I made a call and in response I am getting like this:
http_response = make_request
=> #<Faraday::Response:0x00007fa2adf6b010
#<struct Faraday::Env
url=#<URI::HTTPS https://localhost:3000/user/data>,
#<struct Faraday::RequestOptions
request_headers={"Content-Type"=>"application/json", "Accept"=>"application/json", "User-Agent"=>”Grab"},
response=#<Faraday::Response:0x00007fa2adf6b010 ...>,
I want to fetch response_body from http_response. How can I get it and how can I compare this with actual object in rails rspec.
In rspecs:
expect(response).to eq true
Have you tried below to parse response
I'm getting a no implicit conversion of String into Integer error that has me stumped, and unable to import user records and seed my database with them.
So far I have no problem accessing the data, but receive an error referencing the '[]' on the line with User.find... on it
The code I'm using is as follows:
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
require 'json'
require 'faker'
#this script imports APR user data from the zendesk api and populates
the database with it.
uri = URI.parse("https://blahsupport.zendesk.com/api/v2/users.json")
request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri)
request.content_type = "application/json"
request.basic_auth("blah#blah.com", "blahpass")
req_options = {
use_ssl: uri.scheme == "https",
#response = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, req_options) do |http|
puts #response.body
puts #response.message
puts #response.code
info = #response.body
File.write('blahusers1.json', info)
puts "File Created Successfully!"
file = File.read('blahusers1.json')
users = JSON.load(file)
users.each do |a|
User.find_or_create_by_zendesk_id(:zendesk_id => a['id'], :url => a['url'], :name => a['name'], :email => a['email'])
Any ideas on how I've gotten this error? Thank you for any help!
Below is an example of the data being returned.
{"users":[{"id":333653859,"url":"https://blahblah.zendesk.com/api/v2/users/333653859.json","name":"Randy Blah","email":"randy#blah.com","created_at":"2014-08-06T14:31:24Z","updated_at":"2018-04-04T14:22:06Z","time_zone":"Pacific Time (US & Canada)","phone":null,"shared_phone_number":null,"photo":{"url":"https://aprtechsupport.zendesk.com/api/v2/attachments/68955389.json","id":68955389,"file_name":"Work.jpg","content_url":"https://aprtechsupport.zendesk.com/system/photos/6895/5389/Work.jpg","mapped_content_url":"https://blahblah.zendesk.com/system/photos/6895/5389/Work.jpg","content_type":"image/jpeg","size":2528,"width":80,"height":80,"inline":false,"thumbnails":[{"url":"https://blahblah.zendesk.com/api/v2/attachments/68955399.json","id":68955399,"file_name":"Work_thumb.jpg","content_url":"https://blahblah.zendesk.com/system/photos/6895/5389/Work_thumb.jpg","mapped_content_url":"https://blahblah.zendesk.com/system/photos/6895/5389/Work_thumb.jpg","content_type":"image/jpeg","size":2522,"width":32,"height":32,"inline":false}]},"locale_id":1,"locale":"en-US","organization_id":null,"role":"admin","verified":true,"external_id":null,"tags":[],"alias":"","active":true,"shared":false,"shared_agent":false,"last_login_at":"2018-04-04T14:21:44Z","two_factor_auth_enabled":null,"signature":"Thanks for contacting the helpdesk!\n-Randy","details":"","notes":"","role_type":null,"custom_role_id":null,"moderator":true,"ticket_restriction":null,"only_private_comments":false,"restricted_agent":false,"suspended":false,"chat_only":false,"default_group_id":21692179,"user_fields":{}}
The example data you posted has a root object users that contains the array of user objects. So when you loop users using users.each, a is actually an Array and not a user Hash like you expected.
When you try to access an element of an Array using a 'String' index, it gives you the exception – no implicit conversion of String into Integer
So, try changing
users = JSON.load(file)
users = JSON.load(file)['users']
to get it working like how you'd expect.
I am writing specs for my first gem. But i am stuck with this weird error.
code for my rspec is
describe '#success' do
let(:resp) { {"TwilioResponse"=>{"SMSMessage"=>{"Sid"=>"0d1c0cbfb2b5e8f97dddb4479bdbbc6a", "AccountSid"=>"exotel_sid", "From"=>"/exotel_sid", "To"=>"1234", "DateCreated"=>"2016-07-18 15:35:29", "DateUpdated"=>"2016-07-18 15:35:29", "DateSent"=>nil, "Body"=>"test sms", "Direction"=>"outbound-api", "Uri"=>"/v1/Accounts/exotel_sid/Sms/Messages/0d1c0cbfb2b5e8f97dddb4479bdbbc6a", "ApiVersion"=>nil, "Price"=>nil, "Status"=>"queued"}}} }
before{ allow(Generator::Exotel).to receive(:post).with("/#{Generator::configuration.sid}/Sms/send",
{:body => {:To => 1234, :Body => 'test sms'},:basic_auth=>{:username=>"#{Generator::configuration.sid}", :password=>"#{Generator::configuration.token}"}}).and_return(resp) }
it 'returns response object' do
response = Generator::Exotel.send(:to => 1234, :body => "test sms")
expect(response).to eq ({"Status"=>200, "Message"=>"Success"})
when i run rspec i am getting this error
undefined method `code' for #<Hash:0x007ff3625a4800>
This is where my response.code is being called
def handle_response(response)
response_base = response['TwilioResponse']
if response_base.include?('RestException')
{"Status" => response.code, "Message" => "Success" }
I know httparty creates a response object for request and returns response code. But i am not getting how do i create a dummy response_code
so that my test case pass. It's nearly 2 days since i am stuck here. Anyone help please. I am really new to ruby and for first time writing spec. Any help will be appreciated.
Update - result for response.inspect
> Generator::Exotel.send(:to => 9030435595, :body => 'jsdhgjkdfg')
it returns following response
> #<HTTParty::Response:0x7fb8c02f93d0 parsed_response={"TwilioResponse"=>{"SMSMessage"=>{"Sid"=>"d6ee0650072c82941ad2f06746d14ab4", "AccountSid"=>"sinscary", "From"=>"/sinscary", "To"=>"9030435595", "DateCreated"=>"2016-07-21 19:56:07", "DateUpdated"=>"2016-07-21 19:56:07", "DateSent"=>nil, "Body"=>"jsdhgjkdfg", "Direction"=>"outbound-api", "Uri"=>"/v1/Accounts/sinscary/Sms/Messages/d6ee0650072c82941ad2f06746d14ab4", "ApiVersion"=>nil, "Price"=>nil, "Status"=>"queued"}}}, #response=#<Net::HTTPOK 200 OK readbody=true>, #headers={"content-type"=>["application/xml"], "date"=>["Thu, 21 Jul 2016 14:26:07 GMT"], "server"=>["Apache/2.2.29 (Amazon)"], "x-powered-by"=>["PHP/5.3.28"], "content-length"=>["542"], "connection"=>["Close"]}>
OK, you are mocking an HTTParty::Response. One way would be to mock it directly with only code and parsed_response:
let(:resp) do
Struct.new(:code, :parsed_response).new(200, {"TwilioResponse"=>...})
Another way would be to instantiate a real HTTParty::Response with:
let(:resp) do
Struct.new(:code, :parsed_response)
.new(200, {"TwilioResponse"=>...}), -> { ... }
I would go with the first approach. Please note, that you probably will need to change in handle_response:
response_base = response['TwilioResponse']
response_base = response.parsed_response['TwilioResponse']
I am using RestClient to make a post request and i made it so i an error response back so i can print those error messages in console
i tried the following per the restclient gem documentation
response = RestClient.post base_uri, params.to_json, content_type: 'application/json', accept: 'application/json'
rescue RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse => err
error = err.response
p "this is the error response #{error}"
when i print err.response i get the following
"this is the error response {\"error\":{\"message\":\"An active access token must be used to query information about the current us
how do i access the message in the above hash to display it in console?
p "this is the error response #{error.message}"
and it gives me "Bad request" - have no idea where it gets that
If you're just looking to output it:
error = JSON.load(err.response)
puts error['error']['message']
You can always format it a bit better:
puts '[Code %d %s] %s' % [
Note that using puts inside of a Rails process is not going to work very well. You might want to use Rails.logger.debug instead.
The response you received is in JSON. You'll need to decode the JSON first and then interact with the data. Personally, I like MultiJson for this:
response = RestClient.post base_uri, params.to_json, content_type: 'application/json', accept: 'application/json'
rescue RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse => err
error = MultiJson.load(err.response)
p "this is the error response #{error[:message]}"
Am using httparty to send API request, I want to get output response after i sent request,
url = HTTParty.post("https://example.com/api/sendhttp.php",
:query => { :authkey => "authkeyvalue",
:mobiles => mobileNos,
:message => messages,
:sender => "senderid",
:route => "routeid",
:response => 'json'
response = HTTParty.get(url)
puts response.body, response.code, response.message, response.headers.inspect
But when i run above code it throws bad URI(is not URI?): {"message":"d64","type":"success"} error. How to solve it and get the response?
This looks like you are running a POST to https://example.com/api/sendhttp.php with JSON format, this succeeds, and you're getting a response of:
So your url variable now contains {"message":"d64","type":"success"}, which is clearly not a valid URL, so when you try to do a GET on it, you get an error. You've already got a response from the first POST, you should perhaps parse this? You don't need to do
response = HTTPParty.get(url)
unless you're expecting a second GET request to a URL which is returned by the first.
I'm using rails4 + rspec 3. I want to make HTTP calls, and pass both params (such as JSON body or query string), and also HTTP headers. I was able to pass one of these two, but not both.
when I try something like:
post api_v1_post_path(#myid), {} , {"X-Some-Header" => "MyValue"}
it works fine and the headers fine, but if I do something like:
post api_v1_post_path(#myid), {"myparam" => "myvalue"} , {"X-Some-Header" => "MyValue"}
I get the following error:
Failure/Error: post api_v1_post_path(#myid), {"myparam" =>"myvalue"}, headers
795: unexpected token at 'myparam'
Any ideas?
It seems that the POST params are expected to be JSON encoded. 795: unexpected token at 'myparam' is caused when the app tries to JSON decode the params that are not encoded.
Use .to_json with the post params.
post api_v1_post_path(#myid), {"myparam" => "myvalue"}.to_json , {"X-Some-Header" => "MyValue"}
You may want to use let:
describe 'Test' do
let( :params ){{ myparam: 'myvalue' }}
let( :headers ){{ 'X-Some-Header' => 'MyValue' }}
it 'succeeds' do
post api_v1_post_path(#myid), params.to_json , headers