How to stop docker rootless from using port 8080 - docker

I want to use port 8080 on my local machine for a container service. Here is the relevant part of my docker-compose
image: dpage/pgadmin4
- "./data_pgadmin:/var/lib/pgadmin:rw"
- "8080:80"
However, port 8080 was already in use by other process when I ran docker-compose up
Error response from daemon: Ports are not available: exposing port TCP -> listen tcp bind: address already in use
I checked to see what process is listening on port 8080
netstat -ltnp | grep -w ':8080'
>> tcp6 0 0 :::8080 :::* LISTEN 155621/rootlesskit
I am using docker rootless so I guess it is using port 8080 by default. I tried killing the process but every time I ran docker-compose it is up again. Is there anyway to stop it from using this port by default?

It turns out I have another container using port 8080. After removing it I can now use port 8080 again. My suggestion for anyone encountering the same issue is to check carefully everything with docker images -a and docker container ls. One more important thing to check is also the context in which you run your docker command with docker context ls.


Docker container on EC2 instance not accessible on specified port

I'm trying to run an application in Docker on an EC2 instance. It is two separate processes. I'm able to access the ports for process 1, but not process 2.
Process 1 listens on the following ports:
Process two listens on the these ports:
The security rules allow for all traffic to all ports from all origins:
Netstat shows both ports on process 2 are listening
netstat -an | grep 2021
tcp6 0 0 :::2021 :::* LISTEN
netstat -an | grep 8084
tcp6 0 0 :::8084 :::* LISTEN
The docker command opens all of the above ports:
docker run -ti --privileged=true -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro -p 8080:8080 -p 2008:2008 -p 8084:8084 -p 2021:2021 myname/image_name /usr/sbin/init
There is no firewall process running.
Yet, a zenmap scan shows only ports 2008 and 8080 of the above four are listening - 2021 and 8084 don't show up.
Any ideas why this would be? I can't think of what else to look for.

Port issue with Docker for Windows

I'm trying to follow the beginner tutorial at At Task 2, step 6, I do the following and get the error as below:
PS C:\Users\david.zemens\Source\Repos\linux_tweet_app> docker container run --detach --publish 80:80 --name linux_tweet_app $DOCKERID/linux_tweet_app:1.0
C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint linux_tweet_app (a819223be5469f4e727daefaff3e82eb68eb0674e4a46ee1a32e703ce4bd384d): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.
I am using Docker Desktop on a Win10 machine locally. I've tried resetting Docker as suggested here. Error persists. Since something else must be using port 80, I should be able to avoid the error by using a different port, right?
PS C:\Users\david.zemens\Source\Repos\linux_tweet_app> docker container run --detach --publish 1337:1337 --name linux_tweet_app $DOCKERID/linux_tweet_app:1.0
Right! docker ps now confirms the container is running:
b700df12c2d1 dzemens/linux_tweet_app:1.0 "nginx -g 'daemon of…" About a minute ago Up About a minute 80/tcp, 443/tcp,>1337/tcp linux_tweet_app
But when I try to view the webpage that the tutorial sends me to, I get an error in the browser.
I'm not sure how the link is dynamically generated but it looks something like this:
Browser error as below:
The proxy could not connect to the destination in time.
Failure Description: :errno: 104 - 'Connection reset by peer' on socketfd -1:server state 7:state 9:Application response 502 cannotconnect
Another highly-upvoted answer suggests I need to "disable Windows 10 fast startup" -- I have not tried this yet, mainly because I'm not sure what the full repercussions are with that setting.
Is there something stupidly obvious that I'm overlooking here? Shouldn't I be able to run this on different ports? If not, why not? If I have to use 80:80, but System is already using that port, won't I have some further problems if I try to kill that pid?
PS C:\Users\david.zemens\Source\Repos\linux_tweet_app> netstat -a -n -o | findstr :80 | findstr LISTENING
TCP [::]:80 [::]:0 LISTENING 4
TCP [::]:8003 [::]:0 LISTENING 4
TCP [::]:8080 [::]:0 LISTENING 1348
TCP [::]:8081 [::]:0 LISTENING 4688
I made a small change in the Dockerfile changing EXPOSE 80 443 to EXPOSE 1337 443 and I'm now able to view my app by navigating to localhost:1337 in my browser. I think that will get me through the next steps in the training module, but still curious if I'm doing something wrong.
This seems to work regardless of the change in Dockerfile (I've removed and republished after changing Dockerfile).
PS C:\Users\david.zemens\Source\Repos\linux_tweet_app> docker container run --detach --publish 1337:80 --name linux_tweet_app $DOCKERID/linux_tweet_app:1.0
Try this
> net stop winnat
> docker start ...
> net start winnat
A part of the problem is that you're using the wrong mapping. The application uses the port 80, but you're mapping the ports 1337 to 1337.
The correct command should be:
PS C:\Users\david.zemens\Source\Repos\linux_tweet_app> docker container run --detach --publish 1337:80 --name linux_tweet_app $DOCKERID/linux_tweet_app:1.0
It may be because your IIS or some other server is already running on port 80.
Try stop the IIS and it should work.

driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint redis : Bind for failed: port is already allocated

I'm trying to run
/usr/bin/docker run --rm -v /var/data/redis:/data -v /var/data/conf/redis.conf:/usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf --name redis -p 6379:6379 redis:5.0.3-alpine3.9
but I get:
/usr/bin/docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint redis (f16f19b7727a710fb6c96be566dac66ce26282982960d97faa28861c24fcf2fb): Bind for failed: port is already allocated.
When I try to check the ports used with netstat, I get:
[root#artik ~]# netstat -nlpute | grep 6379
tcp6 0 0 :::6379 :::* LISTEN 0 14384 2471/docker-proxy
I have no docker containers running right now.
I don't understand this issue, what should I do ?
[root#artik ~]# docker ps -a
Steps I had to take to get everything working:
sudo service docker stop
sudo rm /var/lib/docker/network/files/local-kv.db
sudo service docker start
docker system prune
And then try again.
From your netstat output its clear that there is one process holding port 6379
[root#artik ~]# netstat -nlpute | grep 6379
tcp6 0 0 :::6379 :::* LISTEN 0 14384 2471/docker-proxy
docker-proxy processes are created when you do port forwarding in docker run which is true in your case -p 6379:6379.
For more info on docker-proxy check this out.
I suspect that you earlier ran a redis container which used port 6379, but that container was not properly deleted which kept process docker-proxy running and hence you got port is already allocated
Hope this helps.
As DannyMoshe suggested for anyone else.
Try this before you potentially mess up your whole setup::
sudo service docker stop
sudo service docker start
remove the ports - ... in the docker-compose file and let it assign by itself. or change the port mapping in the host from 6379:6379 to 6378:6379 that worked for me. Before doing this you may need to clear already started containers. docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)

Docker on Synology - Binding to all interfaces

I have a MariaDB docker container running on Synology DS918+ and redirects traffic from container port 3306 to external port 3333
When I see how it binds to the port, it seems different than a working example I have for another service that doesn't run on docker
Working :
ash-4.3# netstat -nao | grep 5000
tcp 0 0* LISTEN off (0.00/0/0)
tcp6 0 0 :::5000 :::* LISTEN
Not working:
ash-4.3# netstat -nao | grep 3333
tcp6 0 0 :::3333 :::* LISTEN off (0.00/0/0)
When I try to access port 3333 from my laptop to the remote machine running docker I'm able to do so, the issue is when trying to access the machine's private IP from within the machine itself, this one fails
Any help is appreciated here
To clarify, although your docker is only binding to the ipv6 interface(“:::”) not the ipv4(“”), Docker forbids a loopback connection to its docker-proxy from the host. I believe this also fails in all networking modes.
If you’re connecting from container to another container, use the container name via the docker-dns and private LAN. For example, if your MariaDB container is named “maria”, I believe docker’s DNS on offers a lookup for the name “maria” to a 172...* ipv4 to which other containers may connect if in the same 172.{subnet}../16 as your MariaDB host. Connect to “maria” in another container and the tcp magically gets to the right place.
If you’re trying to connect from the docker host to a container, this is a problem that I have resigned to proxying off my router in a hairpin NAT to the same upnp ports that I’ve exported via External Access on Synology, which feels like a poor solution but works today.

How do i run enketo-express on Ubuntu?

After setup of enketo express, When i run enketo-express using command "docker-compose up -d" on an ubuntu server, it shows an below error related to nginx
ERROR: for docker_nginx_1 Cannot start service nginx: b'driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint docker_nginx_1 (7c414e255d50f42a0fa14d07c0b0d29125f666d77e55e5eb4437e43e3e4d9454): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use'
ERROR: for nginx Cannot start service nginx: b'driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint docker_nginx_1 (7c414e255d50f42a0fa14d07c0b0d29125f666d77e55e5eb4437e43e3e4d9454): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use'
By default 80 port is used by the apache service on ubuntu server. This means you need to change your port.
Just try to Bind port 8081 of your ubuntu with the port 80 of the container. For this use this command,
$ run docker run -d -p 8081:80 --name webserver nginx
This creates the link you need to access it at http://localhost:8081/
Note- Change port in "setup/docker/docker-compose.yml" file. eg: 80:80 to 8081:80
It's because something is already running on port 80 on the host machine.
View which process it is, get the PID -
$ lsof -i:80
$ netstat -tulnap | grep :80
Kill the process -
$ kill -9 $PID
Try now & you will be good -
$ docker-compose up -d
