We are using SSO to set up users for Flex. However, I can not work out how to pull in the user's avatar from Azure.
The only way I can think without having the images public is to create a plugin to set the image from the graph API but I'm not sure how you can set it.
Ideally the plugin should only run on login I guess.
I'm working on a raspberry pi wallboard to display the project jira status on a wall mounted screen. To make the raspberry pi work as a wallboard i have followed the tutorial on http://blogs.wcode.org/2013/09/howto-boot-your-raspberry-pi-into-a-fullscreen-browser-kiosk/. With some small changed i also managed to cycle it through several tabs using the command watch -n5 "xdotool getactivewindow key ctrl+Tab"
Now i want to display the jira status, on startup i need chromium to login and then display the status. I have tried this using the url https://<company>.jira.com/login?username=<username>&password=<password>&dest-url=/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=<id>&view=detail. But the jira login page does not seam to accept logins using the GET method.
Could someone help me to find a way to auto login to jira and then display some jira page? Of course this needs to be scripted on a raspberry pi 2 so the login is without user interaction at boot.
You could look to boot up Chromium instead using like Selenium Web Driver and have it navigate to the JIRA and perform your login using a read only service account on the required projects.
Meanwhile i have found the answer. Jira simply accepts the parameters os_username and os_password or you can request a basic authentication challenge using os_authType=basic.
these URLs work
At least for Jira Server 7.8 (not Jira Cloud), this works fine:
Customize os_destination as needed.
Source: Receipe for wallboards in your office (Raspberry + Jira)
I am planning to create a mobile application and plan to talk to with my JIRA instance using rest api and after digging through rest api for JIRA 6.1.3 , i have a doubt whether do we need to create a plugin for JIRA instance if i want to create a mobile client for it ?
Basically if you want to talk to JIRA via REST you don't need JIRA plugin unless you need to add some REST points for your needs, or store some data in JIRA which plugins can do.
You can also consider creating JIRA addon to serve some nicelooking pages for your mobile that is creating mobile web application instead.
say I set up OAuth.. I can use that access with the Registry API to do registry stuff.. what I want is for people to be able to set up automated builds and then when that is done a webhook automatically sets off a deployment on my server.
I would like to automatically create this Webhook. Is there an API to do that? Thanks.
See https://docs.docker.com/userguide/dockerrepos/#webhooks
I am using access control on Jenkins with openid plugin. Users are authenticated through Google account.
But i also need to have users created on Jenkins internally. i.e role based access control.
Is there a way to configure Jenkins to make it possible to use multiple access control mechanisms at the same time ? Currently i can only select one.
Any plugins to make it possible ?
No, your users need a google apps account to login.
But that shouldn't be a problem with https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Role+Strategy+Plugin
I want to insert a link in the image upload page in the D2L LMS which allows the user to upload an image from our Gravatar service. I understand I can do it through the valence content API but just as we can put in links in the insert stuff sidebar, can we also wrap an LTI link into a link on the image upload page?
The Remote Plugin Service builds on LTI to let you integrate with D2L's LMS in more "native user interaction" kinds of ways. The "Insert Stuff" framework is one of these, as you've recognized. While D2L does intend to offer more Remote Plugin configuration types in the future, currently there is no configuration type for integration with the image upload interaction point. This is, however, a good idea; I'd encourage you to suggest it on the Product Ideas Exchange in the D2L Community site, or make a request for this enhancement through your account or partner manager at D2L.
There is sample code for creating a remote plugin that allows you to insert images using the Insert Stuff Framework, which was introduced in the following blog post: http://devs.valence.desire2learn.com/2013/11/11/making-development-easier-with-the-remote-plugins-test-service/. This sample uses LTI and the Valence Learning Framework APIs to insert images.