Pydrake has issue with python 3 point 9 - drake

Is Python3.9 supported?
I got this error with Python3.9:
File "/home/drake/drake/drake-build/install/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pydrake/common/", line 8, in <module> from ._module_py import * ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pydrake.common._module_py'
There is no "python3.9" folder in .../install/lib.
I am running Ubuntu 18, and I am building Drake from source with latest github commit in master.
EDIT: Can someone explain how exactly Drake sets up pydrake?
It seems it detects the default Python installation somewhere automatically. I tried with a new installation, the default python was 3.8, and I also install:
apt install -y python3.10
Then I followed Drake python setup instructions.
git clone
mkdir drake-build
cd drake-build
cmake ../drake
make -j
Pydrake only became available in 3.8. How to make it available for 3.10?

The current version of Pydrake (1.11.0) is officially supported on Ubuntu 20.04 with Python 3.8 and Ubuntu 22.04 with Python 3.10 when building from source. However, we recommend that most users use a binary release, and don't try to rebuild Drake from scratch themselves.
There are precompiled wheels at aka pip install drake; helpful installation details are at The wheels when run on Ubuntu support Python versions 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, or 3.11.
For example:
python3 -m venv env
env/bin/pip install --upgrade pip
env/bin/pip install drake
source env/bin/activate
For additional details, see for full instructions and supported versions.
The last version of Pydrake to support Ubuntu 18.04 was v1.1.0 (released in March of 2022). If you need a newer version of Pydrake, you'll need to use a newer version of Ubuntu.


Installing Specific Docker Version via Puppet

While deploying docker using puppet, I encounter an interesting issue.
docker installs fine if I use: version => latest
docker install fails if I use: version => '20.10.16'
My setup is as follows:
puppet master is Ubuntu 20.04.
puppet agent is Ubuntu 22.04 (on which I am trying to install docker).
I believe puppet docker module supports this setup.
The version lines I tried:
version => '20.10.16'
version => '20.10.16~3-0~ubuntu'
version => '20.10.16~3-0~ubuntu-jammy'
The error I get when I specify a specific version is as follows:
Error: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold --force-yes install docker-ce=20.10.16' returned 100: Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
Package docker-ce is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
However the following packages replace it:
Anyone has any idea what can be done so that it installs specific version of docker instead of the latest one?
When running apt-cache madison docker-ce it appears that the version number is 5:20.10.16~3-0~ubuntu-jammy.
Running apt install docker-ce=20.10.16~3-0~ubuntu-jammy returns the same error as yours, but apt install docker-ce=5:20.10.16~3-0~ubuntu-jammy works.
I suggest trying with the 5: in front of the version number.

can't find OpenCV package on RHEL 8

Some sites say OpenCV could be installed on RHEL from the system repository:
sudo yum install opencv opencv-devel opencv-python
I run RHEL UBI container redhat/ubi8 and tried to install OpenCV - package is not found.
Then I install EPEL repos from, same result. The only opencv-related package is libfreenect-opencv.
I understand I could compile OpenCV from the scratch, but I'd like to go with already compiled package.
You need to enable CodeReady Linux Builder Repository on RHEL 8:
subscription-manager repos --enable codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms

Cannot import MSTL from statsmodels

I am currently trying to import MSTL from statsmodels.tsa.seasonal the module of MSTL ( but it returns an ImportError. I have installed statsmodels from conda on MAC M1 2020
I just had the same issue and did some research.
It seems that MSTL is only available on the most recent version of statsmodels: version 0.14.0
If you install statsmodels using conda install -c conda-forge statsmodels,
you will get the statsmodels 0.13.2 version.
(Using a script editor, try searching for 'MSTL' through C:\Users{username}\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\statsmodels, or wherever statsmodels is installed on your machine, you will probably not find it)
You'll need to install the most recent version from the latest source on statsmodels's github repository:
From the anaconda prompt:
git clone
pip install git+
You will need a C compiler and git installed
For git you can use: conda install -c anaconda git
Be careful as the installation of the newest version may interfere with your other installed python packages.
I would recommend that you use a conda virtual environment for this.

How to setup ROS environment variable on Ubuntu 20.04?

I tried following this guide to install ROS, but even after adding ROS source.list and its key
sudo apt install ros-melodic-desktop-full
gave error.
E: Unable to locate package ros-melodic-desktop-full
Then I ran this command
sudo apt search ros
to see if any such package exists. I couldn't find ros-melodic-desktop-full but I found another similar package ros-desktop-full.
So I installed it instead. The installation went smooth without giving any errors.
Next step in the guide is to set-up ROS environment variable, but I have no such directory
So how do I setup the environment variable?
I also installed some tools and dependencies with this command
sudo apt install python3-rosdep python3-rosinstall python3-rosinstall-generator python3-wstool build-essential
and initialized rosdep
sudo rosdep init
rosdep update
The ros-desktop-full package you installed is part of the official Ubuntu release.
ROS Melodic (and in the future, Noetic) is published by the OSRF in a separate repository ( These packages install to /opt/ros/. However, some ROS packages have also been ported to Debian, which is how they found their way to Ubuntu (which derives from Debian).
The Debian packages are fully functional, but they do not install to /opt/ros. Instead, everything is integrated in the operating system itself. This means that you need to set up your personal workspace slightly differently.
Given that most tutorials assume that you use the OSRF packages, I suggest you either wait for the Noetic release (scheduled for the end of May 2020), then install ros-noetic-desktop-full, or downgrade to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS to use ROS Melodic.
From the documentation here, melodic is only supported on Ubuntu 18.04. The ROS version targeting Focal (20.04) is Noetic, but that one has not been released yet (see Distributions). I'm not sure what ROS version Ubuntu packages (the ros-desktop-full one you installed), but I was not successful in using it.
If you really do want to use Ubuntu 20.04, then I think your best option currently is to compile from source. Last time I checked the precompiled debs for Noetic are not yet available at (you can track release progress at github issue 21513). No idea if compiling Noetic from source is easy or hard, but I was able to compile ROS2 foxy from source without too much trouble though.

DataStax Enterprise 4.5 on RHEL / CentOS 7 won't fully install cqlsh

When trying to install DataStax Enterprise from the yum repository, cqlsh won't actually install because it depends on python 2.6 while RHEL/CentOS now ships with python 2.7 and removed 2.6.
It seems it should also be able to accept python 2.7, as far as I know, it is compatible. I just used the CentOS 7 system python 2.7 to install pip and then pip install cqlsh and it all seems to be good.
Hm... yes, that's tricky. The target path for site files is in the package, so one would need different packages for different versions of python (I believe). I filed a ticket, we will look into this.
