The URL is
For more information on using Google as an IDP with the AWS Management Console:
Creating OpenID Connect (OIDC) Identity Providers

Is Instagram API compatible with OpenID Connect?

Is Instagram API compatible with OpenID Connect ? I want to implement instagram login functionality with AWS Cognito.
Not as far as I know. It does support simple OAuth2 and has endpoints like /authorize etc. but there is no OIDC discovery document (.well-known/openid-configuration). So, you won't be able to directly integrate it with AWS Cognito as an OIDC Auth provider.
What you can do is use the Custom provider option (developer authentication) and manually get an id. Use your application to get Instragram user's id -
authenticate using OAuth2
get an access token
use the sub claim as an id or use the access token to get some other detail and use it as an id)
Once you get the data you want to use as an id, use as developer user identifier in GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity to get Cognito Identity Id and Token.

Enable Contacts/Gmail scopes for Google Apps connection in Auth0

I'm trying to set up authentication for a webapp using Auth0 and a Google Enterprise connection.
The applications needs to be able to access the user's profile, contacts, and gmail.
When I tried this using a Social connection in Auth0, I configured it to ask for Contacts and Gmail permissions. The consent then shows up as expected:
Configuration using Social Google Connection in Auth0
But when I try the same thing using an Enterprise Connection in Auth0, the Contacts and Gmail permissions are not available. And so, the consent screen won't ask for them either:
Configuration using Enterprise Google Connection in Auth0
What am I missing here? How do I setup authentication so that it
only allows in users from my Google Apps directory,
but also: requests the correct permissions for those users?
You should use connection_scopes in Lock or connection_scope in Auth0JS or the /authorize call to pass on any scopes you want to request to the Identity Provider.
