Progress 4GL, Is there a reason a buffer record would not be available in a finally block of an internal procedure? Is this expected behavior? - procedure

I have an internal procedure that defines a buffer for a temp table and creates a record for that tt using the buffer but the buffer is not available in the finally block
define temp-table table1 no-undo
field field1 as char
run procedure1.
procedure procedure1:
define buffer btable1 for table1.
create btable1.
assign btable1.field1 = "Test".
find first table1.
message "Temp table available?:" avail table1
"Temp table buffer available?:" avail btable1
view-as alert-box.
end finally.
end procedure.

Expected behavior, as per the documentation:
The transaction of the associated block is either complete (success) or undone (failure) when FINALLY executes.
Buffers scoped to the associated block of the FINALLY block are not available when the FINALLY block executes. This is because either the buffer was undone and released, or committed and released.


Is it harmless to luaL_unref twice?

When referencing a value like so:
lua_pushnumber(L, 1);
ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
Is it harmless to unreference ref multiple times or will this cause problems? i.e. is it harmless to call luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ref) multiple times for the code above or must there be only one luaL_unref call for each luaL_ref call?
It must be exactly one luaL_unref.
Lua saves unrefed indices in a linked list for later reusing by luaL_ref.
Unrefing the same index twice will lead to getting later this index twice from luaL_ref. This means you will overwrite your data previously refed.

Reuse ADOQuery after cancellation

I am using Asynchrounous ADO queries in my Delphi 2010 app. The user can request cancellation of a query, or it may fail due to an error. This is the code I am using to cancel the query:
if not Assigned(myADOQuery.Recordset) then exit;
if stFetching in myADOQuery.RecordsetState then begin
fCommand := _Command(myADOQuery.Recordset.ActiveCommand);
if Assigned(myADOQuery.Recordset) then myADOQuery.Recordset.Cancel;
if Assigned(myADOQuery.Recordset) then myADOQuery.Recordset.Cancel;
StatusBar1.Panels[2].Text := '';
//ShowMessage('Query Cancelled');
I am using the ADOConnection ExecuteComplete to show the cancellation (or other error) to the user:
if EventStatus = esErrorsOccured then ShowMessage(Error.Description);
I now want to be able to re-use the query after it has been amended, but when I re-run it I get the same error message. Is there a way I can reset the query (including the SQL.Text) and running it again?
I think your problem may be with your query's Connection object.
An AdoConnection has an Errors collection which records details of each ADO error that occurs. Iirc, this collection accumulates as objects using the AdoConnection encounter execution errors, until you call Clear on the Errors interface. It may be that cancelling the query execution is causing the error on its next execution.
So, try the following before attempting to re-use your AdoQuery:
and let us know how you get on.
Also, if I were you I would test for the AdoQuery's RecordSet being NIL before attempting to re-open it And explicitly set it to NIL at the end of your cancellation routine. Just in case ...

Script always throws an error if CREATE/ALTER is not first statement

I am getting an error when I try to execute the script that is given at end of this post. My requirement is to check for procedure's existence, then drop it if it exists and finally create the procedure.
How would I do this using a single script file?
Procedure Proc_GenerateTestData. 'CREATE/ALTER PROCEDURE' must be the first statement in a query batch. SQL2.sql 12 1
The SQL script that always throws above error is as below.
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Proc_GenerateTestData', 'p') IS NOT NULL
DROP PROCEDURE dbo.Proc_GenerateTestData
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Proc_GenerateTestData #numberOfRecords INT = 100
--drop table #temp1
DECLARE #startTime TIME,
#lastShiftStartTime TIME;
FROM Tenants
ORDER BY Tenants.Id ASC);
DECLARE #workshiftId INT,
#lastShiftStartDate DATETIME;
--more statements for this procedure follow
As the error clearly says - the CREATE PROCEDURE must be the first statement in a query batch.
This is not the case here, since you have the check for the DROP before hand.
You need to change your script so that the CREATE PROCEDURE statement is really the first in the query batch. If you're running this in SQL Server Management Studio, just add a GO delimiter before the CREATE.

Delphi DLL-use functions designed to return a set of values Integer Record

Currently need to use Delphi to write a DLL, so that the main program calls to the specified place in the removable disk in a file,
Main program designed to VC + +, so use Strut way to call the DLL's data as round!!
Current problems encountered when the main program calls my DLL, the incoming group A Record, and other functions has been dealt with, to return the group B Record,
But using Delphi written DLL, can receive group A Record, but returned group B, but always errors!!
The following is the code for the DLL function, would like to ask if anyone encountered such problems can help point to mention turned a deaf ear
Thanks! !
enter code here
library usbdll;
{$R *.res}
TSfin = record //A group of Record is the main program calls incoming Record Type
pathlen:Integer;//Pass true path length, so that I can get to the far left pathlen, then to remove the rear garbled
path: PWideChar://The reason why the file path Pwidechar do use guidelines because another branch dll is passed to the main program main program <file path + unicode>, is behind the path and dragging a bunch of gibberish characters
p_out=^TRfout;//B Record is set to return to the main program of the Record Type
TRfout= Record
//The following is my comment out.
// The use of the test in two ways, directly back to the group B Record, does not receive group A Record,A group that does not receive Record, when the main program a call, immediately return the relevant data, the results are normal.
function RFoutEt(test:p_out):Boolean;stdcall; //ok Function writing mode
test^.Crchk:=8;end;exports RFoutEt;
procedure RFoutE(out Result:TRfout);cdecl; //ok Procedure writing mode
Result.Crchk:=8;end;exports RFoutEt;
// Actually, I need to charge the main program to my group A Record datain order to deal with post-op, get really want to move the file to specify the true path,and ultimately return to group B Record.
function RFoutE(ap_sendin:p_fin;num:Integer):TRfout;stdcall; //error
arr: array[0..100] of Char;
//Program by adding the following {} after paragraph, Result is not an empty value is displayed to access illegal address,causing abnormal program termination.
str_tmp:=temi_diry;//Use the file path string char array A group referred to in the PWidechar removed
until i>=ap_sendin.pathlen;
copyNum:=Prs_Filecopy(temi_diry;ap_sendin^.path);//A group of Record with associated data to complete the move of the specified file
Result.ST_act:=4;//The following four lines of words alone are able to return data
PS. Following is a test using VC + + to try more than one function is normal demand
struct Sfin{
int ST_act;
int pathlen;
int Id_hand;
int Id_tail;
wchar_t *path;
struct Rfout{
int ST_act;
int ST_move;
int Revis;
int Crchk;
Rfout RFoutE(struct Sfin *a, int num)
int ret = 1;
Rfout OutStruct;
copyNum = Prs_Filecopy(temi_diry, inAnow, Anow->path);
OutStruct.ST_act =14;
OutStruct.ST_move =10;
OutStruct.Revis = 12;
OutStruct.Crchk = 8;
Anow = freeA(Anow);
return OutStruct;
There is no standard ABI for larger than machine word sized return values. And Delphi uses a different ABI from any other compiler that I've encountered so you'll have no luck returning large records that way.
You'll need to return the record as an out parameter rather than a function return value. Once you make that change, all will be well.
It also looks like your C++ functions use cdecl rather than stdcall.

Increasing a pointer not compiling the way I had planned

I tried to make my code as simple as possible,but I failed at it.
This is my code:
class function TWS.WinsockSend(s:integer;buffer:pointer;size:word):boolean;
dwError := Send(s,buffer,size,0);
// Debug
if(dwError = SOCKET_ERROR) then
dwError := WSAGetLastError;
case (dwerror) of
//Case statement
LogToFile('Unhandled error: ' + IntToStr(dwError) + ' generated by WSASend');
// if the size of the bytes sent isn't the expected one.
while(dwError <> size) do
dwError:= dwError + Send(s,Ptr(cardinal(buffer) + dwError),size-dwError,0);
The error is placed at
dwError:= dwError + Send(s,Ptr(cardinal(buffer) + dwError),size-dwError,0);
Error is "Constant object cannot be passed as var parameter"
I understand I need a variable,but isn't there a way I can do it without adding one more line?
When the compiler complains about the way you're passing a parameter, the first thing you need to know is what the parameter expects. Therefore, you should go look at the declaration of Send. If looking at the declaration doesn't immediately give you an idea of what to fix, then you need to include that declaration with the code you post in your question.
I suspect that this actually has nothing to do with incrementing a pointer. Instead, the compiler is complaining about the third parameter, where you are trying to pass the expression size-dwError. I guess the parameter is declared like this:
var buffersize: Word;
The function plans on providing a new value for that parameter — that's what var means — so the thing you pass to that parameter needs to be something that can receive a value. You can't assign a new value to the result of subtracting two variables.
Take a closer look at where the compiler complained about that line. Didn't it place the cursor somewhere near the third parameter? That's a clue that the problem is there.
Decrement size, and then pass it to the function.
Dec(size, dwError);
Inc(dwError, Send(s, Ptr(cardinal(buffer) + dwError), size, 0));
Why do you care about adding another line? Have you reached your quota for the day? Lines are cheap; don't be afraid to use two to express yourself when one won't do. Likewise for variables. When your code doesn't work, saving a byte or two doesn't matter at all.
At the very least, you should have added more lines in order to track down the source of the problem. When you have one line of code that's performing several independent calculations (such as getting a new pointer value, getting a new size, and calling a function), break the line into several separate pieces. That way, if there's a problem with one of them and the compiler complains, you'll know exactly which one to blame.
Correct, this will not work as written. When your dealing with var parameters, you have to build the parameter BEFORE passing it to the procedure/function. When a Var parameter is passed, the procedure is allowed to modify it. If you attempted to copy two variables together on the call, where would this result go?
The other issue is that dwError is not delcared. A class method does NOT have access to the data elements of the object the class defines. If you drop the class, then you will have access to the data elements, but will require that the class first be created.
You should only be using class methods in places where the input and output are completely contained within the method.
How are you allocating your buffer? Internally is it an array?
Sounds like Send has a format parameter (like send (const something;size:integer)
Workaround is using pchar (entirepointerexpression)[0]
