eDiscovery new case format (html transcript for Teams conversations), is it possible to get only subset of Teams messages to review set? - microsoft-graph-api

Trying to get subset of Teams messages created between two dates to a review set and then export them. Collection committing data to review set contains only needed Teams messages, but review set pulls whole channel history by default. And review set filters seem to not be able to filter messages inside html transcript.
New case format (now the only one), introducing html transcript format for teams conversations, forces 'collecting contextual messages around search results' as mandatory, which results in committing whole channel history to a review set.
And then it seem to be impossible to filter messages from html transcript file using review set filter query to export only needed ones. Filter queries apply to html transcript as a single file, so you get all or nothing, not a subset of messages.
Is there a way to avoid 'gathering contextual messages' when adding collection to review set? Is there a way to filter html transcript of a Teams channel on review set level before export? Could anything exposed with (beta) Graph API help with that?


How to order tasks by importance in microsoft todo task graph API?

I'm trying to programmatically retrieve the same information which the Microsoft ToDo desktop and mobile app display.
While I'm able to load the tasks, I'm not able to retrieve them in the same order.
In the app you can sort by importance, which probably uses some internal priority, which is adapted if you move tasks around.
I can't find such a field in the API specs though:
Is there any way to retrieve this kind of sorting as well via the API?
E.g. I saw that for the planner and its tasks there's an orderHint, I guess I'm looking for something like this:
By the importance field, you could use OData params filter or orderBy by "importance" column, as per the example below:
Although, I strongly believe you don't want "importance" ordering, but the custom order as you've mentioned "if you move tasks around", for this, I have raised a detailed question here: How to get and set custom order on MS To-Do using GraphAPI mentioning how To-Do application works, with the "OrderDateTime" field.

Get list of only latest message in conversations from MS Graph API

I need to get a list of the last message in each conversation for o365 mail.
It appears that the odata aggregate extension (http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata-data-aggregation-ext/v4.0/odata-data-aggregation-ext-v4.0.html) is not implemented. In the following query, $apply is just ignored and fails silently.
https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/mailFolders/inbox/messages?$select=conversationId,subject,createdDateTime&$apply=groupby(conversationId, topcount(1, createdDateTime))
Is there a way to get just this data without pulling back large amounts of messages and filtering out duplicate conversation ids?
If you have a last sync date, according to the docs, you can start tracking changes at an arbitrary date. You may have to deal with duplicate data if your goals can't be supported by a receivedDateTime filter.

What is the 'checkout complete' URL for a bigcartel store?

I am trying to set up a google analytics goal for my site. I want to monitor the number of completed checkouts, however without purchasing a product (there are a number of reasons why I am unable to do this), I am unable to find out what the URL would be.
Example: www.myshop.bigcartel.com/CheckoutComplete.html
I would like to know the actual value for '/CheckoutComplete.html'
When Analytics is enabled in the Big Cartel admin, a page view event is sent for the /order URL. The full URL is different for every order, but if you setup your goal as just /order you should be good to go.

Get views for subscribers only

Is there a possibility to calculate video views generated only by subscribers? In the Youtube Analytics user interface in Traffic Source section there is possible to grab this count, as in screenshot below:
There is the insightTrafficSourceDetail dimension, which allows you to specify the SUBSCRIBER traffic source. You can further break down the numbers by traffic from subscriber emails, the "my subscriptions" feed that subscribers have on their homepage, views that originated from a "new uploads" feed that subscribers see, etc. The only thing you WON'T get from this dimension are the views from users who are subscribing to your channel but who navigate directly to your video (i.e. if a friend emailed a link or something); in other words, the tracking is really on the source of the click (aggregating all sources that indicate subscriber) rather than actually looking at a username and determining they've subscribed at some point.
However, having said that, I wouldn't be surprised if the interface you've indicated above uses the same numbers for calculating its report.

Omniture Site Catalyst Extract/Export/Download Report Data

I have a drilled down report as shown in the below image:
When I try to download the report normally, I get only the 5 items shown in a category. I want to be able to download all the subcategories within all the categories, along with the category names and not just the 5 subcategories in a category.
How can I achieve this? Any ideas/suggestions?
If you have access to data warehouse, you can obtain this information easily. Most contracts include it by default; if you have access to the request interface, you have it.
Click on Adobe Marketing Cloud in the upper left | Reports & Analytics | Data Warehouse
Select the date range you'd like to request data from
In the breakdowns section, select series name following by video name
In the metrics section, select the appropriate metric you'd like to include
Ensure the other settings in the request are as desired, and click 'request report'.
If you don't have access to data warehouse, you could try your luck at a data extract report:
Open the report you'd like to download, and under more options there should be 'extract data'
In the data extract wizard, click each 'top 1-50' and set them to 'all' or 'top 1-50000'
Ensure the other settings in the request are as desired, and click 'request report'.
Data extracts are subject to processing limitations, meaning if there's too much data to process, the request will fail. Data warehouse on the other hand is not subject to this limitation, it just takes a really long time for the report to arrive.
Yet another option would be to write your own script to pull the data using Adobe's Analytics Reporting API
Also a note about Data Warehouse.. it's "free" for anybody on a newer Adobe Digital Marketing contract. I say "free" because it's now included in the "package" with most all of the other adobe digital marking tools, instead of being charged separately.
If you have an older contract that hasn't been renewed yet, you may not actually have it, since part of it now being included also involves them jacking up the prices! Contact your rep to find out. But if you do have access to Data Warehouse, that's certainly the easier route.
