Format of %TIME% environment variable - parsing

I have a batch script that starts with saving its start time for future use, which it does thusly:
At the end of the batch, I'd like to re-convert it into a C# DateTime, and I need to do it in a locale-independent way. So, how can I do this?
I tried using the registry values described here (HKCU\Control Panel\International value sTimeFormat), unfortunately it doesn't work: On the Windows 10 Server machine I tried it on, the registry says "HH:mm:ss", but %TIME% returns "HH:mm:ss.ff" instead (I also tried on a French Windows 10 machine, got the same registry value but %TIME returned "HH:mm:ss,ff")
So, is there any way to fetch the real time format used by %TIME%? Or failing that, to parse it in a way that won't run afoul of locale problems?
Or even another way to store the time during the execution of a batch file?

From experimentation, for now I'll simply assume this is the format used:
"HH:mm:ss" + CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator + "ff"


How to set jenkins string parameter in Windows batch command

I have declared a string parameter in Jenkins i.e "Year".
The value is to be set in windows batch command, because i thought this was simple without a plugin.
Below screen depicts on how i am setting the parameter Year.
When I do echo can see in the console correct data is displayed however when I try to use the same parameter after this execution in next set as ${params.Year}, it seen as empty.
What I am doing wrong here? not able to figure it out.

date variable in TFS

I am trying to create a variable in TFS for my task for timestamp in format yyyymmdd. I know that I create a task specifically for this using bash or powershell. However, I am looking to find some existing variable or some way to create this variable without having to setup a task dedicated for itself.
So far I have tried to use $(Date:yyyymmdd) in my variables but it does not put values in it, it uses variable name as is.
For example, C:\Alpha\beta\$(Date:yyyymmdd) instead of C:\Alpha\beta\20191107
Can anyone help me with this ? Thanks a lot
Actually, it is hence not expanded. We do not have this kind of system or environment variable which get current date time and work every. You may have noticed you could use $(Date), however which is only available in the Build number format section. Others such as $(Rev:r) and $(DateOfYear) are the same, do not work outside the BuildNumberFormat-Settings..
Take a look at the list of all system and environment variables here: Predefined variables
As you have pointed out, you need to use a script in a PowerShell Task to set a variable in your build definition, a sample:
$date=$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyymmdd');
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=time]$date"
Then you can use $(time) in your subsequent build tasks.
More details also take a look at this similar question: VSO(TFS) - get current date time as variable

SPSS: Switch server by syntax command

Mostly, I run SPSS on a server. However, there are occasions, when it needs to be run locally.
I didn't find a way to tell SPSS by syntax, whether it has to run on the server or locally. Any ideas how to solve that 'problem'?
There is no SPSS syntax to do that.
There may be methods in scripting to do it. From the Python Reference Guide for SPSS Statistics, I see this:
GetLocalServer Method
Returns an SpssServerConf object representing the local computer.
That would be the first thing to try.
I guess you could start the server locally and then use the following in a BEGIN .. END PROGRAM block to run stuff on the server:
Example: Connecting to a Server Using a Saved Configuration
import SpssClient
ServerConfList = SpssClient.GetConfiguredServers()
for i in range(ServerConfList.Size()):
server = ServerConfList.GetItemAt(i)
if server.GetServerName()=="myservername":
SpssClient.GetConfiguredServers() gets an SpssServerConfList object that provides access to the list of configured servers.
-The GetItemAt method of an SpssServerConfList object returns the SpssServerConf object at the specified index. Index values start from 0 and represent the order in which the servers were added to the list.
The ConnectWithSavedPassword method uses the connection information (domain, user ID, and password) to connect to the server.

How do I create a single script file for when I do and don't want to collect TensorBoard statistics?

I want to have a single script, that either collects tensorboard data or not, depending on how I run it. I am aware that I can pass flags to tell my script how I want it to be run. I could even hard code it in the script and just manually change the script.
Either solution has a bigger problem. I find myself having to write an if statement everywhere on my script when I want the summary writer operations to be ran or not. For example I find that I would have to do something like:
if tb_sys_arg = 'tensorboard':
merged = tf.merge_all_summaries()
and then depending on the value of tb_sys_arg run the summaries or not, as in:
if tb_sys_arg = 'tensorboard':
merged = tf.merge_all_summaries()
train_writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter(tensorboard_data_dump_train, sess.graph)
this seems really silly to me. I'd rather not have to do that. Is this the right way to do this? I just don't want to collect statistics each time I run my main script but I also don't want to have two separate scripts either.
As an anecdotical story, few months ago I started using TensorBoard and it seems I have been running my main file as follow:
python —logdir=/tmp/mdl_logs
so that it collects tensorboard data. But realized that I don't think I need that last flag to collect tensorboard data. Its been so long that now I forget if I actually need that. I've been reading the documentation and tutorials but it seems I don't need that last flag (its only needed to run the web app as in tensorboard --logdir=path/to/log-directory, right?) Have I been doing this wrong all this time?
You can launch Supervisor without "summary" service, so it won't run the summary nodes, see "Launching fewer services" section of the Supervisor docs --

How to pass command-line args to my application when it has replaced Explorer.exe

I am using the techinque shown here and in a number of other places to cause my application to launch at start-up in place of Explorer (and Metro in Windows 8!) by creating a registry key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Shell
with c:\xxxxx\MyApp.exe as the argument.
This works fine but I also need to pass it some arguments. I've tried this by making my key value (for example) "c:\xxxx\MyApp.exe" "arg1, arg2" but it would appear that arguments are being taken as a possible second start-up program with the comma as a delimiter. Can anyone advise how to pass arguments to a shell substitute? I've also tried double quotes with the same effect. Is it actually possible to pass arguments in this way? Or must I create some kind of launcher app to do this indirectly? I really do want my app to be the only kid on the block....
BTW I'm using Windows 8.0 and my app is written in Delphi.
AFAIK, you'd use the parameters just like you would in a batch file:
"C:\xxxxx\MyApp.exe" "%1" "%2" "%3" "%4" "%5"
In a batch (or the registry) the "%x" parameters have special meaning. They always mean "parameter X".
