Crawling the dynamic web application by bots - search-engine

I have a simple public facing web application and I need to make the my site searchable by search bots to scan. So I plan to modify my application by adding meta tags, titles and other descriptions tags in my web pages so that search engines can scan and update the indexes.
My application contains home page where user can search for products. There are various html controls such as drop downs/ checkboxes and text fields which the user can use for setting the search criteria. Once the criteria are set, user clicks the Search button. The result is shown in a table in tabular format. The product name in first column and the link to each product's details page in second column. Clicking in the product name link, the screen navigates to detailed page of the product. So basically there are only 3 pages in the web application.
The detailed page is a simple page with standard template and the content for this page is fetched from the database. The meta tags for this page will be the name and description of the selected product. The values for the meta tags will be replaced dynamically at runtime based in the selected product.
My question is: What changes I should make in my application so that search bots is aware of all the products during crawling and index them and show these products in the google search results.
The sample URL for each products is as shown below:
I added meta tags to my pages.


How to use internal links with wildcard items in Sitecore?

I have a multiple site Sitecore solution. All the sites share a product range which is stored inside a 'Shared data' node that sits at the same level as the root nodes of the sites. The individual product pages on a site use a wildcard item to lookup the product based on the last part of the URL.
This means that we can't use internal links in the rich text editor to point to the product page on any of the sites because the product item does not have a specific site URL.
Does anyone know of a way to overcome this, or perhaps know of a way to augment the default behavior of interal links?
Have you considered using cloned items, see here for details.
This would allow you to share the content whilst having the appearance to the end user of the Products being inside the content tree allowing you to use the RTE and internal link look ups?
For extra information about clones, see here and here
You'd also need to do some work in the link provider to link to the cloned version of a product if you wanted. See this question.

Search nodes that have their contents in different table than cmsContentXml umbraco table

I have added to umbraco a new section and called it 'eCommerce' where content manager can add all company products, then in the Content section they create the page and link it with the product node from the eCommerce section.
All the product details are created in the eCommerce section and saved in a table other than cmsContentXml table. Now, how can ExamineIndixing index those information and display the right link for the page that should display such information?
Here's some documentation and a sample project on how to index custom data:
I'm not quite sure why you would want to write your own custom commerce solution on top of Umbraco though, as there are already 3 fully featured commerce packages available for a more than fair price (uWebshop, Tea Commerce and uCommerce:

ASP.NET MVC 3 Session

I am very new to MVC. I am coming from web forms.
I have a simple search page. The user has option of searching contacts by state. I have a multi select box where they can select multiple states and click search contacts.
The result contacts will be displayed in a grid. The grid has options of edit,details and delete.
When they click delete it goes to a different page and asks for confirmation. Once they click delete and its done succesfully i am redirecting to the search page. But i want to redirect them to the same list they have earlier.
How i can acheive this with MVC ??
I am storing the selected state ids in an integer array in the view model.
You could try doing a modal popup and then doing an Ajax request and bind the results to a Partial view on the page.
Ie. $('#partialDiv').load( your controller call here )
Might make for a better experience...

remove hyperlink on a username in discussion boards list page

i am having a discussion board. and when we access that discussion board, the default view is flat view. in that view there will be "Posted By" field. On clicking the image or username on that field, sp will redirects to the corresponding user page(about details). in my current project i want to disable all this posted by field. just i want to show picture of the user and username, no hyperlink.
how to do this? its very urgent
Removing the hyper link would not be possible unless until you create the custom webpart for the same; work around could be to disable the hyper links by changing their href by # using JavaScript which would be called below the web part in HTML

Restoring page results in ASP.NET MVC

I am working in ASP.NET 3.5 MVC application. We have a functionality where we search for say "Customer search results", using some parameters.
If the user enter some search parameters like say, Date of birth/SSN/address, and hits search, the search results are displayed in a grid below. One of the records in the results can be clicked and it navigates to the customer information page. And from that page you can click on "Return to Search results" to come back to the search results page again, which can potentially show up the search parameters and the results of the last search.
We use sql server session state. And I am using the viewmodel and model binder to store the search parameters and results. So when the user comes from Customer information page back to search results page I am using the data stored in my model binder to bind the search results back.
However say the user is in customer information page and by the time the session expires, and when user tries to return back to search results page, the search parameters and search results are lost.
I should be able to pull the search parameters from SOMEWHERE where it can be restored(the store should not be a SESSION) when the information is lost. What I was trying is to store the parameters in the SQL table and pull it back when the data in my session is lost.
I don't necessarily worry about the search results as I may need to call a service to pull the results, but only care about the way to retrieve the search parameters when its lost due to session expiry.
May I know if there is any other way to do this apart from storing the search parameters in a table?
SARAVAN - you can use localstorage (if using javascript). this is implemented in quite a few libraries out there and is even used as part of the jquery .data() method. i'm using mvc2 and make a lot of use of this mechanism - it works!!
[edit] some localstorage jquery links:
