How to find the impact of one variable on the other when there seems to no correlation between them? - machine-learning

can we predict growth percentage in sales of an item given the change in discount(positive or negative number) from the previous year as a predictor variable. There seems to be no correlation between these. How to solve this problem using machine learning?

You are on the wrong track to ask this question.
Correlation is on the knowledge side of Statistics, Please check Pearson’s correlation of coefficient / Spearman’s correlation of coefficient in order to find the correlation between the discount changes and the sales groth correlation.
In Machine Learning, we seldom compare two percentage data, instead, we compare the actual sales/discount value. A simple ML can be applied by Linear regression (most ML is used in multi-dimension, as your case is one-x one-y data (single column to single output). Please refer to related information online and solved with excel or python code.


Shouldn't the variables ranking be the same for MLP and RF?

I have a question about variable importance ranking.
I built an MLP and an RF model using the same dataset with 34 variables and achieved the same accuracy on a similar test dataset. As you can see in the picture below the top variables for the SHAP summary plot and the RF VIM are quite different.
Interestingly, I removed the low-ranked variable from the MLP and the accuracy increased. However, the RF result didn’t change.
Does that mean the RF is not a good choice for modeling this dataset?
It’s still strange to me that the rankings are so different:
SHAP summary plot vs. RF VIM, I numbered the top and low-ranked variable
Shouldn't the variables ranking be the same for MLP and RF?
No. There may be tendency for different algos to rank certain features higher, but there is no reason for ranking to be the same.
Different algorithms:
May have different objective functions to achieve intended goal.
May use features differently to achieve min (max) of the objective function.
On top, what you cite as RF "feature importances" (mean decrease in Gini) is only one of the many ways to calculate "feature importance" for RF (including which metric you use, and how you calculate total decrease due to a feature). In contrast, SHAP is model agnostic when it comes to explaining feature contributions to outcome.
In sum:
Different models will have different opinions about what is important and not. What is important for one algo may be not so important for another and vice versa. It doesn't tell anything about applicability of a model to a specific dataset.
Use SHAP values (or any other feature importance metric that you and your clients understand) to explain a model (if necessary).
Choose "best" model based on your goals: performance or explainability.

Are there any methods for finding the value of variable which has significant influence on response?

I have a dataset which has 5 variables and 1 response. The variables are discrete. I want to find the key variable and its value which leads to a significant increase or decrease to the response.
You will need to perform some statistical tests in order to find which variables are the most significant.
If you are familiar with python you could use SelectKBest from scikit-learn. It will give you a score, the highest the score, the stronger the link between the feature and the output.
Additionally you can train an explainable ML model, strong enough to converge, and find the pattern within the data, from that you could compute the feature importance.
For example you could use DecisionTreeClasifier from scikit-learn. It has a decision_path class function that will plot the decision path taken by the tree, decision_path has a property called feature_importances_ that uses Gini coefficient to compute the importance of the features.
Last but not the least, you can use feature reduction techniques, such as PCA, it's used to find the variance between variables, from the PCA you will compute new Principal Components that are linked to the features, from the most explenatory ones you can find the features importance. Check this stack overflow answer that explains everything you should know for that.

Random Forest - Max Features

I do have a question and I need your support. I have a data set which I am analyzing. I need to predict a target. To do this I did some data cleaning, among others drop highly (linear correlated feautes)
After preparing my data I applied random forest regressor (it is a regression problem). I am stucked a bit, since I really cannot catch the meaning and thus the value for max_features
I found the following page answer, where it is written
features=n_features for regression is a mistake on scikit's part. The original paper for RF gave max_features = n_features/3 for regression
I do get different results if I use max_features=sqrt(n) or max_features=n_features
Can any1 give me a good explanation how to approach this parameter?
That would be really great
max_features is a parameter that needs to be tuned. Values such as sqrt or n/3 are defaults and usually perform decently, but the parameter needs to be optimized for every dataset, as it will depend on the features you have, their correlations and importances.
Therefore, I suggest training the model many times with a grid of values for max_features, trying every possible value from 2 to the total number of your features. Train your RandomForestRegressor with oob_score=True and use oob_score_ to assess the performance of the Forest. Once you have looped over all possible values of max_features, keep the one that obtained the highest oob_score.
For safety, keep the n_estimators on the high end.
PS: this procedure is basically a grid search optimization for one parameter, and is usually done via Cross Validation. Since RFs give you OOB scores, you can use these instead of CV scores, as they are quicker to compute.

Use Cosine Similarity with Binary Data - Mahout

I have a boolean/binary where a customer and product id are found when the customer actually bought the product and not found if the customer did not buy it. The dataset represented like this:
I have tried different approaches like GenericBooleanPrefUserBasedRecommender with TanimotoCoefficient or LogLikelihood similarities, but I have also tried GenericUserBasedRecommender with the Uncentered Cosine Similarity and it gave me the highest precision and recall 100% and 60% respectively.
I am not sure if it makes sense to use the Uncentered Cosine Similarity in this situation, or this is a wrong logic ? and what does the Uncentered Cosine Similairty do with such dataset.
Any ideas would be really appreciated.
Thank you.
100% precision is impossible so something is wrong. All the similarity metrics work fine with boolean data. Remember the space is of very high dimensionality.
Your sample data only has two items (BTW ids should be 0 based for the old hadoop version of Mahout). So the dataset as shown is not going to give valid precision scores.
I've done this with large E-Com datasets and Log-likelihood considerably out-performs the other metrics on boolean data.
BTW Mahout has moved on to Spark from Hadoop and our only metric is LLR. A full Universal Recommender with event store and prediction server based on Mahout-Samsara is implemented here:
Slides describing it here:

What are the metrics to evaluate a machine learning algorithm

I would like to know what are the various techniques and metrics used to evaluate how accurate/good an algorithm is and how to use a given metric to derive a conclusion about a ML model.
one way to do this is to use precision and recall, as defined here in wikipedia.
Another way is to use the accuracy metric as explained here. So, what I would like to know is whether there are other metrics for evaluating an ML model?
I've compiled, a while ago, a list of metrics used to evaluate classification and regression algorithms, under the form of a cheatsheet. Some metrics for classification: precision, recall, sensitivity, specificity, F-measure, Matthews correlation, etc. They are all based on the confusion matrix. Others exist for regression (continuous output variable).
The technique is mostly to run an algorithm on some data to get a model, and then apply that model on new, previously unseen data, and evaluate the metric on that data set, and repeat.
Some techniques (actually resampling techniques from statistics):
K-fold validation
Talking about ML in general is a quite vast field, but I'll try to answer any way. The Wikipedia definition of ML is the following
Machine learning, a branch of artificial intelligence, concerns the construction and study of systems that can learn from data.
In this context learning can be defined parameterization of an algorithm. The parameters of the algorithm are derived using input data with a known output. When the algorithm has "learned" the association between input and output, it can be tested with further input data for which the output is well known.
Let's suppose your problem is to obtain words from speech. Here the input is some kind of audio file containing one word (not necessarily, but I supposed this case to keep it quite simple). You'd record X words N times and then use (for example) N/2 of the repetitions to parameterize your algorithm, disregarding - at the moment - how your algorithm would look like.
Now on the one hand - depending on the algorithm - if you feed your algorithm with one of the remaining repetitions, it may give you some certainty estimate which may be used to characterize the recognition of just one of the repetitions. On the other hand you may use all of the remaining repetitions to test the learned algorithm. For each of the repetitions you pass it to the algorithm and compare the expected output with the actual output. After all you'll have an accuracy value for the learned algorithm calculated as the quotient of correct and total classifications.
Anyway, the actual accuracy will depend on the quality of your learning and test data.
A good start to read on would be Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher M Bishop
There are various metrics for evaluating the performance of ML model and there is no rule that there are 20 or 30 metrics only. You can create your own metrics depending on your problem. There are various cases wherein when you are solving real - world problem where you would need to create your own custom metrics.
Coming to the existing ones, it is already listed in the first answer, I would just highlight each metrics merits and demerits to better have an understanding.
Accuracy is the simplest of the metric and it is commonly used. It is the number of points to class 1/ total number of points in your dataset. This is for 2 class problem where some points belong to class 1 and some to belong to class 2. It is not preferred when the dataset is imbalanced because it is biased to balanced one and it is not that much interpretable.
Log loss is a metric that helps to achieve probability scores that gives you better understanding why a specific point is belonging to class 1. The best part of this metric is that it is inbuild in logistic regression which is famous ML technique.
Confusion metric is best used for 2-class classification problem which gives four numbers and the diagonal numbers helps to get an idea of how good is your model.Through this metric there are others such as precision, recall and f1-score which are interpretable.
