Can't create twilio media templates - twilio

I've been trying to use this link to create a template that holds a file:
when i try to create the same template as the example i get this error:
{"code": 20404, "message": "The requested resource /Content was not found", "more_info": "", "status": 404}
i made sure my account's details that i was passing to the api were correct but still the error shows
i need the template to be created when i make the request using the api provided

Is your account allowed to use the Content API?! Before using the Content API, you need to fill out a form for Twilio Team to allow it to your account. You can see it on the init of this page.
When your account is allowed to use the API you will be able to create Content Templates by API.
I hope that it can help you! :D


Create a new Planner with Microsoft Flow

Using Flow I am trying to create a Team and then a Planner to add to the Team as a Tab.
I'm trying to create a new Planner in Flow with the Group ID generated from creating a Team.
Following the MS Graph API I've tried using an HTTP in Flow to make a POST to
with body
"owner": "GROUP ID HERE",
"title": "Planner"
But I get an error of Unauthorised. Can anyone please advise what I'm doing wrong?
Below is what my permissions on Azure Active Directory looks like to authenticate my API calls:
While I can create a planner through the Microsoft Graph API:
Request ID
I can't do the same thing on Flow using HTTP:
Almost every time, the issue with not having authorization to create a plan in a newly created group is because the calling user is not a member in the group. By default, when a group is created, the creator is an owner, but not a member. You'll need to add the user to the members.
If this isn't addressing your issue, you'll need to provide a bit more information on the error. The request id and the timestamp from the failed requests would allow us to directly diagnose the problem.

Confused connecting to API in Postman

I am doing a Backend rails thinkster tutorial that involves creating a clone of medium. I am at a step that requires testing the routes in Postman. Thinkster provides an API that has built in requests and pre-made connections.
But the tutorial goes from step "download Postman" to step "send request." There's no explanation about how to initially start using Postman.
So the first test is to test if you can create a new user with a Register request. I am guessing this is in the Auth folder of the API as there is a Post request called "Register".
I am not seeing an area though that suggests I can make a user. All of the items in my collection are have a request Url that starts with {{apiUrl}}. Example: login's POST request is {{apiUrl}}/login. And if I hover over {{apiUrl}}, it says "unresolved variable: variable is not defined in current environment."
Could anyone help me get going with these tests? Below is a gif of my Postman setup as well as the list of tests the tutorial wants run. I am sure I am not providing something that I may need to in order to get help on this. Please let me know if you are not being presented with all info needed! Thanks.
Test out Postman authentication functionality using Postman
You should be able to:
Create an account using the Register request in Postman
Test the Login endpoint using Postman
Try registering another user with the same email or username, you
should get an error back from the backend
Test the Current User endpoint using Postman
Try logging in to the user you created with an invalid password, you
should get an error back from the backend
Try updating the email, username, bio, or image for the user
My friend I will try to answer at least the question about {{apiUrl}}
This are variables that can be global or environment, obviously global apply to all projects and environment, you will need to select the environment in which they apply.
Now to make it work, do the following.
Copy the url to your API server.
Replace it with the magic variable between {{}}
Go to the gear where you manage this global or environment variables «lest make a local one»
Click on add
first name your environment however you like, the go to the grid and make a variable placing the name inside the key and your servir url on the value side. Then save.
Don't forget to select the environment where you are working.
Thats it now your {{variable}} should work. Now you can use this variables all over postman, they are very helpful. If you are using a JWT token, you will be able to assign it to a variable and the use it on your postman api.

Permanent access to youtube api

I'm using YoutubeAPI v3.0 to automatically upload videos to my own channel. However the script still needs manual intervention during Oath2.0 authorization. How to make it completely automatic?
1) Access the API using username and password
2) Or find a way to create permanent OAuth2.0 authentication
P/S: I use this script to upload
The only thing I can think of is web scraping. Basically, programmatically open the web page and get its HTML. Then find the authorization code, and store it as a string. I don't know if your scripting language of choice can do it, but Python has Beautiful Soup (links at the bottom). The problem, of course, is accessing the contents of a page like that which is pretty clearly designed to be reached by a logged in user from a web browser. I've never done that, but there's some concept of a "login handshake" where you post the data to the server that's needed as you access the page. I've a few links at the bottom.
Anyway, to give you a better idea of what I mean in pseudo-code (for those who may be confused), it'd be something like:
webURL = '";
webPageObject = openPage(webURL);
pageHTML = webPageObject.getHTML();
theHTMLTag = searchForTagById(pageHTML, "<p id='oAuthMessage'>");
//And from there, figure out where the string containing the code is.
//Probably just by getting a substring from the end of the text in the <p>
//backward until you reach the length of the oAuth code.
You'll have to look at the page source to know which tags to look for specifically, but this can all just be done programmatically/automatically, as you wanted.
Login handshake - Scraping from a website that requires a login?
Beautiful Soup - -
You can use get Google OAUTH2 for devices in order to have fully automatic token renewal process.
So all you need now is:
Request a device code and confirmation code
Enter confirmation code to confirm your application have access for specific account
Generate new or renew existing ACCESS_TOKEN for your device code
Upload Video using your device code and valid ACCESS_TOKEN
Here is documentation for it.
And here is some examples.

OAuth2 + GData Client API - usage

I am trying build a page, where a user can login using his google id and can access Picasaweb albums.
I am using (downloaded from here), (downloaded from here) and (downloaded from here)
After setting up the OAuth2 workflow and getting the access token, I had created Credential object
return new GoogleCredential.Builder().setClientSecrets(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET)
When I am trying to create the PicasawebService object and set OAuth2Credentials as mentioned in this link, I do NOT see a method setOAuth2Credentials in the list of methods available for PicasawebService object. I can only see setOAuthCredentials(parameters, signer) method available. Is this expected?
Not sure where I should go from here on how to access the web albums data? Kind of stuck! please help?
Thank you,
Try using PicasaClient as is done in this sample:
PicasaClient client = new PicasaClient(HTTP_TRANSPORT.createRequestFactory(credential));
You probably have to include PicasaClient, PicasaUrl and the model classes manually.
Another option would be to go down the already deprecated, but supported until April 2015, AuthSub way.

How do I get a list of Google Docs for the current logged in user with Apps Script?

I am working with Apps Script on a Google Site and I am trying to use Oauth to authenticate the gadget as the active user to show the active users documents list. I have found several Google group discussions asking about this with no answers, was hoping I could get an answer on here. Here is my code:
var oauthConfig = UrlFetchApp.addOAuthService("gDocs");
var options =
"method": "GET",
"headers": { "GData-Version": "3.0" },
"oAuthServiceName" : "gDocs",
"oAuthUseToken" : "always"
var results = UrlFetchApp.fetch("", options);
At this point the code does not run and the page with the gadget displays:
Authorization is required to perform that action.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
James Krimm
In order to perform authorization using 3-legged OAuth, you have to use 'anonymous' as ConsumerKey and ConsumerSecret:
Also, please note that the correct feed url is
However, if your goal is to get the list of documents for the active user, why don't you just use the DocsList Services provided by Apps Script? They will also take care of parsing the results for you.
It's not possible to access the active user data. A published Apps Script, as on a site, runs under the account of the script owner, called effective user. And, as a security concern, the script owner does not have permission to access any data of the active user.
So, what #claudio suggests (of using builtin DocsList) is not possible.
Unless we're talking about a Google Apps domain (and not regular consumer accounts) and the script owner is the domain administrator. In which case he can use the Google Docs List Data API to impersonate any user on his domain.
Either way, the consumer key and secret should always be "anonymous", regardless this scenario.
I have a Google Script OAuth library that will make the OAuth part less painful.
And some source code for a currently being developed DriveSrevice Library that will hit the points that are missing in Google Script.
This particular error is probably not related to OAuth but related to adding DocsList to the app.
Authorization is required to perform that action.
This error indicates that the script is lacking the authorization
needed to run. When a script is run in the Script Editor or from a
custom menu item an authorization dialog is presented to the user.
However, when a script is run as a service, embedded with a Google
Sites page, or run from a trigger the dialog cannot be presented and
this error is shown. To authorize the script, open the Script Editor
and run any function. To avoid this error, remember to run the script
once in the Script Editor after adding new services or capabilities to your script.
The answers here are not correct. You CAN do what you need, but not using Oauth directly. Instead, publish the Apps Script with the option to "run as the current user" instead of the script owner. Then use DocsList of DriveApp to get at the users files. The key here is to publish the service to "run as the user accessing the app".
