When rendering a custom header in react-datepicker, some props for changing the month are available.
I need to change the month being shown by the datepicker from outside the component (which the changeMonth, decreaseMonth, increaseMonth can do, but these are available in customHeader only).
Sadly, I don't find any focus event for sap.m.Input or sap.m.TextArea to which I can register handlers in XML view.
What are your best practices e.g. if you have nearly 100 fields and most of them should handle focus event so that the text within the input field gets automatically selected?
Normally, I try to avoid to register the focusin handler in controller on every input field (also looping) but it seems that there are no other possibilities available isn't it?
What I want is a possibility, that when I navigate e.g. with keyboard through a table with input fields, every time when I press the tab or updown arrow keys to jump to next input field, the whole content of the input field should be selected.
Open this table sample.
Click on Edit.
When tabbing, it automatically selects the text. But it doesn't work with updown arrow keys and with sap.m.Input class.
Here is a working example of an extended sap.m.Input that selects the text on focus: https://embed.plnkr.co/98BIbMEIujbzBXqU
Input.extend("demo.control.Input", {
onfocusin: function() {
if (typeof Input.prototype.onfocusin == "function") {
Input.prototype.onfocusin.apply(this, arguments);
// ...
Note: sap.m.InputBase provides the API selectText(iStart, iEnd). However, that API doesn't support Input controls with type Number according to the HTML spec as well as API reference:
Only supported for input control's type of Text, Url, Tel and Password.
Since our goal is to select all text within the input field (not a range) regardless of the type, domElement.select()api can be used instead.
If you really have a form with -- gasp! -- 100 fields, I would then extend the standard sap.m.Input and attach the onfocus browser event in that extended control using sap.ui.core.Control's attachBrowserEvent method.
I'd like to pass the Unix timestamp to a hit level eVar in DTM. I would assume I could pass some Javascript like this:
function() {
var now = new Date();
return now.getTime();
However, I am not sure where to pass it in DTM. Would this be passed in the "Customize Page Code" editor in the Tool Settings or somewhere else?
You can create a Data Element of type Custom Code. Name it something like current_timestamp or whatever. The code should not be wrapped in the function declaration syntax (DTM already wraps it in a function callback internally). So just put the following in the code box:
var now = new Date();
return now.getTime();
Then in your Adobe Analytics Tool Config (for global variables), or within a Page Load, Event Based, or Direct Call Rule, within the Adobe Analytics Config section. choose which eVar you want to set, and for the value, put %current_timestamp% (or whatever you named it, using % at start/end of it. You should see it show up in a dropdown as you start typing % in the value field).
Alternatively, if you want to assign the eVar in a custom code box in one of those locations, you can use the following javascript syntax e.g (assume eVar1 in example).
s.eVar1 = _satellite.getVar('current_timestamp');
Note that with this syntax, you do not wrap the data element name with %
One last note. This is client-side code, so the timestamp will be based on the user's browser's timezone settings. So for example, a visitor from the US and another visitor from China both visiting a page physically at the same time (server request at the same time), will show two different timestamps because they are in two different timezones.
This makes for some misleading data in reports, so make sure you break it down by other geo based dimensions, or do some extra math in your Data Element to convert the timestamp to a single timezone (e.g. convert it to EST). In practice, most people will pick whatever timezone their office is located in, or else what their server's timezone is set to.
I am trying to localize selectOptions on the Visual Force page.
Here is the .class code snippet:
List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
List<MyOption__c> dropDownValues = [SELECT Id, Display_Label_Name__c FROM MyOption__c];
for (MyOption__c val : dropDownValues) {
// Display_Label_Name__c field is the label from *.labels that needs to be translated
options.add(new SelectOption(val.Id, val.Display_Label_Name__c));
Here is the .page code snippet:
<apex:selectList value="{!myVal}">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!options}"/>
Right now the dropdown displays the Display_Label_Name__c verbose. I am trying to see how I can display the translated version from the .labels file. Is it possible? If not, what's the work around?
Thank you for your responses!
All localisation of page text can be done with Custom Labels.
Enable the translation workbench with the languages you require.
Create labels for all the localisible text on the page.
Replace the page text with the labels.
Add a translation for each label.
Change your profile langauge to test.
But for your case you pull the select option text from a custom object. If the values of the select list are not expected to change frequently, less than once a week or so, then I would change to using custom labels.
Otherwise, you lose the value of Salesforce automatic language selection and have to implement something yourself.
I would recommend extending the custom object MyOption__c to have columns for all the supported languages. You could use an if/else block or dynamic apex to select the select option text.
Sample using Dynamic Apex
string language = ParseForSupportedLangauges(UserInfo.getLanguage()); // includes __c
list<sobject> dropDownValues = Database.query('SELECT Id, '+language+' FROM MyOption__c');
for (sobject val : dropDownValues) {
options.add(new SelectOption(val.get('Id'), val.get(language)));
ParseForSupportedLangauges() would be a custom method that checks for supported languages and assigns the default when necessary.
Turns out there is a solution: Don't look for something until you need it, right?
Introduced in Spring '12 is the ability dynamicaly select the label to display suing array syntax. Also, the ability to create visualforce components from the controller was added but using the array syntax would be sufficient for your problem. This method would allow you to select the labels you want by using the query results from MyOption__c.
Using a repeat in visualforce to loop over the query results
<apex:repeat value="{!displayResultsValues}" var="labelName">
<apex:outputText value="{!$Label[labelName]}"/>
Here is a good article to show the usage and syntax.
I'm having a great time playing around with knockout js and have just started to get to grips with adding custom bindingHandlers.
I'm struggling a bit with the update function of a 3rd party jqWidget gauge - I can only get it to animate the first time I update the variable. On each update after that it just sets the value directly.
I don't fully understand ko.utils.registerEventHandler() and what it does although I've seen it in a bunch of other examples. Is this what is causing the animation to break? How do I know which events to register from the 3rd party widget?
For some reason this works fine if I add a jquery ui slider that is also bound to the observable.
You can test this here: set the value a few times to see that it animates the first time and not after that.
When you update the input field, your observable will end up being a string. It looks like the gauge does not like to be updated with a string value, at least after the first time.
So, if you ensure that you are updating it with a number (parseInt, parseFloat, or just + depending on the situation), then it appears to update fine.
Something like:
update: function(element, valueAccessor) {
var gaugeval = parseInt(ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor()), 10);
$(element).jqxGauge('value', gaugeval || 0);
You would generally only register event handlers in a scenario like this to react to changes made by a user where you would want to update your view model data. For example, if there was a way for a user to click on the gauge to change the value, then you would want to handle that event and update your view model value accordingly.
I'm answering the
I don't fully understand ko.utils.registerEventHandler() and what it does
part of your question.
registerEventHandler will register your event handler function in a cross-browser compatible way. If you are using jQuery, Knockout will use jQuery's bind function to register the event handler. Otherwise, will use the browser Web API with a consistent behavior across browsers.
You can check it out on the source code.
Value field in ListBox table has String[64] type. Is there posible to expand this 64-characters limitation? I need to store some directory pathes there.
It's probably (never tried) possible in WiX to override the default schema of he ListBox table. I know in InstallShield I just go to the direct editor and adjust it. WiX has a template schema that is used to build the MSI and you might be able to use the Table element to redefine it. Or it might just give you an error message saying you are defining a well known table.
However, I'm not sure if there would be any side effects in the ListBox control if you exceed 64 char. I don't see anything in the MSI SDK saying what's allowed so I guess your milage may vary.
Here's a trick that you might like though. It's called the evil twin dialog trick. See, in MSI there's a bug that UI elements don't refresh very well and this trick works around it. Consider this:
Dialog1 with ListBox associated to property TESTPROP and Items One value 1 and Two value 2.
Textlabel that displayes [TESTPROP].
When start the dialog the text label is empty after clicking a row in the listbox. Click back and next and suddenly it has the expected text of 1 and 2.
Now create a clone of this dialog ( Dialog2 ) and put a control event on the Listbox of dialog1 that says NewDialog Dialog2 condition=1 and put a control event on the Listbox of dialog2 that says NewDialog Dialog1 condition = 1
Now when you run it the screen refreshes ( although with a big of an ugly flicker ) See it looks like it's the same dialog only it's really the evil twin dialog that's being transitioned to so that the data refreshes correctly.
Now for extra credit use your custom actions to do something like this
ListBox Item 1 Text C:\Pro...Foo\Bob value LISTBOXDIRPROP1
ListBox Item 2 Text C:\Pro...Foo\Ed value LISTBOXDIRPROP2
Property LISTBOXDIRPROP1 = C:\Program Files\Foo\Bob
Property LISTBOXDIRPROP2 = C:\Program Files\Foo\Ed
Then set your TextLabel to display [[TESTPROP]]. This tells it to get deference the value of the value of the property. In other words, TESTPRO = LISTBOXDIRPROP1 = C:\Proggram Files\Foo\Bob
This trick would allow you to display a line that fits the 64 char constraint yet gives additional information when the user selects it.