Getting Error: XMLHttpRequest error when using dart - dart

I have tried POST request from dart code to django rest api on local machine.
the API works when I do POST from Postman but fails when using dart.
Can someone please explain why !
my dart code :
void post_call() async {
var headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
var data = {"_selectedValue":"yes","_DescriptionValue":"yes","_namefieldValue":"yes","_contactValue":"yes","_emailValue" : "yes"};
var url = Uri.parse('');
var res = await, headers: headers, body: json.encode(data));
if (res.statusCode != 200) throw Exception(' error: statusCode= ${res.statusCode}');
the API works when I do POST from Postman but fails when using dart.


how can i convert this Rapid API's HTTP Url to Dart Http request

i have this URL
rapid API gives two header's and other things
I Tried This Code By Exploring HTTP package But Not Working:
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
void main() async {
var url = '';
var headers = {
'X-Rapidapi-Key': APIKEyY
'X-Rapidapi-Host': '',
'Host': ''
var response = await http.get(url, headers: headers);
You need to encode the url with the parameters
final queryParameters = {
'domain': '',
'format': 'json',
final uri = Uri.https('', '/', queryParameters);
final response = await http.get(uri, headers: {
'X-Rapidapi-Key': APIKEyY
'X-Rapidapi-Host': '',
'Host': ''
See How do you add query parameters to a Dart http request?

Rapidapi & 401 unauthorized Response

I am working with Rad Studio (Delphi) and I am trying to connect to a RapidApi Endpoint via a Rest Component of Rad Studio.
Although I use the "x-rapidapi-key" & "x-rapidapi-host" as parameters on the Rest Component, I get a 401 unauthorized Response.
Any Ideas?
Thank you
It's unclear but probably you need to pass x-rapidapi-host and x-rapidapi-key as the request headers, not parameters.
For example, try something like this
var axios = require("axios").default;
var options = {
method: 'GET',
url: '',
params: {query: 'something here'},
headers: {
'x-rapidapi-host': '',
'x-rapidapi-key': '12345'
axios.request(options).then(function (response) {
}).catch(function (error) {

dart http give me 400 before send out request and response's body is blank string

I am making POST request using http lib in Dart. After I wandering around former answers with no luck. Even official doc
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
Future<http.Response> createAlbum(String nameEN) {
headers: <String, String>{
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
body: jsonEncode(<String, String>{
'nameEN': nameEN,
And I test with unittest like this
testWidgets('POST request from offcial docs', (WidgetTester tester) async{
final http.Response res = await createAlbum("Jordan");
PostmanApp can make request and get 201 in response. However, when I copy&paste the Dart code from it and test it does not work
I always get 400 and no request comes to localhost:8000
testWidgets('POST request from postman', (WidgetTester tester) async{
var headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
var request = http.Request('POST', Uri.parse('localhost:8000/api/products/'));
request.body = '''{\n "name_jp": "李天宝",\n "name_en": "Sarit",\n "description": "Developer",\n "qty": 3,\n "expiry": "2099-12-25",\n "barcode": "549XXXYYYYYY",\n "price": "{\\"bounds\\": \\"[)\\", \\"lower\\": \\"12\\", \\"upper\\": \\"6\\"}",\n "medium_price": 60\n}''';
http.StreamedResponse response = await request.send();
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
else {
Dart response returned to me is 400 and on the server side request has not been sent out to my http://localhost:8000/api/products/
What is the correct POST syntax?
HTTP POST with Json on Body - Flutter/Dart
Bad state: Cannot set the body fields of a Request with content-type "application/json"
Flutter FormatException: Unexpected character (at character 1)
Http POST request with json content-type in dart:io
You have non-ASCII characters. Did you set the proper ; charset=UTF-8 in your Content-Type header? Or even better, JSON doesn't understand non-ASCII unless you \u encode them.
Lesson learnt here
Add CORS enable in chrome
flutter run -d web. Do not use -d chrome
Make request from cors enabled chrome by clicking. Do not use unittest!

Send post request in aqueduct dart

I have created a post request in aqueduct dart and it takes json as body parameter, and I need to send that request body to thirdparty api , upon getting response from third party api I need to return that response to user. I have updated the code and printed the response header and it says http 400 (bad request)
here is the code :
Controller get entryPoint {
String dataRecieved;
var completer = new Completer();
var contents = new StringBuffer();
final router = Router();
// Prefer to use `link` instead of `linkFunction`.
// See:
router.route("/uploadurl").linkFunction((request) async {
final req = await request.body.decode();
// print( await request.body.decode());
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
client.badCertificateCallback =
((X509Certificate cert, String host, int port) => true);
var auth = 'Bearer ' +
await client
.then((HttpClientRequest requestSend) {
.add("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8");
requestSend.headers.add("Authorization", auth);
// requestSend.headers.contentLength = request.body.length;
return requestSend.close();
}).then((HttpClientResponse response) async {
print(await response.contentLength);
var resStream = response.transform(Utf8Decoder());
await for (var data in resStream) {
print('Received data: $data');
print(await response.statusCode);
}).catchError((e) {
print("Request error: $e"); // The only case
return Response.ok({"key": dataRecieved});
return router;
when I make a request from the postman , I get
"key": null
I think I am not able to send the correct request to third party API , because when I tested third party API from the postman, it was sending correct response
My pubspec.yaml file is :
name: proxydl
description: An empty Aqueduct application.
version: 0.0.1
author: stable|kernel <>
sdk: ">=2.0.0 <3.0.0"
aqueduct: ^3.0.0
http: ^0.12.0+2
test: ^1.0.0
aqueduct_test: ^1.0.0
This is what I am sending from postman as post request:
"paths": [
"path": "/f1/f2.log"
This is my first POC with Dart on the server side.
Upon further investigation I found the answer:
final req = await request.body.decode();
var envalue = json.encode(req);
For now, this worked, but I feel there might be a better answer for this

How to Http Post with Json Body on Flutter

I am trying to get data from API. I need to pass value from the body, in postman without a header: application/JSON data is not displayed.
final response = await
body: {"username": "user#PYA"},
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
Error Message:
E/flutter (28851): [ERROR:flutter/shell/common/] Dart Error: Unhandled exception:
E/flutter (28851): Bad state: Cannot set the body fields of a Request with content-type "application/json".
Add the content type application/json
Future<String> apiRequest(String url, Map jsonMap) async {
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
HttpClientRequest request = await httpClient.postUrl(Uri.parse(url));
request.headers.set('content-type', 'application/json');
HttpClientResponse response = await request.close();
// todo - you should check the response.statusCode
String reply = await response.transform(utf8.decoder).join();
return reply;
Simply encode body to json object when using content-type "application/json"
http.Response response = await uri , headers: headers, body: JsonEncoder().convert(body));
Another simple way is as bellow
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
String body = json.encode({
'foo': 'bar',
'complex_foo' : {
'name' : 'test'
http.Response response = await
url: '',
headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
body: body,
use the http dart package
var data = {username:"username",password:"password"};
http.Response response = await
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
body: {"username":, "password": data.password});
var json = jsonCodec.encode(data);
var url = "";
var response = await
headers:{ "Accept": "application/json" } ,
body: { "json": '$json'},
encoding: Encoding.getByName("utf-8")
and dont forget add the key "json" in postman
I am doing almost the same. However, I tried to avoid doing back-end, like in your case. I just did a minimal php request so that I would not waste or patience learning what is needed to develop a user management controller.
However, I faced several limitations and problems that Flutter alone can't solve. After some denial, I gave a try. Lumen, a light version of the Laravel Framework, some tutorials and some past experience, I eventually realized that the API should carry most of the authentication, and not the application itself. I digressed.
In my case, the code of the fuction to a http post is:
Future<Post> createPost() async {
final url = "http://localhost:8000/api/login";
Map<String, String> body = {
'user': user.text,
'pass': pass.text,
await, body: body);
return http.;
I first convert it into a map. I prefer this method over parsing json, because down the line, if I need to add more variables, I just make the map bigger.
I just have a question: What does your look like? I think that there is no need to specify the type of information that your body parses.
