I am new to ImageJ software. I want to extract the boundary of the lake which I am analyzing. I am outlining the method that I saw in a article. The author says:
" As an example we take the Noanamakki Reservoir whose image is shown in Fig. 1. We first extract the boundary of the lake one is analyzing. In order to achieve this, the water body is first colored black and then the binary image consisting only the water body is extracted (Fig. 2).Then the edge detection algorithm is used to obtain the boundary of the lake as depicted in Fig. 3"
I wonder how I achieve the above method using ImageJ.
It may help to apply the magic wand tool to an image that results from a colour space transformation. I tried it with the 8bit b*-channel after Lab-transformation. Setting the wand tool to Legacy, and using a tolerance of about 30 works quite well. However, some lake regions may need retouching. Here are the binary images of "Lake Powell" (with the "Glen Canyon"-dam at the bottom) that correspond to the images you've shown:
The original image is from the link posted in my comment.
If you are looking to calculate the length and fractal dimension of the boundary between land and water, you could try using the Marching Squares algorithm. It provides you with data about said boundary.
For extracting maximum palm region from hand images, I require four valley points. What I explore from the below source is to convert given image into binary and then find valley points using local minimum.
Source Details:
Paper Title: Stockwell transform based palm-print recognition by
Authors: G.S.Badrinath , Phalguni Gupta
My question is how to make it general to calculate valley points using local minima.
Thanks in advance..!!
you can use the idea given here.
Another alternative idea (might be better than the given in the link) is the following.
Get the binarized image. Where the whole palm area is white and the rest background is black.
Detect valley area by the following method. Find those continuous runs of white for which all the pixel in the previous row within the run-length is black. This would give the location of top of the valleys.
For each valley there would be at least one such run-length.
From the last(first) point in the run go to right(left) to find the first white pixel. If it is in the same connected componet you have successfully obtained a valley region.
For such a run, from the last(first) point traverse the outer boundary of the palm clockwise(counter-clockwise) to get the base of the valley. (This would be the deepest part in the valley). You can get this by getting the minima within the valley area.
This concept is widely known as water-reservoir detection and many sources are available.
I have an image for mobile phone credit recharge card and I want to extract the recharge number only (the gray area) as a sequence of number that can be used to recharge the phone directly
This is a sample photo only and cannot be considered as standard, thus the rectangle area may differ in position , in the background and the card also may differ in size .The scratch area may not be fully scratched , the camera's depth and position may differ too . I read a lots and lots of papers on the internet but i can't find any thing that could be interesting and most of papers discuss detection of handwritten numbers .
Any links or algorithms names could be very useful .
You can search the papers on vehicle plate number detection with machine learning methods. Basically you need to extract the number first, you may use sobel filter to extract the vertical edges , then threshold (binary image) and morphologic operations (remove blank spaces between each vertical edge line, and connect all regions that have a high number of edges). Finally retrieve the contour and fill in the connected components with mask.
After you extract the numbers , you can use machine learning method such as neural network and svm to recognize them.
Hope it helps.
Extract the GRAY part from image and then Use Tesseract(OCR) to extract the text written on the gray image.
I think you may not find the algorithm to read from the image on the internet. Nobody will disclose that. I think, if you are a hardcore programmer you can crack that using your own code. I tried from the screenshots where the fonts were clearer and the algorithm was simple. For this, the algorithm should be complex since you are reading from photo source instead of a screenshot.
Follow the following steps:
Load the image.
Select the digits ( By contour finding and applying constraints on area and height of letters to avoid false detections). This will split the image and thus modularise the OCR operation you want to perform.
A simple K - nearest neighbour algorithm for performing the identification and classification.
If the end goal was just to make a bot, you could probably pull the text directly from the app rather than worrying about OCR, but if you want to learn more about machine learning and you haven't done them already the MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets are fantastic places to start.
If you preprocessed your image so that yellow pixels are black and all others are white you would have a much cleaner source to work with.
If you want to push forward with Tesseract for this and the preprocessing isn't enough then you will probably have to retrain it for this font. You will need to prepare a corpus, process it similarly to how you expect your source data to look, and then use something like qt-box-editor to correct the data. This guide should be able to walk you through the basic steps of retraining.
I have a processed binary image of dimension 300x300. This processed image contains few object(person or vehicle).
I also have another RGB image of the same scene of dimensiion 640x480. It is taken from a different position
note : both cameras are not the same
I can detect objects to some extent in the first image using background subtraction. I want to detect corresponding objects in the 2nd image. I went through opencv functions
All these functions require corresponding points(coordinates) in two images
In the 1st binary image, I have only the information that an object is present,it does not have features exactly similar to second image(RGB).
I thought conventional feature matching to determine corresponding control points which could be used to estimate the transformation parameters is not feasible because I think I cannot determine and match features from binary and RGB image(am I right??).
If I am wrong, what features could I take, how should I proceed with Feature matching, find corresponding points, estimate the transformation parameters.
The solution which I tried more of Manual marking to estimate transformation parameters(please correct me if I am wrong)
Note : There is no movement of both cameras.
Manually marked rectangles around objects in processed image(binary)
Noted down the coordinates of the rectangles
Manually marked rectangles around objects in 2nd RGB image
Noted down the coordinates of the rectangles
Repeated above steps for different samples of 1st binary and 2nd RGB images
Now that I have some 20 corresponding points, I used them in the function as :
findHomography(src_pts, dst_pts, 0) ;
So once I detect an object in 1st image,
I drew a bounding box around it,
Transform the coordinates of the vertices using the above found transformation,
finally draw a box in 2nd RGB image with transformed coordinates as vertices.
But this doesnt mark the box in 2nd RGB image exactly over the person/object. Instead it is drawn somewhere else. Though I take several sample images of binary and RGB and use several corresponding points to estimate the transformation parameters, it seems that they are not accurate enough..
What are the meaning of CV_RANSAC and CV_LMEDS option, ransacReprojecThreshold and how to use them?
Is my approach good...what should I modify/do to make the registration accurate?
Any alternative approach to be used?
I'm fairly new to OpenCV myself, but my suggestions would be:
Seeing as you have the objects identified in the first image, I shouldn't think it would be hard to get keypoints and extract features? (or maybe you have this already?)
Identify features in the 2nd image
Match the features using OpenCV FlannBasedMatcher or similar
Highlight matching features in 2nd image or whatever you want to do.
I'd hope that because all your features in the first image should be positives (you know they are the features you want), then it'll be relatively straight forward to get accurate matches.
Like I said, I'm new to this so the ideas may need some elaboration.
It might be a little late to answer this and the asker might not see this, but if the 1st image is originally a grayscale then this could be done:
1.) 2nd image ----> grayscale ------> gray2ndimg
2.) Point to Point correspondences b/w gray1stimg and gray2ndimg by matching features.
How to get an array of coordinates of a (drawn) line in image? Coordinates should be relative to image borders. Input: *.img . Output array of coordinates (with fixed step). Any 3rd party software to do this? For example there is high contrast difference - white background and color black line; or red and green etc.
Oh, you mean non-straight lines. You need to define a "line". Intuitively, you might mean a connected area of the image with a high aspect ratio between the length of its medial axis and the distance between medial axis and edges (ie relatively long and narrow, even if it winds around). Possible approach:
Threshold or select by color. Perhaps select by color based on a histogram of colors, or posterize as described here: Adobe Photoshop-style posterization and OpenCV, then call scipy.ndimage.measurements.label()
For each area above, skeletonize. Helpful tutorial: "Skeletonization using OpenCV-Python". However, you will likely need the distance to the edges as well, so use skimage.morphology.medial_axis(..., return_distance=True)
Do some kind of cleanup/filtering on the skeleton to remove short branches, etc. Thinking about your particular use, and assuming your lines don't loop around, you can just find the longest single path in the skeleton. This is where you can also decide if a shape is a "line" or not, based on how long the longest path in its skeleton is, relative to distance to the edges. Not sure how to best do that in opencv, but "Analyze Skeleton" in Fiji/ImageJ will let you filter by branch length.
What is left is the most elongated medial axis of the original "line" shape. You can resample that to some step that you prefer, or fit it with a spline, etc.
Due to the nature of what you want to do, it is hard to come up with a sample code that will work on a range of images. This is likely to require some careful tuning. I recommend using a small set of images (corpus), running any version of your algo on them and checking the results manually until it is pretty good, then trying it on a large corpus.
EDIT: Original answer, only works for straight lines:
You probably want to use the Hough transform (OpenCV tutorial).
Python sample code: Horizontal Line detection with OpenCV
EDIT: Related question with sample code to skeletonize: How can I get a full medial-axis line with its perpendicular lines crossing it?
I have 55 000 image files (in both JPG and TIFF format) which are pictures from a book.
The structure of each page is this:
some text
--- (horizontal line) ---
a number
some text
--- (horizontal line) ---
another number
some text
There can be from zero to 4 horizontal lines on any given page.
I need to find what the number is, just below the horizontal line.
BUT, numbers strictly follow each other, starting at one on page one, so in order to find the number, I don't need to read it: I could just detect the presence of horizontal lines, which should be both easier and safer than trying to OCR the page to detect the numbers.
The algorithm would be, basically:
for each image
count horizontal lines
print image name, number of horizontal lines
next image
The question is: what would be the best image library/language to do the "count horizontal lines" part?
Probably the easiest way to detect your lines is using the Hough transform in OpenCV (which has wrappers for many languages).
The OpenCV Hough tranform will detect all lines in the image and return their angles and start/stop coordinates. You should only keep the ones whose angles are close to horizontal and of adequate length.
O'Reilly's Learning OpenCV explains in detail the function's input and output (p.156).
If you have good contrast, try running connected components and analyze the result. It can be an alternative to finding lines through Hough and cover the case when your structured elements are a bit curved or a line algorithm picks up the lines you don’t want it to pick up.
Connected components is a super fast, two raster scan algorithm and will give you a mask with all you connected elements in it marked with different labels and accounted for. You can discard anything short ( in terms of aspect ratio). Overall, this can be more general, faster but probably a bit more involved than running Hough transform. The Hough transform on the other hand will be more tolerable for contrast artifacts and even accidental gaps in lines.
OpenCV has the function findContours() that find components for you.
you might want to try John' Resig's OCR and Neural Nets in Javascript