List all device information with Flutter on iOs - ios

I am facing the project which should be as many other "boost cleaners". I'd appreciate any advise on this theme. As far as my research goes, I see, that it is quite more difficult to do in iOS, rather then Android. I don't hope for any good lib out there, and should probably do platform channels.
In general I need right now somehow get all device info - memory, battery, installed apps, cache, etc.
AS I've said, I had done a bit of research, and see the problem as stated.

If you can use Libraries for it i don't think there is any library which can support all info so you will have to use multiple libraries.
Just make sure library should support all the platform you want to build you apps on. (Only Android)


Which is the most reliable way to use a API. integrating/downloading an SDK to your application, or using the URL-HTTP-GET method

I want to know which is the best and most reliable method. i have looked on here for an answer but didn't come across any.
I Want to use multiple API'S in my project so please keep that in mind when answering. Any advice about the best way of doing this and most reliable method will really be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Isit possible to download multiple SDK's into an iOS application through Xcode?
Pros of SDK:
Can be used offline
Most SDKs are small in file size
All of the functioning code is visible to you, the SDK developer can't keep many secrets
Cons of SDK:
Larger binary
More clutter in your Xcode project
Pros of API:
Smaller binary
Less 3rd party frameworks cluttering your Xcode project
Cons of API:
Can't be used offline
Tends to be a blackbox
App will need to be updated every time the API is updated
In terms of reliability, the SDK will always be functional assuming
It worked in the first place
It doesn't rely on an API in the background
You can integrate SDK using Cocoapods library.CocoaPods is a ruby gem that downloads all the third party libraries that you want for your project.
Getting a specific version of a pod is done by specifying the version number, and CocoaPods downloads that specific version for you saving you from searching through commits for it.
With CocoaPods, updating your dependancies is easily done with the pod update command.
CocoaPods also provides a central place where third party libraries can be found. This improves discoverability of open source libraries that you can use in your projects. You can use the search engine at to search for pods.

Can someone please explain the differences between Cocos2d-Swift, SpriteBuilder, Xcode and CocoaPods?

I'm completely confused and I don't know where to start asking questions. I tried googling, but the terminology is confusing and I'm not sure what either of these things do (except for Xcode). Can someone explain like I'm 5?
I'm on the cocos2d-swift website and after reading the getting started section it says "From this point onwards, using SpriteBuilder is optional.". I don't know what they mean by that.
How do each of these correlate with each other?
Also, how is an API Documentation Browser and Code Snippet Manager useful to an everyday iOS Developer?
cocos2d-swift is a framework that enables you to build things like sprite-based games quickly.
SpriteBuilder is a tool that helps you build your own multilayered sprites (images and animations grouped into a single package -- i.e. Mario, a Goomba, a Fireflower fireball, etc.).
Xcode is a developer environment in which you write your source code, compile, distribute, and test.
CocoaPods is a tool that fetches and manages framework/SDK dependancies.
You would use CocoaPods to fetch the cocos2d-swift framework so that you could build a sprite-based game in Xcode using sprites you generated in SpriteBuilder.
Not sure what Cocos2d is, but swift is the latest programming language by Apple for both OS X and iOS development.
SpriteBuilder is a framework used to create games for iOS very quick. Think of it as a game engine.
Xcode is the IDE (integrated development environment) that you use when writing native OS X and iOS applications. It's awesome!
CocoaPods is a way to load in third-party libraries and frameworks without having to manually install them on your own. It also makes it very easy to keep the frameworks up-to-date. Pods also allows your project to be more portable as it's much easier to install an application with multiple dependancies via Pods.
A documentation browser is good if you want to have access to documentation while offline. However, I almost always use Google to find what I'm looking for regardless of what technology I'm working on. Google is just the best way to search.
Finally, I'd start off with this book. I read the first edition years ago, and made things very easy for me to understand.
Hope this helps!
Here are some basics:
XCode (A Program)- Most of your iOS development will happen here. Coding, creating the app etc.
Think of an SDK as a suite of commands or tools you can use-API's (API - Application programming interface)
Cocoas2d (An SDK) - Game engine. A software development kit for creating games. you would pull this library of code and tools into xcode to use it.
SpriteBuilder (An SDK) - Suite of tools for building games. Just like Cocoas, you would pull this into xCode to make use of it as you code.
CocoaPods - A tool for linking/loading SDK's into XCode and easily updating them.
Moral of the story: XCode is the software you will use for everything. Everything else are just additional libraries of code you can pull in.

About an iOS app size when integrating third party frameworks

I tried to get answer to my question searching among other questions already answered but I did not.
Actual, my question is very simple:
I am trying to integrate third party frameworks to support Ads in my iOS app (AdMob by Google e MoPub). What I can see is that these framework are really huge (>10MB each one). So, I guess the final app size will be very large, also for a trivial app. How can I handle this. I think this is a common situation. Am I missing something in integrating third party frameworks? How do you handle Ads integration in your apps? If you want to have AdMob and you download the latest GoogleMobileAdsSdkiOS-6.12.2, it weighs 13.4MB!
I hope my question is clear enough.
Wait for answers, thank you very much.
Have you tried to make a Release build (e.g., by using the Archive command) of an app that links those frameworks and check the final size?
When the app is built for release, all debug information and other symbols that are required for linking are stripped out, so the binary size will shrink a lot, usually.
Be assured that a release build will be much smaller than a debug build and that the debug build will be smaller than the sum of the individual binaries that you are linking together. You could go, in specific cases I am thinking of, from 200MB pre-link to 2MB after linking in release mode. Generally speaking, unless you have many images or other kind of media bundled with a library, the size will not be a great concern (compiled code shrinks a whole lot) -- but there is no other way than linking the library and see what the linker comes out with to know the real size...

porting iOS project for mac platform

I have been searching around for a method to port an iOS xcode built project to OSX xcode project. Unfortunately, I have found that because there is no UIKit or storyboard for OSX xcode (just individual .xib's). Is there a way around this?
If you're a registered Apple developer there's a new video up that goes through some of the basics and the design patterns you should be aware of, just named "Bringing Your iOS Apps To OS X".
The UI paradigm of any non-trivial iOS applications is entirely different to that of one for MacOSX.
Necessarily, you will need to redesign the View layer of the application. However, the Model layer ought to cleanly port over and at least some of your controller classes might be reusable, although MacOSX doesn't have anything equivalent to a UIViewContoller.
Besides this, many of the frameworks your app might be using are either available for both iOS and MacOSX (usually in cut-down form on the former), or a similar.
If your logic and UI are well separated, you have a chance at some good re-use, but at a minimum you will need to rebuild the UI layers of your app; it's going to take time.
If you don't have the time to invest, and if you are willing to try something experimental, there are a couple 3rd party frameworks available that attempt to bridge the UIKit AppKit gap.
You can probably consider many of these as risky 'shots in the dark', but they are worth a look. Keep in mind the long term support ramifications as well.

iOS custom framework, libraries, and bundles

I have a general question regarding bundles, libraries and custom frameworks on the iOS. I've seen many topics about this on SO and searched far and wide on the net, but I still can't come to an answer without finding another site or post contradicting or confusing me some more. If someone could give me a solid answer to the below questions regarding what is allowed on the iOS or what would get rejected I would be really grateful.
I've seen posts and sites say that you cannot create bundles on the iOS. Does this also apply to bundles with only images in them?
Is it possible to create a library with .xib files in them? If not then how would one go about including one if custom frameworks are not allowed?
Does using a xCode dynamic library put my application for grounds of rejection (ex. libxml2.dylib)?
Apologies if this is too general or mentioned multiple times, but this whole library and what is allowed and what isn't allowed just doesn't seem to be very clear for me. What I am trying to do is to create some apps and perhaps include some controls that I frequently use in some sort of library or bundle, but I would like to know my limitations before moving further.
1.: No, you cannot create any framework even if it contains images only, as you can't write to the root partition of the iOS filesystem (the part where /System/Library/Frameworks resides).
Of course, if jailbreaking is an option, then all this stuff becomes invalid. You do what you want with a jailbroken phone, so you can create frameworks, add libraries to the filesystem etc.
2.: Yes, it is possible to create a library with XIB/NIB files with it, but then you'll need to share both the source or a static library built from the sources AND the XIB files and guide the other developers to do so in order iOS to correctly handle your library and be able to build the UI from the InterfaceBuilder files.
3.: No, because those libraries are already on the iPhone, you don't have to hack it to get them on the filesystem. libxml2, libsqlite3, etc. are allowed and can be used in any AppStore app.
