Send Discussion Message Pyrogram - pyrogram

How to send message to chat discussion group?
I want to know, how to send message to chat discussion group
I think its: app.send_message(channelDiscussId, text, {reply_to_message_id: msgId}) but how to get 'channelDiscussId' ?


How to get and add URL of message originated in one slack channel to another slack channel

i'm new to slack programing so bear with me.
In my company we have slack bot that users can use to alert other users, by posting an alert in one slack channel relevant user will get alerted in other channel. The problem is that user that was alerted don't know from which channel or thread the alert originated and have to manually search multiple channels.
The question is how can i accomplish this so that the user will get alerted and in addition get link to channel or thread where the alert was triggered from.
It depends on how users trigger alters, but you'll usually get a Channel ID in the payload from Slack.
When you're alerting the other users, if you include that channel ID in the message, but wrap it <#[channelid]> e.g. <#CHJ9HDXE1>, then the Slack clients will convert that into a link to the channel, or you could also use chat.getPermalink to convert a message_ts into a clickable link.

How to send a message to Activity in the side rail in Ms Teams?

How to send a message (with link to navigate to the personal app) to Activity in the side rail to notify certain users in Teams.
Your question's not actually all that clear, but it sounds like what you're looking for could be a "Notification Only" bot.
You could achieve this by sending a proactive message form the bot once the app is installed in teams. Here is a sample code for Proactive message in Teams. When you reply to bot, add below code. It will send a notification to user in feed.

Update Twilio chat message body and attribute and get read/unread message counter using iOS sdk

1) How we can update Twilio chat message body and attribute using iOS sdk?
We need to edit message attributes after message sent so is this possible to edit message body by iOS sdk. I found update message body thind api doc for php but not for iOS so please help to do this.
2) How we can get Messages counter for read and unread messages for a User or channel?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
In the iOS SDK you can update a message body using updateBody:completion and you can update message attributes with setAttributes:completion.
To get the number of unread messages for a channel you can use getUnconsumedMessagesCountWithCompletion and for the total messages in a channel you can use getMessagesCountWithCompletion.
Let me know if that helps at all.

Send a message in a channel "only visible to you"

I can not see in the slack API documentation the way for a bot to send a message in a channel that response to a user.
The same way slackbot does reply when doing /help.
Anyone can let me know if that is possible?
Notice the "Only visible to you". In the RTM manual they say that the messsage is of the same type as the event message. I don't see any attributes that would say it is visible only to a certain user.
Sending private messages in channels with the "Only visible to you" tag is called "ephemeral" and is now possible through the Slack API.
(I'm not sure since when)

Twilio send specific message based on message received

I was wondering if anyone knows of good resources for learning how to send Twilio messages based on what message a client sends. For example if a client texts "current song", to send the current song title. If a client texts "current artist", to send the current artist. I wasn't able to find anything about that in the Twilio documentation. I may have overlooked it or something. Wasn't sure how to do a Google/Bing search on the topic as I wasn't getting results with my search term.
Thanks in advance!
Twilio Developer Evangelist here,
For your example, you would want to parse the message body of any incoming SMS and have some logic on your end that checks if that message is "current song" or "current artist" and handle that appropriately. How you handle generating a response is left entirely to the developer's discretion.
To get up and running quickly with receiving and responding to SMS, check out the Twilio documentation if you haven't already. The dropdown on the right hand will let you select from several languages to get started with.
A quick example using NodeJS with Express would look like this:'/text',function(req,res) {
if(req.body.Body == "current artist"){
console.log("A request for the current artist has been made.");
