Apacche2 display page on another port - connection

I was wondering if a apache2 server, at localhost port 80, can display a page at localhost60080. for some unknown reason, only the hosting computer is able to display the webpage(the kolmafia webview), and I figured that dealing with a apache2 server is easier than the application hosted. basically, can I get help
allowing other computers to view raspberrypi.local:60080
have a apache server at port 80 act like the page at 60080
I am sure that
1)same network
2)server works on localhost
3)raspberrypi.local:60080 don't work
4)raspberrypi.local:80 dose work, and displays default apache2 page


Ruby on Rails - Starting server as a live website. [Linode]

I have made an account on Linode website and have a "linode" running. I have a server running using ruby on rails. The command I used is the following:
rails server --binding=<ip_adress>
The server starts up without issue. The question I have is why can't I visit the the side I created using my browser, just by putting the ip_address in the browser? The server logs display the following
Environment: development Listening on tcp:<ip_address>:3000
I can visit this ip_address on my browser but I need to add the ":3000" in the browser so I can view the site.
Shouldn't I be able to just visit the stand alone ip_address without entering ":3000"? I also wanted to say I am just learning ruby on rails as well.
I haven't tried anything more than described above
An IP address is a way to identify a machine on the internet.A port is a number assigned to uniquely identify a connection endpoint and to direct data to a specific service.
Therefore, your rails service is a combination of an IP address and a Port number. Since you can have different services running on the same machine at the same IP address.
HTTP has a default port of 80 which is what your browser will try to access when you don't provide a port.
Most likely, you will want a Reverse Proxy hosted at port 80 that forwards traffic to your rails app.
This post provides a better answer of how this works. https://superuser.com/questions/394078/how-can-i-map-a-domain-name-to-an-ip-address-and-port
Not Recommended
If you don't want to use a reverse proxy, you can host the rails server at port 80 itself.
rails server -p 80
Note that this requires you to have root permissions on the machine.

Why would a website only load with Safari (DNS timeout otherwise)?

I am working on a web app on http://pagesage.page and have deployed with Digital Ocean on a Docker container with gunicorn and meinheld with A and AAAA name records set up. Additionally, the appropriate ports for http have been set up for listening and responding.
Unfortunately, while the page responds to curl, ping, and ping6 requests, the page only ever loads on the Safari browser (and some IE distributions) and I can't seem to figure out why (I get DNS timeout errors whenever I try to load the page in Chrome or Firefox).
I've tried accessing the page from different machines (brand new and old), reset the DNS settings a few times, and reset the browser's cache, all with no success.
Does anyone have ideas or suggestions, or has anyone else encountered this same problem?
You have a problem with your SSL/TLS terminaison. The website is available on HTTP but unavailable on HTTPS. Chrome and FF redirect the user to the HTTPS version. It looks like the port 443 (used for HTTPS) is closed.

Wamp server not working after opening port 81

i am hoping you can help.
I have just started hiring a web server from hetzner.
I loaded wamp onto the server, but as it is a windows 2012 server, it's port 80 is being used by the default loaded IIS.
So i opened up the port 81, for wamp, but it has been a struggle, when i type in my browser localhost:81 it shows me wamp server homepage, but whenever i try to enter into the phpmyadmin page, it's loaded, but i just see a white screen, i cannot enter the database management.
Does anybody know what might have caused this?
If you are using port 81 ( or any non standard port ) you have to add the port number to all your url's.
So try using
and it will work.
If you are not using IIS I would suggest disabling it and all its friend that grab port 80 so you can move wamp's Apache back to port 80.

Accessing Ruby Server on amazon instance from my browser

I have started the Ruby on Rails tutorial and am on my first app. I did all of this on an instance I have on amazon web service (aws). A while ago I installed apache on there so when I put in the public address (port 80) it tells me 'It works'. I want to access this server from my web browser at home.
However when I put in the server address :3000 (the port the app should be running at) I get nothing. Do I need to tell the box to open port 3000 or something of the like?
You need to open the instance's security group to accept traffic on port 3000. Check out the docs for more information.

How can I demo a website at localhost:3000 but make the address bar show http://mysite.com?

I'm going to be demoing a website I've developed. I want to run it locally but make it look like it's running on production.
This means I'll be interacting with the local web server on my computer at http://localhost:3000. Is there a convenient way I can actually make the browser's address bar look like http://www.mysite.com/ instead of showing localhost though?
Add a hosts entry mapping mysite.com to (and remember to remove it later)
There's not much you can do about the port, although you could host the whole thing in an <iframe> running on port 80.
Or you could just change the port of the demo, which shouldn't be too hard to do.
Not unless you can run the server on localhost:80. If you run on port 3000, the best you can do is to make your local machine think www.mysite.com is by adding: www.mysite.com
to your hosts file (/etc/hosts or C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts). If you're happy with http://www.mysite.com:3000/, you can leave the server on port 3000.
