GroovyShell script needs to call local methods - grails

I need to create a Script from a String and execute it in the context of the current test class. Here's my simplified code:
import spock.lang.Specification
class MyTestSpec extends Specification {
Integer getOne() { return 1 }
Integer getTwo() { return 2 }
void 'call script with local methods'() {
GroovyShell shell = new GroovyShell()
Script script = shell.parse("getOne() + getTwo()")
def result =
result == 3
This gives me the following error:
No signature of method: Script1.getOne() is applicable for argument types: () values: []
I see that to set variables one can use shell.setProperty but how do I pass the method's implementation to the script?

Of course, as soon as I posted this, I found my answer.
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration
import spock.lang.Specification
class MyTestSpec extends Specification {
Integer getOne() { return 1 }
Integer getTwo() { return 2 }
void 'call script with local methods'() {
CompilerConfiguration cc = new CompilerConfiguration()
GroovyShell sh = new GroovyShell(this.class.classLoader, new Binding(), cc)
DelegatingScript script = (DelegatingScript) sh.parse("getOne() + getTwo()")
def result =
result == 3


Jenkins/Groovy: how to call readJSON from shared library class constructor?

How can I define a class in a Jenkins shared library that contains an empty JSON object?
// src/org/build/Report.groovy
public class Report implements Serializable {
def steps
def json
Report(steps) {
this.steps = steps
this.json = emptyJson()
def emptyJson() {
return this.steps.readJSON( text: '{}' )
} instantiated from this pipeline:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage("foo") {
steps {
script {
rep = new
...and fails with the error: expected to call<init> but wound up catching readJSON; see:
I had only earlier today thought I'd figured out how to solve this "class" of problem.
Earlier, I encountered the same error when invoking a shared-library function from a shared-library class. I fixed that problem per the guidance at the link that the error message noted, i.e. annotating the shared-library function with #NonCPS.
I.e. in the code below, class FirstClass is able to invoke function firstNonNull() because the function is annotated with #NonCPS; without the annotation, this code generated the same error as in the question above:
// src/org/example/FirstClass.groovy
package org.example
public class FirstClass implements Serializable {
def steps
def var
FirstClass(steps) {
this.steps = steps
this.var = steps.utils.firstNonNull( [null, null, "assigned_from_ctor"] )
// vars/utils.groovy
def firstNonNull( arr ) {
for ( def i in arr ) { if ( i ) { return i } }
return null
import org.example.FirstClass
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage("foo") {
steps {
script {
first_class = new org.example.FirstClass(this)
Why does this approach not work with the Report class invoking readJSON?

How to use jmockit in Spock to test static methods to return multiple different values?

I want to use jmockit to test the static method in Spock, and combine the where tag to achieve different values of each mock to test different business logic. I tried a lot of writing methods, but they all failed. I hope I can get help or suggestions here. Thank you very much
Here is an example of my business code:
public class MyUtils {
public static int staticMethod(int origin) {
return 0;
public class MyClass {
public void verify(int origin) {
if (MyUtils.staticMethod(origin) == 1) {
if (MyUtils.staticMethod(origin) == 2) {
This is my Spock test codeļ¼š
def "verify"() {
mock | _
mockStatic(1) | _
mockStatic(2) | _
def mockStatic(val){
new MockUp<MyUtils>() {
public int staticMethod(int origin) {
return val
I know that power can implement such a function, but because our team has been using jmockit, we want to know whether jmockit can implement such multiple different values of mock in Spock?
Put your method call into a closure and evaluate the closure during each iteration:
package de.scrum_master.stackoverflow.q67882559
import mockit.Mock
import mockit.MockUp
import mockit.internal.state.SavePoint
import spock.lang.Requires
import spock.lang.Specification
import spock.lang.Unroll
class StaticMethodJMockitTest extends Specification {
def jMockitSavePoint = new SavePoint()
def cleanup() {
def "verify"() {
MyClass myClass = new MyClass()
mockClosure << [
{ /* no mock */ },
{ mockStatic(1) },
{ mockStatic(2) }
def mockStatic(val) {
new MockUp<MyUtils>() {
int staticMethod(int origin) {
return val
public static class MyUtils {
public static int staticMethod(int origin) {
return 0;
public static class MyClass {
public void verify(int origin) {
if (MyUtils.staticMethod(origin) == 1) {
if (MyUtils.staticMethod(origin) == 2) {
If you wish to use data tables, you need to help the parser a bit by explicitly adding it -> inside in the closure, if the closure is in the first column of the data table. You can also use some nice naming for your unrolled iterations:
def "verify #description"() {
MyClass myClass = new MyClass()
description | mockClosure
"no mock" | { /* no mock */ }
"mock result 1" | { mockStatic(1) }
"mock result 2" | { mockStatic(2) }
The reason for creating and rolling back the save point is that JMockit does not play nice with Spock concerning mock lifecycles and the maintainer has no intention to even think about helping. See JMockit issue #668 for more info.

Why is this basic Dart mirror usage not working

I've got the following code in a console application:
import 'dart:mirrors';
void main() {
final foo = Foo();
final mirror = reflect(foo);
final instanceMirror = mirror.invoke(#test, []);
class Foo {
int get test {return 42;}
When I run it I get an exception:
Exception has occurred.
NoSuchMethodError (NoSuchMethodError: Class 'int' has no instance method 'call'.
Receiver: 42
Tried calling: call())
If I set a breakpoint on test then it is hit before the exception, so it's definitely invoking the property.
Why is an exception being thrown?
UPDATE: ultimately what I am trying to achieve is to grab the values of all properties in an object. Per #mezoni's answer, it seems I need to treat properties as fields rather than methods (the opposite of C#, incidentally). However, it's still not entirely clear why or how to enumerate all fields. The best I've gotten is this:
import 'dart:mirrors';
void main() {
final foo = Foo();
final mirror = reflect(foo);
for (var k in mirror.type.instanceMembers.keys) {
final i = mirror.type.instanceMembers[k];
if (i.isGetter && i.simpleName != #hashCode && i.simpleName != #runtimeType) {
final instanceMirror = mirror.getField(i.simpleName);
print("${MirrorSystem.getName(i.simpleName)}: ${instanceMirror.reflectee}");
class Foo {
int get someOther {
return 42;
int get test {
return someOther + 13;
Please try this code:
import 'dart:mirrors';
void main() {
final foo = Foo();
final mirror = reflect(foo);
final instanceMirror = mirror.getField(#test);
class Foo {
int get test {
return 42;

How to use a custom Coder in a PCollection<KV<String, B>>?

I'm trying to use a custom Coder so that I can do some transforms, but I'm having trouble getting the PCollection to use my custom coder, and I suspect (???) it's because it's wrapped in a KV. Specifically:
Pipeline p = Pipeline.create ...
p.getCoderRegistry().registerCoder(MyClass.class, MyClassCoder.class);
PCollection<String> input = ...
PCollection<KV<String, MyClass>> t = input.apply(new ToKVTransform());
When I try to run something like this, I get a java.lang.ClassCastException and a stacktrace that includes a SerializableCoder instead of MyClassCoder like I would expect.
[error] at
[error] at
[error] at
[error] at
I see that the answer to another, somewhat related question (Using TextIO.Write with a complicated PCollection type in Google Cloud Dataflow) says to map everything to strings, and use that to pass stuff around PCollections. Is that really the recommended way??
(Note: the actual code is in Scala, but I'm pretty sure it's not a Scala <=> Java issue so I've translated it into Java here.)
Update to include Scala code and more background:
So this is the actual exception itself (should have included this at the beginning):
java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot assign instance of scala.collection.immutable.HashMap$SerializationProxy to field com.example.schema.Schema.keyTypes of type scala.collection.immutable.Map in instance of com.example.schema.Schema
Where com.example.schema.Schema is:
case class Schema(id: String, keyTypes: Map[String, Type])
And lastly, the SchemaCoder is:
class SchemaCoder extends[Schema] {
def decode(inputStream: InputStream, context: Context): Schema = {
val ois = new ObjectInputStream(inputStream)
val id: String = ois.readObject().asInstanceOf[String]
val javaMap: java.util.Map[String, Type] = ois.readObject().asInstanceOf[java.util.Map[String, Type]]
Schema(id, javaMap.asScala.toMap)
def encode(schema: Schema, outputStream: OutputStream, context: Context): Unit = {
val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos)
val javaMap: java.util.Map[String, Type] = schema.keyTypes.asJava
val encoded = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(baos.toByteArray()))
Edit2: And here's what ToKVTransform actually looks like:
class SchemaExtractorTransform extends PTransform[PCollection[String], PCollection[Schema]] {
class InferSchemaFromStringWithKeyFn extends DoFn[String, KV[String, Schema]] {
override def processElement(c: DoFn[String, KV[String, Schema]]#ProcessContext): Unit = {
val line = c.element()
class GetFirstFn extends DoFn[KV[String, java.lang.Iterable[Schema]], Schema] {
override def processElement(c: DoFn[KV[String, java.lang.Iterable[Schema]], Schema]#ProcessContext): Unit = {
val idAndSchemas: KV[String, java.lang.Iterable[Schema]] = c.element()
val it: java.util.Iterator[Schema] = idAndSchemas.getValue().iterator()
override def apply(inputLines: PCollection[String]): PCollection[Schema] = {
val schemasWithKey: PCollection[KV[String, Schema]] = inputLines.apply(
ParDo.named("InferSchemas").of(new InferSchemaFromStringWithKeyFn())
val keyed: PCollection[KV[String, java.lang.Iterable[Schema]]] = schemasWithKey.apply(
val schemasOnly: PCollection[Schema] = keyed.apply(
ParDo.named("GetFirst").of(new GetFirstFn())
This problem doesn't reproduce in Java; Scala is doing something differently with types that breaks Dataflow coder inference. To work around this, you can call setCoder on a PCollection to set its Coder explicitly, such as
schemasWithKey.setCoder(KvCoder.of(StringUtf8Coder.of(), SchemaCoder.of());
Here's the Java version of your code, just to make sure that it's doing approximately the same thing:
public static class SchemaExtractorTransform
extends PTransform<PCollection<String>, PCollection<Schema>> {
class InferSchemaFromStringWithKeyFn extends DoFn<String, KV<String, Schema>> {
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {
c.output(KV.of(c.element(), new Schema()));
class GetFirstFn extends DoFn<KV<String, java.lang.Iterable<Schema>>, Schema> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {
public PCollection<Schema> apply(PCollection<String> inputLines) {
PCollection<KV<String, Schema>> schemasWithKey = inputLines.apply(
ParDo.named("InferSchemas").of(new InferSchemaFromStringWithKeyFn()));
PCollection<KV<String, java.lang.Iterable<Schema>>> keyed =
schemasWithKey.apply(GroupByKey.<String, Schema>create());
PCollection<Schema> schemasOnly =
keyed.apply(ParDo.named("GetFirst").of(new GetFirstFn()));
return schemasOnly;

groovy binding issue

I have sample code as below
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration
abstract class MyClass extends Script {
void testMethod(Integer x) {
println "x = $x"
public static void main(String[] args) {
compilerConfiguration = new CompilerConfiguration();
GroovyShell shell = new GroovyShell(new Binding(), compilerConfiguration);
shell.evaluate("testMethod 1")
When I run this class it prints x = 1
now if I change the "testMethod 1" to "testMethod -1" it fails with
Caught: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: testMethod for class: Script1
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: testMethod for class: Script1
Now I change "testMethod -1" to "testMethod (-1)". It again works and printed x = -1
What I need to understand is why Groovy is asking for the parentheses for negative numbers.
Because without parentheses, it is assuming you are trying to subtract 1 from a property called testMethod (ie: testMethod - 1)
You need the parentheses to inform the parser that this is a method call rather than a subtraction operation
I came up with a horrible way to get this to work:
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration
abstract class MyClass extends Script {
private methods = [:]
class MinusableMethod {
Script declarer
Method method
MinusableMethod( Script d, Method m ) {
this.declarer = d
this.method = m
def minus( amount ) {
method.invoke( declarer, -amount )
public MyClass() {
methods = MyClass.getDeclaredMethods().grep { != 'propertyMissing' && !it.synthetic
}.collectEntries {
[ ( new MinusableMethod( this, it ) ]
def propertyMissing( String name ) {
methods[ name ]
void testMethod(Integer x) {
println "x = $x"
static main( args ) {
def compilerConfiguration = new CompilerConfiguration();
compilerConfiguration.setScriptBaseClass( 'MyClass' );
GroovyShell shell = new GroovyShell(new Binding(), compilerConfiguration);
shell.evaluate("testMethod - 1")
But this will probably break under other conditions
In the long run, getting people to write valid scripts is probably the better route to take...
