Missing Linker properties for Xamarin Android in Visual Studio 2022 - xamarin.android

There was a good option to control Linking of libraries in Visual Studio 2019.
Since we are using .NET 6 now and for that we have to use Visual Studio 2022.
I cannot see Linker Properties in Visual Studio 2022.
Can someone please guide where it is in VS 2022, probably I am missing something.


Visual Studio 2019 project deletion

Does Visual Studio 2019 allows you to delete the project if you are already working on that project.
In old version of visual studio this is not the issue.

Creating a Xamarin.Android project using .NET 6

How would I create a Xamarin.Android project that targets .NET 6 (Xamarin.Android being the traditional Android bindings, not .NET MAUI)?
Creating a new project from the Visual Studio 2022 UI generates the same Mono template Visual Studio 2019 does.
This guide seems to suggest manually editing the .csproj file, but doing that breaks the build with errors like:
Package Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat is not compatible with monoandroid50 (MonoAndroid,Version=v5.0)
Upgrade your Visual Studio to Visual Studio 2022 preview.
Version: Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit) - Preview
Version 17.1.0 Preview 4.0
After that you could create Android project with .Net 6.0.

Issue with Running .NET 6 in Visual Studio 2019

I installed .NET 6 to be able to use with Visual studio 2019 but cannot see version 6 inside the visual studio
need support
.NET 6 is supported with Visual Studio 2022 and Visual Studio 2022 for Mac. It is not supported with Visual Studio 2019, Visual Studio for Mac 8, or MSBuild 16. If you want to use .NET 6, you will need to upgrade to Visual Studio 2022 (which is also now 64-bit). .NET 6 is supported with the Visual Studio Code C# extension.
This is from the Dev blog here https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/announcing-net-6/
Also there is a thread here - Visual Studio 2019 Not Showing .NET 6 Framework.
Of course, SSIS still does not work with Visual Studio 2022. And this is holding up a lot of upgrades from Visual Studio 2019.

C++ Rest SDK Android Visual Studio 2015

I'am developing an Android static library with Visual Studio 2015.
I'am using C++ Rest SDK (https://www.nuget.org/packages/cpprestsdk.android/). It works with Visual Studio 2015 RC but not with Visual Studio 2015.
The reason is that Visual Studio 2015 uses the compiler clang 3.6 and the SDK is compiled with clang 3.4.
Is there a way to use C++ Rest SDK with Visual Studio 2015?
Is there a way to install clang 3.4 into Visual Studio 2015?
The issue has been resolved with the 2.7.0 release of C++ REST SDK.

Visual Studio 2012 SDK installation

I have ultimate version of visual studio 2012 today I downloaded and installed Visual Studio 2012 SDK which suppose to add project templates under Visual studio new project dialog, but there is nothing displayed the only project template I see under Visual c#-> Extensibility is Visual studio package.
can anyone help me out with this problem? I am using RTM version of VS
This usually happens because your target .NET framework version (at the top of the New Project Dialog) is set to something other than .NET Framework 4.5.
