Visualize planes in reality kit and place texture in tile format - ios

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Alejandro Vargas wants to draw more attention to this question.
I'm trying to detect plane with table classification and I want to cover the table with an image. Imagine a chessboard covering the entire table surface.
My approach here is to detect planes (which I can) and use the attached image to get to repeat cover the table.
I tried doing it in both reality kit and SceneKit and reality kit gives the best results in terms of occlusion if there are objects on the table or if the table is near a wall or something.
I was able to achieve it in SceneKit by using the contentsTransform with wrapS and wrapT, having a repeated tile format.
But when I do it in RealityKit, the texture just stretches along the entire plane as more and more of the plane is detected. Can someone point me in the right direction here? I am using a lidar enabled device.
my image
in reality kit
in scenekit


ARKit plane with real world object above it

Thanks in advance for reading my question. I am really new to ARKit and have followed several tutorials which showed me how to use plane detection and using different textures for the planes. The feature is really amazing but here is my question. Would it be possible for the player to place the plane all over the desired area first and then interact with the new ground? For example, could I use the plane detection to detect and put grass texture over an area and then drive a real RC car over it? Just like driving it on real grass.
I have tried out the plane detection on my iPhone 6s while what I found is when I tried to put anything from real world on the top of plane surface it just simply got covered by the plane. Could you please give me some clue if it is possible to make the plane just stay on the ground without covering the real world object?
I think that's sth what you are searching for:
ARKit hide objects behind walls
Or another way is i think to track the position of the real world object for example with apples turicreate or CoreML or both -> then don't draw your stuff on the affected position.
Tracking moving objects is not supported, that's actually what it would be needed to make a real object interact with the a virtual one.
Said that I would recommend you using 2D image recognition and "read" every camera frame to detect the object while moving in the camera's view space. Look for the AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate protocol in Apple's developer site
Share your code and I could help with some ideas

Can ARKit detect specific surfaces as planes?

Using iOS 11 and iOS 12 and ARKit, we are currently able to detect planes on horizontal surfaces, and we may also visualize that plane on the surface.
I am wondering if we can declare, through some sort of image file, specific surfaces in which we want to detect planes? (possibly ignoring all other planes that ARKit detects from other surfaces)
If that is not possible, could we then perhaps capture the plane detected (via an image), to which we could then process through a CoreML model which identifies that specific surface?
ARKit has no support for such thing at the moment. You can indeed capture the plane detected as an image and if you're able to match this through core ML in real time, I'm sure lot of people would be interested!
You should:
get the 3D position of the corners of the plane
find their 2D position in the frame, using sceneView.projectPoint
extract the frame from the currentFrame.capturedImage
do an affine transform on the image to be left with the your plane, reprojected to a rectangle
do some ML / image processing to detect a match
Keep in mind that the ARKit rectangle detection is often not well aligned, and can have only part of the full plane.
Finally, unfortunately, the feature points that ARKit exposes are not useful since they dont contain any characteristics used for matching feature points across frames, and Apple has not say what algorithm they use to compute their feature points.
Here is small demo code for Find horizontal surface. In #Swift5 Github

How to get the coordinates of the moving object with GPUImage motionDetection- swift

How would I go about getting the screen coordinates of something that enters frame with motionDetection filter? I'm fairly new to programming, and would prefer a swift answer if possible.
Example - I have the iphone pointing at a wall - monitoring it with the motionDetector. If I bounce a tennis ball against the wall - I want the app to place an image of a tennis ball on the iphone display at the same spot it hit the wall.
To do this, I would need the coordinates of where the motion occurred.
I thought maybe the "centroid" argument did this.... but I'm not sure.
I should point out that the motion detector is pretty crude. It works by taking a low-pass filtered version of the video stream (a composite image generated by a weighted average of incoming video frames) and then subtracting that from the current video frame. Pixels that differ above a certain threshold are marked. The number of these pixels, along with the centroid of the marked pixels are provided as a result.
The centroid is a normalized (0.0-1.0) coordinate representing the centroid of all of these differing pixels. A normalized strength gives you the percentage of the pixels that were marked as differing.
Movement in a scene will generally cause a bunch of pixels to differ, and for a single moving object the centroid will generally be the center of that object. However, it's not a reliable measure, as lighting changes, shadows, other moving objects, etc. can also cause pixels to differ.
For true object tracking, you'll want to use feature detection and tracking algorithms. Unfortunately, the framework as published does not have a fully implemented version of any of these at present.

Voxel Animation

I have been able to convert a 3D mesh from Maya into Voxel art (looks like a bunch of cubes--similar to legos), all done in Maya. I plan on using the 3D art to wrap around my 2D textures to make it 2.5D. My question is: does the mesh being voxelized allow me to use the pieces as particles that i can put into a particle engine in XNA to have awesome dynamic effects?
No, because you get a set of vertices and index defining triangles with no information about cubes.
But you can create an algorithm that extract the info from the model. It's a bit hard but it's feasible.
I'd do it creating a 3d grid, and foreach face I'd launch rays from that face to the opposite face, taking every collision with the mesh, getting for each ray a number of collisions that should be pair (0, 2, 4,...), this between two points should have a solid volume.
That way it can be converted to voxels... on each collision it would be useful to store the bones that are related to the triangle that collides, this way you would be able to animate the voxel model.

XNA 2D Character Movement - Per-Pixel Physics

I want to make an 2D Shooter Game in XNA. The Terrain shall consist of an Bitmap Image which should be used as an collision map. I tried to do some Character Movement, but I failed with the side-collision and walking up slopes. Do you have any Ideas for that?
There's an excellent tutorial on pixel-perfect collision available on the MSDN App Hub.
Basically what you end up doing is pulling all the information from the texture (via GetData()) as an array, and looping through the overlapping pixels in each texture to see if they're both opaque, black, or whatever else you want to use to determine solidity. It gets a bit more complicated if you need scalable/rotated images, but the tutorial above contains instructions for that as well.
