Is there a way to "flatten" a Chessboard pattern apart from lense correction? - opencv

I checked the tutorials here and here, and I'm looking for something similar.
So far, I managed to solve lense distortion using a Chessboard pattern, just as below (this is an average result example, i made it quickly just for this question, but you get the point):
To this
The "barrel" distortion due to the cyllindrical surface from which the chessboard is in is partially fixed. But, more than the lense/distortion correction, I wanted the camera_matrix to "flatten" the chessboard pattern (i.e., to make all squares same size), similarly as the unwrap wine label similarly as used in Nepherhotep/unwrap_labels, but using the Chessboard rather than the markers instead.
Is there anything similar?


Finding depth with SIFT or another feature detector

I have a project, that aims for detecting distance to particular object(e.g traffic signs).
I have calivrated stereo-rig, and first thing I did was to find disparity image and then depth. However, since I need only distance to particular objects in the scene, I thought, that calculating disparity map is pretty long and heavy task, so I switched to feature detection method.
The idea here is following: I find similar features on both images, and then find disparity(just substract one feature point from another matched) only in the bboxes specified(i have attached the image).
The feature detector works correctly, however when I convert this disparities to actual depth, I have bad results, with a huge error. I convert them with following formula:
disparity = feature_matched1.x - feature_matched2.x
depth = baseline * focal / disparity.
The caluibration parameters seems to be correct and not the issue.
I want to ask, if I do this thing properly and is is possible to find depth? Maybe I have discoreved some false assumptions and I can not find depth like this method.
I can provide code, if it is necessary, however, I think it is more approach-related question.

Undistorting/rectify images with OpenCV

I took the example of code for calibrating a camera and undistorting images from this book:
As far as I understood the usual camera calibration methods of OpenCV work perfectly for "normal" cameras.
When it comes to Fisheye-Lenses though we have to use a vector of 8 calibration parameters instead of 5 and also the flag CV_CALIB_RATIONAL_MODEL in the method cvCalibrateCamera2.
At least, that's what it says in the OpenCV documentary
So, when I use this on an array of images like this (Sample images from OCamCalib) I get the following results using cvInitUndistortMap:
Since the resulting images are cut out of the whole undistorted image, I went ahead and used cvInitUndistortRectifyMap (like it's described here So I got the following results:
And now my question is: Why is not the whole image undistorted? In some pics of my later results you can recognize that the laptop for example is still totally distorted. How can I acomplish even better results using the standard OpenCV methods?
I'm new to stackoverflow and I'm new to OpenCV as well, so please excuse any of my shortcomings when it comes to expressing my problems.
All chessboard corners should be visible to be found. The algorithm expect a certain size of chessboard such as 4x3 or 7x6 (for example). The white border around a chess board should be visible too or dark squares may not be defined precisely.
You still have high distortions at the image periphery after undistort() since distortions are radial (that is they increase with the radius) and your found coefficients are wrong. The latter are wrong since a calibration process minimizes the sum of squared errors in pixel coordinates and you did not represent the periphery with enough samples.
TODO: You have to have 20-40 chess board pattern images if you use 8 distCoeff. Slant your boards at different angles, put them at different distances and spread them around, especially at the periphery. Remember, the success of calibration depends on sampling and also on seeing vanishing points clearly from your chess board (hence slanting and tilting).

Image processing - Match curves from one image to another

I am doing something similar to this problem:
Matching a curve pattern to the edges of an image
Basically, I have the same curve in two images, but with some affine transform between the two. Here is an example of two images:
So in order to get to Image2, you can apply some translation, rotation, scale, etc. to Image1.
Does anyone know how to solve for this transform?
Phase correlation doesn't work because it's not a translation only. Optical flow doesn't work since there's not enough detail to resolve translation, rotation, scale (It's pretty much a binary image). I'm not sure if Hough Transforms will give me good data.
I think some sort of keypoint matching algorithm like sift or surf would work with this kind of data as well.
The basic idea would be to find a limited number of "interesting" keypoints in each image, then match these keypoints pairwise.
Here is a quick test of your image with an online ASIFT demo:
It is probably more suited for normal greyscale images, but nevertheless it seems to work for this data. It looks like the lines connect roughly the same points around both of the curves; plugging all these pairs into something like the FindHomography function in OpenCv, the small discrepancies should even themselves out and you get the affine transformation matrix between the two images.
For your particular data you might be able to come up with better keypoint descriptors; perhaps something to detect the line ends, line crossings and sharp corners.
Or how about this: It is a little more work, but if you can vectorize your paths into a bezier or b-spline, you can get some natural keypoints from the spline descriptors.
I do not know any vectorisation library, but Inkscape has a basic implementation with which you could test the approach.
Once you have a small set of descriptors instead of a large 2d bitmap, you only need to match these descriptors between the two images, as per FindHomography.
answer to comment:
The points of interest are merely small areas that have certain properties. So the center of those areas might be black or white; the algorithm does not specifically look for white pixels or large-scale shapes such as the curve. What matter is that the lines connect roughly the same points on both curves, at least at first glance.

how to find shapes that are slightly elongated oval / rectangle with curved corners / sometimes sector of a circle?

how to recognise a zebra crossing from top view using opencv?
in my previous question the problem is to find the curved zebra crossing using opencv.
now I thought that the following way would be much easier way to detect it,
(i) canny it
(ii) find the contours in it
(iii) find the black stripes in it, in my case it is slightly oval in shape
now my question is how to find that slightly oval shape??
look here for images of the crossing:
Generally speaking, I believe there are two approaches you can consider.
One approach is the more brute force image analysis approach, as you described. Here you are applying heuristics based on your knowledge of the problem in order to identify the pixels involved in the parts of the path. Note that 'brute force' here is not a bad thing, just an adjective.
An alternative approach is to apply pattern recognition techniques to find the regions of the image which have high probability of being part of the path. Here you would be transforming your image into (hopefully) meaningful features: lines, points, gradient (eg: Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG)), relative intensity (eg: Haar-like features) etc. and using machine learning techniques to figure out how these features describe the, say, the road vs the tunnel (in your example).
As you are asking about the former, I'm going to focus on that here. If you'd like to know more about the latter have a look around the Internet, StackOverflow, or post specific questions you have.
So, for the 'brute force image analysis' approach, your first step would probably be to preprocess the image as you need;
Consider color normalization if you are going to analyze color later, this will help make your algorithm robust to lighting differences in your garage vs the event studio. It'll also improve robustness to camera collaboration differences, though the organization hosting the competition provide specs for the camera they will use (don't ignore this bit of info).
Consider blurring the image to reduce noise if you're less interested in pixel by pixel values (eg edges) and more interested in larger structures (eg gradients).
Consider sharpening the image for the opposite reasons of blurring.
Do a bit of research on image preprocessing. It's definitely an explored topic but hardly 'solved' (whatever that would mean). There are lots of things to try at this stage and, of course, crap in => crap out.
After that you'll want to generate some 'features'..
As you mentioned, edges seem like an appropriate feature space for this problem. Don't forget that there are many other great edge detection algorithms out there other than Canny (see Prewitt, Sobel, etc.) After applying the edge detection algorithm, though, you still just have pixel data. To get to features you'll want probably want to extract lines from the edges. This is where the Hough transform space will come in handy.
(Also, as an idea, you can think about colorspace in concert with the edge detectors. By that, I mean, edge detectors usually work in the B&W colorspace, but rather than converting your image to grayscale you could convert it to an appropriate colorspace and just use a single channel. For example, if the game board is red and the lines on the crosswalk are blue, convert the image to HSV and grab the hue channel as input for the edge detector. You'll likely get better contrast between the regions than just grayscale. For bright vs. dull use the value channel, for yellow vs. blue use the Opponent colorspace, etc.)
You can also look at points. Algorithms such as the Harris corner detector or the Laplacian of Gaussian (LOG) will extract 'key points' (with a different definition for each algorithm but generally reproducible).
There are many other feature spaces to explore, don't stop here.
Now, this is where the brute force part comes in..
The first thing that comes to mind is parallel lines. Even in a curve, the edges of the lines are 'roughly' parallel. You could easily develop an algorithm to find the track in your game by finding lines which are each roughly parallel to their neighbors. Note that line detectors like the Hough transform are usually applied such that they find 'peaks', or overrepresented angles in the dataset. Thus, if you generate a Hough transform for the whole image, you'll be hard pressed to find any of the lines you want. Instead, you'll probably want to use a sliding window to examine each area individually.
Specifically speaking to the curved areas, you can use the Hough transform to detect circles and elipses quite easily. You could apply a heuristic like: two concentric semi-circles with a given difference in radius (~250 in your problem) would indicate a road.
If you're using points/corners you can try to come up with an algorithm to connect the corners of one line to the next. You can put a limit on the distance and degree in rotation from one corner to the next that will permit rounded turns but prohibit impossible paths. This could elucidate the edges of the road while being robust to turns.
You can probably start to see now why these hard coded algorithms start off simple but become tedious to tweak and often don't have great results. Furthermore, they tend to rigid and inapplicable to other, even similar, problems.
All that said.. you're talking about solving a problem that doesn't have an out of the box solution. Thinking about the solution is half the fun, and half the challenge. Everything I've described here is basic image analysis, computer vision, and problem solving. Start reading some papers on these topics and the ideas will come quickly. Good luck in the competition.

Shape/Pattern Matching Approach in Computer Vision

I am currently facing a, in my opinion, rather common problem which should be quite easy to solve but so far all my approached have failed so I am turning to you for help.
I think the problem is explained best with some illustrations. I have some Patterns like these two:
I also have an Image like (probably better, because the photo this one originated from was quite poorly lit) this:
(Note how the Template was scaled to kinda fit the size of the image)
The ultimate goal is a tool which determines whether the user shows a thumb up/thumbs down gesture and also some angles in between. So I want to match the patterns against the image and see which one resembles the picture the most (or to be more precise, the angle the hand is showing). I know the direction in which the thumb is showing in the pattern, so if i find the pattern which looks identical I also have the angle.
I am working with OpenCV (with Python Bindings) and already tried cvMatchTemplate and MatchShapes but so far its not really working reliably.
I can only guess why MatchTemplate failed but I think that a smaller pattern with a smaller white are fits fully into the white area of a picture thus creating the best matching factor although its obvious that they dont really look the same.
Are there some Methods hidden in OpenCV I havent found yet or is there a known algorithm for those kinds of problem I should reimplement?
Happy New Year.
A few simple techniques could work:
After binarization and segmentation, find Feret's diameter of the blob (a.k.a. the farthest distance between points, or the major axis).
Find the convex hull of the point set, flood fill it, and treat it as a connected region. Subtract the original image with the thumb. The difference will be the area between the thumb and fist, and the position of that area relative to the center of mass should give you an indication of rotation.
Use a watershed algorithm on the distances of each point to the blob edge. This can help identify the connected thin region (the thumb).
Fit the largest circle (or largest inscribed polygon) within the blob. Dilate this circle or polygon until some fraction of its edge overlaps the background. Subtract this dilated figure from the original image; only the thumb will remain.
If the size of the hand is consistent (or relatively consistent), then you could also perform N morphological erode operations until the thumb disappears, then N dilate operations to grow the fist back to its original approximate size. Subtract this fist-only blob from the original blob to get the thumb blob. Then uses the thumb blob direction (Feret's diameter) and/or center of mass relative to the fist blob center of mass to determine direction.
Techniques to find critical points (regions of strong direction change) are trickier. At the simplest, you might also use corner detectors and then check the distance from one corner to another to identify the place when the inner edge of the thumb meets the fist.
For more complex methods, look into papers about shape decomposition by authors such as Kimia, Siddiqi, and Xiaofing Mi.
MatchTemplate seems like a good fit for the problem you describe. In what way is it failing for you? If you are actually masking the thumbs-up/thumbs-down/thumbs-in-between signs as nicely as you show in your sample image then you have already done the most difficult part.
MatchTemplate does not include rotation and scaling in the search space, so you should generate more templates from your reference image at all rotations you'd like to detect, and you should scale your templates to match the general size of the found thumbs up/thumbs down signs.
The result array for MatchTemplate contains an integer value that specifies how well the fit of template in image is at that location. If you use CV_TM_SQDIFF then the lowest value in the result array is the location of best fit, if you use CV_TM_CCORR or CV_TM_CCOEFF then it is the highest value. If your scaled and rotated template images all have the same number of white pixels then you can compare the value of best fit you find for all different template images, and the template image that has the best fit overall is the one you want to select.
There are tons of rotation/scaling independent detection functions that could conceivably help you, but normalizing your problem to work with MatchTemplate is by far the easiest.
For the more advanced stuff, check out SIFT, Haar feature based classifiers, or one of the others available in OpenCV
I think you can get excellent results if you just compute the two points that have the furthest shortest path going through white. The direction in which the thumb is pointing is just the direction of the line that joins the two points.
You can do this easily by sampling points on the white area and using Floyd-Warshall.
