TWS API :: why permId is int and parentPermId is long? - interactive-brokers

I'm a little bit confusing that the Order class has two fields with different types:
private int m_permId;
private long m_parentPermId;
The first fields is described as "The Host order identifier" and the second one - "Parent order Id".
Does it have sence or is it just a bug/legacy mistake?
Will it be correct to cast permId to long or parentPermId to Int?


why the second short form constructor gives the error that name and age must be initialized but not the commented ctor?

I am beginner in dart language.
So i created this class ..
class X{
String name;
int age;
// X(,this.age);
In this code the short form ctor X(name,age) gives error that name and age must be initilized but the ctor X(,this.age) doesnt give such error.
In ctor X(,this.age) compiler know that name and age will surely be initilized..
but in ctor X(name,age) why compiler cannot do that....(isn't it obvious that name and is same thing).
please elaborate....
In Dart, if you don't specify any type, the language will assume you mean dynamic in this case.
So what your code is actually doing is:
class X{
String name;
int age;
X(dynamic name, dynamic age);
The problem then becomes that we don't assign these parameters to anything in the class since the name in the constructor would be a different name than the name in the class definition.
The analyzer would therefore complain about name and age not being provided a value since both fields are defined with non-nullable types and can therefore not be null (which is the default value for any variable in Dart regardless of its type).
The and this.age is a shortcut to the following code:
class X{
String name;
int age;
X(String name, int age) : name = name, age = age;
The name = name works because we are not allowed to set the parameter to some other value in the initializer part of the constructor. So Dart can assume that the first name must mean the class variable while the second name means the parameter, since the parameter is the one closest in scope.

Null safety type promotion when assigning non-null value literal

In if I write the following code:
void main() {
String? name = 'Bob';
I get the following compile-time error:
An expression whose value can be 'null' must be null-checked before it can be dereferenced
And the following runtime error:
Property 'length' cannot be accessed on 'String?' because it is potentially null.
The Type promotion on null checks documentation says:
The language is also smarter about what kinds of expressions cause promotion. An explicit == null or != null of course works. But explicit casts using as, or assignments, or the postfix ! operator we’ll get to soon also cause promotion. The general goal is that if the code is dynamically correct and it’s reasonable to figure that out statically, the analysis should be clever enough to do so.
There is no possible way name could be null in the code above. The documentation also says assignments should cause type promotion. Am I misunderstanding type promotion or is this a bug in DartPad?
Since a couple of the answers are providing workaround solutions to the error messages, I should clarify that I'm not trying to solve the coding problem above. Rather, I'm saying that I think the code should work as it it. But it doesn't. Why not?
This answer is in response to the bounty that was added to the original question. The bounty reads:
Please explain how String? is different from String and how type
promotion works in Dart.
String? vs String
The type String? can contain a string or null. Here are some examples:
String? string1 = 'Hello world';
String? string2 = 'I ❤️ Dart';
String? string3 = '';
String? string4 = null;
The type String, on the other hand, can only contains strings (once null safety is a part of Dart, that is). It can't contain null. Here are some examples:
String string1 = 'Hello world';
String string2 = 'I ❤️ Dart';
String string3 = '';
If you try to do the following:
String string4 = null;
You'll get the compile-time error:
A value of type 'Null' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'String'.
The String type can't be null any more than it could be an int like 3 or a bool like true. This is what null safety is all about. If you have a variable whose type is String, you are guaranteed that the variable will never be null.
How type promotion works
If the compiler can logically determine that a nullable type (like String?) will never be null, then it converts (or promotes) the type to its non-nullable counterpart (like String).
Here is an example where this is true:
void printNameLength(String? name) {
if (name == null) {
Although the parameter name is nullable, if it actually is null then the function returns early. By the time you get to name.length, the compiler knows for certain that name cannot be null. So the compiler promotes name from String? to String. The expression name.length will never cause a crash.
A similar example is here:
String? name;
name = 'Bob';
Although name is nullable here, too, the string literal 'Bob' is obviously non-null. This also causes name to be promoted to a non-nullable String.
The original question was regarding the following:
String? name = 'Bob';
It seems that this should also promote name to a non-nullable String, but it didn't. As #lrn (a Google engineer) pointed out in the comments, though, this is a bug and when null safety comes out, this will also work like the previous example. That is, name will be promoted to a non-nullable String.
Further reading
Sound null safety
Type promotion on null checks
I understand what you are saying. Try this out.
In order for type promotion to work you must first confirm that the value is not null as the documentation says.
As you can see in the picture dart is able to do the type promotion or understand that name is not going to be null because it checks that on the if statement beforehand.
But if using it outside the if statement without checking if it is not null beforehand, dart knows it can be assigned null anytime again. That’s why it encourages always checking if it is null. Because any instatiated variable ( a variable with a value assigned) can be assigned null in the future.

JNA: invalid memory access with callback function parameter (struct)

To lone travelers stumbling upon this: see comments for the answer.
Writing a Java wrapper for a native library. A device generates data samples and stores them as structs. Two native ways of accessing them: either you request one with a getSample(&sampleStruct) or you set a callback function. Now, here is what does work:
The polling method does fill the JNA Structure
The callback function is called after being set
In fact, I am currently getting the sample right from the callback function
The problem: trying to do anything with the callback argument, which should be a struct, causes an "invalid memory access". Declaring the argument as the Structure does this, so I declared it as a Pointer. Trying a Pointer.getInt(0) causes invalid memory access. So then I declared the argument as an int, and an int is delivered; in fact, it looks very much like the first field of the struct I am trying to get! So does it mean that the struct was at that address but disappeared before Java had time to access it?
This is what I am doing now:
public class SampleCallback implements Callback{
SampleStruct sample;
public int callback(Pointer refToSample) throws IOException{
lib.INSTANCE.GetSample(sample); // works no problem
return 1;
} ...
But neither of these does:
public int callback(SampleStruct sample) throws IOException{
return 1;
public int callback(Pointer refToSample) throws IOException{
SampleStruct sample = new SampleStruct();
sample.timestamp = refToSample.getInt(0);
return 1;
Also, this does in fact deliver the timestamp,
public int callback(int timestamp) throws IOException{
System.out.println("It is " + timestamp + "o'clock");
return 1;
but I would really prefer the whole struct.
This is clearly not going to be a popular topic and I do have a working solution, so the description is not exactly full. Will copy anything else that might be helpful if requested. Gratitude prematurely extended.

Spring Data Neo4j neo4jTemplate.fetch() only returns one value

I'm converting a working system that uses #Fetch to a lazy load strategy. However, when I retrieve the object with a container, the container only has one entry and neo4jTemplate.fetch(obj.getContainer()) does not retrieve the other entries.
Here are the pertinent snippets
public class SourcePage {
private Long id;
#RelatedTo(type = "GROUP_MEMBER")
private Group group;
Group Class:
public class Group {
private Long id;
#RelatedTo(type = "GROUP_MEMBER", direction = Direction.INCOMING)
private Set<SourcePage> sourcePages = new HashSet<>();
Test Code:
Group group1 = groupRepository.findByName("Test Group");
assertThat(group1.getSourcePages().size(), is(254));
The Result:
Expected: is <254>
but: was <1>
If I do nothing but add #Fetch to private Group group, then it all works as expected.
Also, I looked at the database server with only this test example and ran this query:
MATCH (a)-[:`GROUP_MEMBER`]->(b) RETURN count(b)
It returned 254 as expected. I have also tried direction.BOTH on each side of the relationship - same results.
I found the problem. It's esoteric and plausible enough that it might help someone else seeing the same symptom.
First, I didn't show that I had my own hashCode() for SourcePage. It hashed a field defined as:
private String url;
Without #Fetch the 'url' is not retrieved automatically, so all the SourcePages in the container have the same hash code. This resulted in 100% collisions and only one entry added to the set.
If I removed the hashCode() then the default hash worked and all the objects were added to the set.
After several hours of debugging, I posted my question. Of course right after that I stumbled on the solution.
Moral of the story: don't provide a hash function on member data without the ID.

Accessing public readonly members of structs in external assemblies

I'm getting a strange error when I use F# to read a public readonly member of a struct type defined in a C# assembly.
// C#: compile to Lib.dll
namespace Lib
public class MyClass { public readonly int ReadonlyFoo; }
public struct MyStruct
public readonly int ReadonlyFoo;
public int WriteableFoo;
// F#: compile to Client.exe
open Lib
let myClass = new MyClass()
printfn "MyClass.ReadonlyFoo = %x" myClass.ReadonlyFoo
let myStruct = new MyStruct()
printfn "MyStruct.WriteableFoo = %x" myStruct.WriteableFoo
printfn "MyStruct.ReadonlyFoo = %x" myStruct.ReadonlyFoo
When I compile Client.exe with F#, the last line gives the error:
"The address of the variable 'copyOfStruct' may not be used at this point"
The web is useless as of the time of this writing. It seems odd that one can read an immutable member of a class, and one can read a mutable member of a struct, but one can't read an immutable member of a struct. A workaround is easy enough, but I'm curious: is this a bug in the compiler?
Edit: I submitted a bug report to
Normally when people say 'it looks like a bug in the compiler' that is code for 'I don't know what I'm doing'. In this situation however, it does look to be like a bug.
The F# compiler makes a copy of structs behind the scenes in case they get mutated. (This is why even if you define a struct with mutable fields you must attribute the instance of that struct as mutable before you can update its fields.) It appears that the special magic going on behind the scenes forgets about 'readonly' struct fields.
While the internet and StackOverflow are a great place to ask for help about F#-related issues, please do let the F# team know about any bugs you find by emailing
