Playwright - bypassCSP same as --disable-web-security? - playwright

By setting bypassCSP to true in config-file, is this the same as running Chrome with "--disable-web-security"?
I searched on google but cant find an answer.


Setting default browser when debugging playwright tests

I am trying to figure out how to change the default browser when debugging playwright tests using VSCODE. Currently, in VSCODE when I run or debug it defaults to chrome. I want to change that to use webkit and cannot seem to find where that setting is.
Thank you in advance for your help
You should be able to set the default project (don't forget to also set it for the debug config)

Cucumber testing on WSL2 not showing UI for Google Chrome

I'm testing my Rails project and there are some problems when the test is running.
cucumber features/test.feature
I have installed chromedriver for WSL2 and the test can run fine. However, the browser showing up is not rendered at all, it only has a border and transparent body like this.
I can still open google-chrome and it is displayed correctly. And the project used to work on WSL1. I can also take screenshots when testing, it's just that the browser's UI is not rendered.
I have installed the driver for GPU as stated in the WSL guide but the problem still persisted.
Has anyone encountered this problem and how can I fix it? Thank you very much.

Configuring Chrome logs

I am trying to debug some rspec tests that just hang at random without any apparent reason (Rails 6.1 Ruby 3 Rspec 4 Capybara), so I need access to Chrome logs so I can spend another 2 weeks looking for possible errors/problems.
Chrome is currently logging under /tmp/<random>/Default/chrome_debug.log (for some reason the datadir isn't ~/.chrome but goes under /tmp).
I'd like to get them to save under /app/log/chrome.log but for some reason none of the documented parameters work.
Based on the 1390745 possibilities people wrote about, I have tried:
No luck, at most it disabled logging completely, despite the path being accessible and 777'ed.
Does anyone know how to get Chrome to log to a specific file?

Unable to search in graylog

I am trying to figure why graylog displays this error in the search tab:
I tried searching the web for clues and this was the closest but it did not state the resolution: Could it be some misconfiguration?

Not able to see values of variables in Google Chrome while debugging Angular code

I am not able to see values of variables in Google Chrome while debugging Angular code.
An update must have been pushed recently that is causing this.
If you can download an update for chrome it should be fixed now
